I am not a muslim, or thier representative, just a white, suburban, middle class, Navy veteran from a decidedly red state, who was raised on a small farm and in suburbs in the midwest andhas worked since the day I turned sixteen, with a wife, kids, grandkids, and a dog named Toby.
I am not intolerant of, nor do i hate this nation
To the contrary, I love my country, warts and all
I just am honest enough, and love it, and its people, enough to recognize that she has some.
Religous, cultural and ideological fanaticism is a big one. So is ignorance, of the world, and its cultures and peoples.
I love and cherish the diversity, acceptance, and understanding that make this great country what it is.
I abhor narrow-minded intolerance, especially that born of ignorance, and fertilized by fanatical, simple-minded, sound-byte proclamations by fear-mongering scaredycats.
It is, by design and in fact, not a christian nation, however... Check the constitution... It is a representative republic whose constitution specifically allows everyone to practice thier chosen faith, (mostly... Human sacrifice, polygamy, and a few other exceptions come to mind...)
You brought up federal spending... And the constitution. Simple fact is that taxpayer dollars are spent on thousands of things that benefit only some of the taxpayers. Smoking lounges, handicapped facilities, playgrounds, stadiums, etc., etc., etc. You point out one that may benefit some people that you have decided not to like. BTW... Are non-muslims prohibited from using the facilities? Might be nice on a long day at the old salt mine. BTW, the chapels are of little use to citizens who happen to atheists or agnostics, and are used for actual services conducted by clergy of various religions. Does the constitution provide for taxpayer funding of worship facilities, or not? Or, only for those of who you approve?
The constitution is clear that the federal government may request the states to supply armies in the event of invasion, insurrection, or rebellion.... Not a single mention of invading countries on other continents that not only don't, but can't, threaten the U.S. Also not so much as a suggestion of policing the world, xcpt a specific provision for a Navy to protect U.S. trade, or maintaining 700ish military bases in 140 countries around the world.
Have you ever read it?
I would suggest the Heritage Foundation Guide to the Constitution as a place to start.
Knowledge is power, understanding is strength