Is there a new stimulus on the way

We've heard this kind of promises before. Too little too late Dems and Reps. You never be forgotten. Pelosi and crews are going down for using the American lives for their agenda, NOW that we have a new elected President they admittedly will get something done. To simply play with people's lives for political reasons or power is enough to have them removed from their seats IMO.

Will we see a vote come Fri.? I doubt it...
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Looks like a vote today, if it’s what I read the other day the airlines will be included and it will be around 17 billion for payroll protection
All the Trumpers Republicans that are about to get laid off. Stimulus=Welfare.
Seems to me the UNIONs are the ones begging for welfare, or has airline payroll protection being a hot topic on these forums escaped your attention?

I support low interest loans. I do not support bail outs. I honestly don't know of any Republicans that support bail outs.
Seems to me the UNIONs are the ones begging for welfare, or has airline payroll protection being a hot topic on these forums escaped your attention?

I support low interest loans. I do not support bail outs. I honestly don't know of any Republicans that support bail outs.

Trump is FORCING ME to take "MORE MONEY', while still laid-off, and still collecting $$$ !

AND what's also wonderful, our President elect will SEND MUCH MORE($$$) this spring !

It's NOT my FAULT, If I'm at the bottom in seniority of my AIRLINE contractor job. But maybe I'll get lucky and get recalled (maybe) in " 2021 " !! :rolleyes:

Seems to me the UNIONs are the ones begging for welfare, or has airline payroll protection being a hot topic on these forums escaped your attention?

I support low interest loans. I do not support bail outs. I honestly don't know of any Republicans that support bail outs.

Agree. Yes, the unions were first calling for an extension to the PSP. Then came along the airline execs and CEO's calling for it. And right at the end, thousands upon thousands of airline employees were calling, writing and contacting the House and Congress Representatives calling for an extension to avoid any more layoffs and furloughs. the real question will be, if this does get voted on today and passes WILL the airlines (AA & UAL) call back employees already on furlough/layoff? I hope so...
Looks like a vote today, if it’s what I read the other day the airlines will be included and it will be around 17 billion for payroll protection

15 Billion for PSP assistance.
Only covers thru March 31st 2021.
If they are going to do another one in March then get it done early so the overlap will keep folks working.
In hopes all airline employees furloughed or laid off will get called back.
Agree. Yes, the unions were first calling for an extension to the PSP. Then came along the airline execs and CEO's calling for it. And right at the end, thousands upon thousands of airline employees were calling, writing and contacting the House and Congress Representatives calling for an extension to avoid any more layoffs and furloughs. the real question will be, if this does get voted on today and passes WILL the airlines (AA & UAL) call back employees already on furlough/layoff? I hope so...
No, the real question is why do you feel entitled to a paycheck funded by the taxpayers when there is no public demand for your companies services.

Sounds to me like you have a lot of airline workers that want a paycheck to sit on their ass at someone else's expense (nothing new for the TWU membership I assure you). You act like no other workers in other industries are facing the prospect of job loss and should support YOU even though you make far more than the median income for a HOUSEHOLD (The U.S. median household income was $68,703 in 2019). Bonus if your spouse works. Do what everyone else does, get another job until times improve and demand picks back up. It's not the general public's fault that your average airline worker is so stupid he buries himself in debt and obligation. I have seen that **** show too many times. You have some idiot mechanic go buy fine homes, cars, and boats, then he loses his job and goes into a panic because he knows without his lucrative airline job he is facing bankruptcy.

Now we have a situation where grown ass people, who make FAR more than the average American worker, are holding their hand out wanting someone else to support their stupid financial decisions.

Unless loads pick up why bother recalling when your going to layoff again come March 2021?
WELFARE. Guess its stimulus when its for Republicans. Welfare when its for Democrates. LMFAO.
I was once on the bottom of the seniority list and getting laid off is just the way it goes. Stop crying and begging for Welfare and go find another job like everyone else in this country.
So, Pelosi wanted 4 trillion Trump offered almost 2 trillion and after the election she accepts less than 1 trillion. What a brilliant negotiator, but it was never about helping people.
We all do not like this, but in the end it is cheaper to pay companies to pay people not needed than it is to have the government pay those people directly.
The last stimulus form the airline industry standpoint didn't cost the government anything in the long run, it was cheaper than the alternative.
No, the real question is why do you feel entitled to a paycheck funded by the taxpayers when there is no public demand for your companies services.

Sounds to me like you have a lot of airline workers that want a paycheck to sit on their ass at someone else's expense (nothing new for the TWU membership I assure you). You act like no other workers in other industries are facing the prospect of job loss and should support YOU even though you make far more than the median income for a HOUSEHOLD (The U.S. median household income was $68,703 in 2019). Bonus if your spouse works. Do what everyone else does, get another job until times improve and demand picks back up. It's not the general public's fault that your average airline worker is so stupid he buries himself in debt and obligation. I have seen that **** show too many times. You have some idiot mechanic go buy fine homes, cars, and boats, then he loses his job and goes into a panic because he knows without his lucrative airline job he is facing bankruptcy.

Now we have a situation where grown ass people, who make FAR more than the average American worker, are holding their hand out wanting someone else to support their stupid financial decisions.

Where the fuk did you get all that??
Never once have I ever said or felt entitled to anything. What most morons fail to see is the savings of jobs, American workers keeping their jobs, staying afloat, and still providing for their families. No one said anything about receiving a check to sit on their arses either. It is in fact a means for employees to continue going into work and "EARNING" their wages as they normally do and have been.
Another issue this relief prevents is for Southwest not to furlough or layoff for it's first time in history.
Also another point is, this is NOT just for airlines, it's for the transportation industry, rail, busses, as well as small businesses to also remain open and in business.
I don't need to go out and find another job, I can get by just fine with what I earn because I have no house payment, car payments, credit card debt, or any other debt than my routine monthly utility bills. Not all mechanics live as you suggest, matter fact most are living way within their means.
Most Americans live to the means that they have available no matter how much they earn. And for you to talk down a to people who were successful in getting the education and experience to earn six figure income plus speaks volumes.

No, what we have is hard working Americans trying to keep their businesses open so by helping with relief bill will help slow and stop job losses, unemployment, suicides, depression, mental illness, etc... You really do need to quit thinking it's all about "just" wanting money.

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