Read The Stimulus

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  • #16
No surprise: Stimulus 2.0

House Democrats propose $410B spending bill
WASHINGTON (AP) LINK— House Democrats unveiled a $410 billion spending bill on Monday to keep the government running through the end of the fiscal year, setting up the second political struggle over federal funds in less than a month with Republicans.

The measure includes thousands of earmarks, the pet projects favored by lawmakers but often criticized by the public in opinion polls. There was no official total of the bill's earmarks, which accounted for at least $3.8 billion.

The legislation, which includes an increase of roughly 8 percent over spending in the last fiscal year, is expected to clear the House later in the week.
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  • #17
More drunken spending on Stimulus bill 2.0

Earmark reform? 2009 spending bill contains 9,000 of them
Modesto Bee
During the 2008 presidential campaign, candidates Barack Obama and John McCain fought vigorously over who would be toughest on congressional earmarks.

“We need earmark reform,†Obama said in September during a presidential debate in Oxford, Miss. “And when I’m president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.â€

President Barack Obama should prepare to carve out a lot of free time and keep the coffee hot this week as Congress prepares to unveil a $410 billion omnibus spending bill that’s riddled with thousands of earmarks, despite his calls for restraint and efforts on Capitol Hill to curtail the practice.

The bill will contain about 9,000 earmarks totaling $5 billion, congressional officials say. Many of the earmarks — loosely defined as local projects inserted by members of Congress — were inserted last year as the spending bills worked their way through various committees.

So while Obama and McCain were slamming earmarks on the camp aign trail, House and Senate members — Democrats and Republicans — were slapping them into spending bills.

“It will be a little embarrassing for the president if he signs a bill with that many earmarks on it,†said Stan Collender, a veteran Washington budget analyst.

Text of New $410 Billion Stimulus: Link

Some of the pork:

* $200,000 for “Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program,†pg. 283;

*Maine lobster earmark in the omnibus, pg. 173;

*$5.8 million earmark for the “Ted Kennedy Institute for the Senate…for the planning and design of a building & an endowment,†pg. 232;

*and National Council of La Raza, $473,000 earmark from Sens. Bingaman and Menendez, pg. 212.

More drunken spending on Stimulus bill 2.0

Earmark reform? 2009 spending bill contains 9,000 of them

Text of New $410 Billion Stimulus: Link

Some of the pork:

* $200,000 for “Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program,â€￾ pg. 283;

*Maine lobster earmark in the omnibus, pg. 173;

*$5.8 million earmark for the “Ted Kennedy Institute for the Senate…for the planning and design of a building & an endowment,â€￾ pg. 232;

*and National Council of La Raza, $473,000 earmark from Sens. Bingaman and Menendez, pg. 212.


I reviewed your link and was unable to find the "Ted Kennedy Institute" or the "National Council of La Raza" on the page numbers you indicated. Did you give us the wrong page numbers? Those are the two I am more interested in reviewing.
How many zeros in a billion? :shock:

The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in
one of its releases..

A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago our ancestors were
living in the Stone Age.

A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth .

A billion dollars ago was only
8 hours and 20 minutes,
at the rate our government
is spending it.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division

Louisiana Senator,
Mary Landrieu (D),
is presently asking the Congress for
to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number,
what does it mean?

Well, if you are one of
484,674 residents of
New Orleans
(every man, woman, child),
you each get $516,528.

Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in
New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.

Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets

Washington, D. C
< HELLO! >
Are all your calculators broken??

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax),
Liquor Tax,
Luxury Tax,
Marriage License Tax,
Medicare Tax,
Property Tax,
Real Estate Tax,
Service charge taxes,
Social Security Tax,
Road Usage Tax (Truckers),
Sales Taxes,
Recreational Vehicle Tax,
School Tax,
State Income Tax,
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),
Telephone Federal Excise Tax,
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax,
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax,
Telephone Minimum Us age Surcharge Tax,
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax,
Telephone State and Local Tax,
Telephone Usage Charge Tax,
Utility Tax,
Vehicle License Registration Tax,
Vehicle Sales Tax,
Watercraft Registration Tax,
Well Permit Tax,
Workers Compensation Tax.

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened?
Can you spell 'politicians?'

And I still have to
'press 1'
for English.
And From our Presidents mouth, as I watch his speech tonight, "We................have just passed a stimulus package....................that has "NO PORK" !

Is he kidding or does he really believe the American people are really that stupid..................err, the majority of American people ? :down:
And From our Presidents mouth, as I watch his speech tonight, "We................have just passed a stimulus package....................that has "NO PORK" !

Is he kidding or does he really believe the American people are really that stupid..................err, the majority of American people ? :down:

He's feeding the Street some crap so the market hopefully will start to gain......

Hear the mantra of the 'crisis is over by years end'.....'no bank nationalization'....all smoke and mirrors and it will be bought...for a while... :lol:
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  • #24
New Logo for the Obamas Pork Pet Project:


Other winning ideas:


Can anyone tell me WHY you guys NEVER talk about some of the area's of GOOD spending, on justified, or make that......"fullfilling LEGAL debts", that the FEDS owe ??????????????
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  • #26
Can anyone tell me WHY you guys NEVER talk about some of the area's of GOOD spending, on justified, or make that......"fullfilling LEGAL debts", that the FEDS owe ??????????????

Because there is none that's why. Its not supposed to be a spending spree. Remember "timely targeted and temporary"? But that concept is too much for ignorant someone who equates capitalism to banks and debt.
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  • #27
Six of the top ten Senate 'porkers' are Republican
Donny Ferguson on Mar 03, 2009

Taxpayers for Common Sense released a database Monday of the 8,570 earmarks, totaling $7.7 billion, in the FY09 omnibus spending bill.

Remember all that talk last week about Republicans "learning the error of their ways" and promising to embrace fiscal responsibility? Well, it seems six of the ten biggest recepients of earmarks just happen to be Republicans.

Perhaps a Republican will insert an earmark using taxpayer money to build a "Museum of Empty Promises." They could enshrine "we'll cut spending if you just put us back in power" next to Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton's "she meant nothing, it'll never happen again."

Byrd (D-WV) $122,804,900
Shelby (R-AL) $114,484,250
Bond (R-MO) $85,691,491
Feinstein (D-CA) $76,899,425
Cochran (R-MS) $75,908,475
Murkowski (R-AK) $74,000,750
Harkin (D-IA) $66,860,000
Inhofe (R-OK) $53,133,500
McConnell (R-KY) $51,186,000
Inouye (D-HI) $46,380,205

Now you know why I call them Republicrats

They sure are!
Because there is none that's why. Its not supposed to be a spending spree. Remember "timely targeted and temporary"? But that concept is too much for ignorant someone who equates capitalism to banks and debt.


Take ALL the time you need, to tell us WHY the FEDS shouldn't pay out over $8B to the Native American Indian tribes for Adequate Schools and Heath care(think IHS)(Indian health service), that was DUE via many Treaty's, that for the most part NEVER fulfilled !

I CAN'T "WAIT" to see how you'll SPIN "this one" !!!!!
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  • #29

Take ALL the time you need, to tell us WHY the FEDS shouldn't pay out over $8B to the Native American Indian tribes for Adequate Schools and Heath care(think IHS)(Indian health service), that was DUE via many Treaty's, that for the most part NEVER fulfilled !

I CAN'T "WAIT" to see how you'll SPIN "this one" !!!!!
There is no spin, its common sense. If it is due to them, then it should go through thru the normal appropriations process. Its not something that should be considered for emergency funding in order to "stimulate the economy".
The US Government has done many things to harm American Indians. One could argue that the current situation on many reservations is the direct result of the cradle to grave "Programs" designed to "help" them.

The Indians have had just about all the help from the Feds they can stand. It wasn't until the Indians got smart, hired lawyers to fight the feds and build casinos and use that money to lift their people up did the plight of the Indian improve. What you see on the typical reservation is end result of decades of federal handouts not unlike this current "Stimulus" package.

Beware the words of Red Cloud speaking before Congress in 1888: "The white man has broken every promise made to us except one! You promised to take our land"

Good job remembering your history PINEY, as far as the Red Cloud quote goes.

Having lived 5 miles from the MEGA casino's in Connecticut, I can tell you from experience, of having friends that live in SD, where they have NO Casino's on most of the reservations.
I've seen with my own eyes, schools that you wouldnt walk into because of Fear that the so-called building would collapse around you, or "clinics" that you wouldn't take your DOG to !!

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