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Is the Bush Administration stomping on our rights?

When assault weapons are banned the only ones who will have them is the Government.
Checks and balances....this is why the founders believed in the second amendment....to keep the Government in check and directly responsible to the populace...not to oppress it.
We give them the upper hand with an assault weapon ban.
You may say it would never happen here where the Government got so far out of control that the populace would challenge it......
Ever hear of the Civil War?
Your Government fears you being armed.Think about that.

Oh,by the way......as far as Bush trampling all over the Constitution......Progressives have no use for it.
People who strive to abide by the Constitution are know as Right wing extremists.Wonder why ?

Bill Clinton and many others see the Constitution as an outmoded document...How about that?
Only thing I am saying dell is that our beloved "war president" trampled over our constitutional rights with nary a word from most of you. Seems I recall reading many responses that said "if I don't have anything to hide, I don't have anything to worry about". But somehow, warrantless searches were of some concern to our founding fathers. When we allowed the Bush administration to violate that document, we opened the door to allowing someone else to violate it as well. The founding fathers laid down a process to change and amend the constitution. The process is not an easy one...on purpose. Bush did not follow that process, and has laid the groundwork for future violations. I screamed that at the time, but I was little more than a "left wing liberal extremist".

Because I do not think 'liberating' Iraqi oil was worth the lives of nearly 5,000 soldiers and who knows how many thousands of Iraqi lives. Because if they wanted to be liberated, it is my belief they they would have found a way to do it on their own. Because if freedom and justice were the concern of the US, there are other countries which are far more deserving of our aid. Because Iraq had nothing to do with liberation. Because Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Because going into Iraq has allowed the US Fed to slowly take away a few of our rights. Because it is far more difficult to get rights as opposed to taking them away.
And why do these detainees need representation?

Threw too much fecal matter on our boys?

Maybe you and Cindy Sheehan should bring those poor,poor

detainees into your homes for repatriation.... :lol:

Isn't our system the best? If so then...

Questions to ponder? If possible think about these before answering. Why NOT charge them if they've committed crimes? Why NOT allow them "their day" in open court?
What is to hide?
Don't get me wrong. If they're guilty punish them,and swiftly. However secrecy that subverts the system is not good, from either side. Remember we have a system of parliamentary justice. Prior rulings take legal precedent. That can also include holding individuals without charges.Our system can be an interesting and subtle way to change things. Often times not for the better.
Law guidelines change with times also, and often for reasons that we don't know about.
Under the Homeland Security Act, Justice Department guidelines have construed that if you are both Christian, and a firearms owner that you too are a possible terrorist. How long will it be, in our nation where liberal judges have actually subverted victims rights,before legal precedent makes you and I criminals because we happen to be in both those categories,and spoke our minds about injustice in the U.S.?

I received a letter,forwarded via email from a friend of a friend...

I've found that more often than not, things are not as we'd let ourselves be allowed to believe. Remember this we're Americans,we're voters,we're tax payers. We alone should be both wise enough and objective enough to make sure that the RIGHT THINGS are being done. And based on the Christian principles that were used to found this wonderful nation of ours. Love your country enough to allow yourself to be wise and thoughtful for it's future. Don't be rash, and emotional when cooler heads should prevail.


Subject: Very very interesting analysis

Dear Sutarji, I am way behind on my e-mails as usual. But I just received this one, which is supposedly written by a Muslim. I would be interested in your opinion of this article. Having a Phd your views would be most interesting to me. I sent the article that you sent me to my entire e-mail list. I have received back three replies, which I will share with you when I catch up. I love the Internet as it allows us to send articles back and forth among ourselves, WITHOUT the government, the press or the politicians deciding what we should read. I know we have a FREE press in the US but I also know that in some instances it is very biased. That is the reason I appreciate it when you send me an article as I know it is something which you feel strongly about, therefore, I want to read it and to try and understand your point of view. My view on the Palestine situation is that the people of Palestine have suffered so very, very much over the years and I am very sad for them. But the Arab world has had enough money to solve the Palestine situation IF they wanted to. Most of the Arab countries are dictators and they do not want the Palestine situation solved as then their people might turn their attention to their own country and demand some basic freedoms. Now all the Arab dictators can point to Palestine and tell their people that they do not have it that bad, therefore, they should be satisfied by what they do have. I find all of this very sad and I wish it was not that way. Another thing which concerns me very much is that the radical Muslims who are doing most of the killing are not opposed by the "moderate" Muslims. Now I don't know if this it out of fear or if the "moderates" really agree with the militants (I would appreciate your views on this topic). For anyone, anywhere to kill innocent people in the name of their God is just wrong from my point of view. We should all live and let live in my opinion. That is why the jihads are so perplexing to me. I simply do not understand how a Holy person could issue an order to kill innocent people. I do not understand how a Holy person could issue an order to kill anyone, especially in the name of religion. Per my view, we each have the right to choose the religion of our choice and others should respect that choice. Now I know it is not always easy to separate religion from politics and therefore problems arise. But I have a very difficult understanding or sympathizing with the Muslim extremists. Again, I value your opinion and would like to hear your views. If you give me permission I would share your views with my entire e-mail list. Understanding seems in short supply these days and it is my goal to increase understanding for everyone. With warmest wishes, Don

Dear Don
Thank you for asking my opinion on the present carnage in Gaza. My opinion is not based on Muslim brotherhood but more on human equal right and democracy that has been championed by the West. What we saw in Gaza is not "war on Gaza" but a genocide or maybe rightfully called holocaust of innocent Palestinians in Gaza, brutally carried out by Israel. What is most saddening, the US who is supposed to be championing the human right cause, condoned if not aided the carnage. I hope Americans will not deny the fact that the US provides weapons and money to finance the Israeli regime. The US also used countless veto to protect Israel . Remember the UN Resolution 242 dated 22 November 1967 that Israel must withdraw from the newly occupied territories to bring lasting peace in the Middle East. Israel defied the UN Resolution and continue to occupy among others Gaza and west Bank. Remember the Gulf War in 1990, the US assembled Coalition force to force Iraq from Kuwaeit? Why the US not assembled similar force to force Israel to withdraw from it occupied territories?

Hence, in my humble opinion, the US blindly support Israel, to such an extend that what matter to Israel is the US support. The US support has made Israel to have no qualm committing crimes against humanity with absolute impunity, as long as it has US support.

The so called rockets attack on Israel as the main reason of Israelis attack on Gaza on the ground of self-defence is nonsense. Take one step back. After winning the Palestinian democratic election, Hamas rightfully governed Palestine. Unfortunately Hamas is not a brand love by the West. Israel felt threatened and blockaded Gaza, turning Gaza into a big prison. The Israelis not only suffocated Palestinians but continue to kill them one by one on the pretext that they are terrorists. Under this circumstances, would you, if you are their position, just relax, enjoy the suffocating blockade and wait for the Israeli bomb to hit you? If you do, I must admire you. But the Palestinians are also human, they want to live just like you and I. So they have to struggle to break the blockade - no one is willing to help them. But they have nothing except for their own body and crude rockets that are able to kill a few Israelis in the last 8 years compared to 1000 Palestinians by Israelis in just 3 weeks (from 27 December 2008 to 15 January 2009), not counting other deaths that have been committed before.

Many people in the US felt that Palestinians do not deserve to live peacefully because they do not recognize Israel's right to exist. I am asking you, do the Israelis recognize the Palestinians right to exist? If so, they would not continue to occupy Palestine until today. If you put yourself as a Palestinian, the Israeli had taken your land and driven you from your home to become a refugee, would you recognize Israel?

The current Israeli strategy to numb Palestinians into submission by imposing its will under under the weight of its military might (aided by the US) will not work. Palestinians have endured continuous suffering in the last 60 years will continue to fight. I beleived they will continue fight until they are releived of the present and past suffering. Hence, you expect no peace until Israel accept the UN Resolution 242 and withdraw from occupying Gaza and West Bank.

Don, I want to share more words with you, but, time is not on my side. It is already 0100 in Malaysia. Thank you for your kindness for allowing me to express my opinion on the important issue. Regards from Sutarji
And why do these detainees need representation?

Threw too much fecal matter on our boys?

Maybe you and Cindy Sheehan should bring those poor,poor

detainees into your homes for repatriation.... :lol:

Dell people have a right, and more importantly, a RESPONSIBLITY to ask questions of our leaders, and ANSWERS should be demanded.

Here's aother concept that you actually are not acquainted with; GOOD AMERICANS don't bury their heads in the ------- sand, and expect the government to do what's right.
Dell people have a right, and more importantly, a RESPONSIBLITY to ask questions of our leaders, and ANSWERS should be demanded.

Here's aother concept that you actually are not acquainted with; GOOD AMERICANS don't bury their heads in the ------- sand, and expect the government to do what's right.

I could give a damn about those murderers due process rights.They can rot in Gitmo for all I care.

If I had my way they would have been released at sea.

Why don't you ask your Messiah where he was born if you're such a good Amerikan?

I'd rather bury my head in the sand than put it where you do.
I could give a damn about those murderers due process rights.They can rot in Gitmo for all I care.

If I had my way they would have been released at sea.

Why don't you ask your Messiah where he was born if you're such a good Amerikan?

I'd rather bury my head in the sand than put it where you do.

Congatulations, you now have the same sort of extremist/thoughtless viewpoints that are mimicked by and provide the world with the terrorist element. You've now become the enemy you hate.
Jump on the bandwagon with those that kill because it's easier than trying to understand.
I could give a damn about those murderers due process rights.They can rot in Gitmo for all I care.

If I had my way they would have been released at sea.

Why don't you ask your Messiah where he was born if you're such a good Amerikan?

I'd rather bury my head in the sand than put it where you do.


They are not murders until a court of law says they are. This country believes (or at least it used too) that a person is innocent til proven guilty. I was not aware that we had done away with that covenant of US law. If we have then the USC has no meaning and we may as well shred it.

The US is supposed to be a country that is based on the rule of law. Unfortunately there have been times (one is one too many IMO) where we have decided to set aside our laws and screw over a certain segment of society when it suites our purpose of expediency or paranoia. We as a nation have usually lived long enough to regret our actions as we have learned that the actions were unwarranted, unneeded and completely against everything this nation has stood for. The internment of the American Japanese comes to mind.

Were I a foreigner and you Americans came into my country to liberate me from what ever ills you seem to think I face, I would be looking at your history and wondering why you do not practice what you preach.

When America treats the people at Gitmo the way we do, we loose credibility to the rest of the world. It says that we only grant rights to those who we choose to grant them too. The rule of law that we claim to cherish is only for a select few. That ain't going to fly in the rest of the world. Either the rule of law applies to everyone or it is useless as far as I am concerned.
Your touchy feely crowd will let them go to regroup and kill our boys again.Already happened.Make you feel warm all over?

Like I said......if I had my way,they'd be released at sea.

Jump on the bandwagon with those that kill because it's easier than trying to understand.

I think I'm going to cry....
If your answer is to abandon the USC and the rule of law when it is convenient, that is a path I would rather not follow.
If your answer is to abandon the USC and the rule of law when it is convenient, that is a path I would rather not follow.

Abandon the rule of law when convenient.......sounds like a dude I know who rationalized serving in the armed forces if asked.
Isn't our system the best? If so then...

Questions to ponder? If possible think about these before answering. Why NOT charge them if they've committed crimes? Why NOT allow them "their day" in open court?
What is to hide?
Don't get me wrong. If they're guilty punish them,and swiftly. However secrecy that subverts the system is not good, from either side. Remember we have a system of parliamentary justice. Prior rulings take legal precedent. That can also include holding individuals without charges.Our system can be an interesting and subtle way to change things. Often times not for the better.
Law guidelines change with times also, and often for reasons that we don't know about.
Under the Homeland Security Act, Justice Department guidelines have construed that if you are both Christian, and a firearms owner that you too are a possible terrorist. How long will it be, in our nation where liberal judges have actually subverted victims rights,before legal precedent makes you and I criminals because we happen to be in both those categories,and spoke our minds about injustice in the U.S.?

I received a letter,forwarded via email from a friend of a friend...

I've found that more often than not, things are not as we'd let ourselves be allowed to believe. Remember this we're Americans,we're voters,we're tax payers. We alone should be both wise enough and objective enough to make sure that the RIGHT THINGS are being done. And based on the Christian principles that were used to found this wonderful nation of ours. Love your country enough to allow yourself to be wise and thoughtful for it's future. Don't be rash, and emotional when cooler heads should prevail.


Subject: Very very interesting analysis

Dear Sutarji, I am way behind on my e-mails as usual. But I just received this one, which is supposedly written by a Muslim. I would be interested in your opinion of this article. Having a Phd your views would be most interesting to me. I sent the article that you sent me to my entire e-mail list. I have received back three replies, which I will share with you when I catch up. I love the Internet as it allows us to send articles back and forth among ourselves, WITHOUT the government, the press or the politicians deciding what we should read. I know we have a FREE press in the US but I also know that in some instances it is very biased. That is the reason I appreciate it when you send me an article as I know it is something which you feel strongly about, therefore, I want to read it and to try and understand your point of view. My view on the Palestine situation is that the people of Palestine have suffered so very, very much over the years and I am very sad for them. But the Arab world has had enough money to solve the Palestine situation IF they wanted to. Most of the Arab countries are dictators and they do not want the Palestine situation solved as then their people might turn their attention to their own country and demand some basic freedoms. Now all the Arab dictators can point to Palestine and tell their people that they do not have it that bad, therefore, they should be satisfied by what they do have. I find all of this very sad and I wish it was not that way. Another thing which concerns me very much is that the radical Muslims who are doing most of the killing are not opposed by the "moderate" Muslims. Now I don't know if this it out of fear or if the "moderates" really agree with the militants (I would appreciate your views on this topic). For anyone, anywhere to kill innocent people in the name of their God is just wrong from my point of view. We should all live and let live in my opinion. That is why the jihads are so perplexing to me. I simply do not understand how a Holy person could issue an order to kill innocent people. I do not understand how a Holy person could issue an order to kill anyone, especially in the name of religion. Per my view, we each have the right to choose the religion of our choice and others should respect that choice. Now I know it is not always easy to separate religion from politics and therefore problems arise. But I have a very difficult understanding or sympathizing with the Muslim extremists. Again, I value your opinion and would like to hear your views. If you give me permission I would share your views with my entire e-mail list. Understanding seems in short supply these days and it is my goal to increase understanding for everyone. With warmest wishes, Don

Dear Don
Thank you for asking my opinion on the present carnage in Gaza. My opinion is not based on Muslim brotherhood but more on human equal right and democracy that has been championed by the West. What we saw in Gaza is not "war on Gaza" but a genocide or maybe rightfully called holocaust of innocent Palestinians in Gaza, brutally carried out by Israel. What is most saddening, the US who is supposed to be championing the human right cause, condoned if not aided the carnage. I hope Americans will not deny the fact that the US provides weapons and money to finance the Israeli regime. The US also used countless veto to protect Israel . Remember the UN Resolution 242 dated 22 November 1967 that Israel must withdraw from the newly occupied territories to bring lasting peace in the Middle East. Israel defied the UN Resolution and continue to occupy among others Gaza and west Bank. Remember the Gulf War in 1990, the US assembled Coalition force to force Iraq from Kuwaeit? Why the US not assembled similar force to force Israel to withdraw from it occupied territories?

Hence, in my humble opinion, the US blindly support Israel, to such an extend that what matter to Israel is the US support. The US support has made Israel to have no qualm committing crimes against humanity with absolute impunity, as long as it has US support.

The so called rockets attack on Israel as the main reason of Israelis attack on Gaza on the ground of self-defence is nonsense. Take one step back. After winning the Palestinian democratic election, Hamas rightfully governed Palestine. Unfortunately Hamas is not a brand love by the West. Israel felt threatened and blockaded Gaza, turning Gaza into a big prison. The Israelis not only suffocated Palestinians but continue to kill them one by one on the pretext that they are terrorists. Under this circumstances, would you, if you are their position, just relax, enjoy the suffocating blockade and wait for the Israeli bomb to hit you? If you do, I must admire you. But the Palestinians are also human, they want to live just like you and I. So they have to struggle to break the blockade - no one is willing to help them. But they have nothing except for their own body and crude rockets that are able to kill a few Israelis in the last 8 years compared to 1000 Palestinians by Israelis in just 3 weeks (from 27 December 2008 to 15 January 2009), not counting other deaths that have been committed before.

Many people in the US felt that Palestinians do not deserve to live peacefully because they do not recognize Israel's right to exist. I am asking you, do the Israelis recognize the Palestinians right to exist? If so, they would not continue to occupy Palestine until today. If you put yourself as a Palestinian, the Israeli had taken your land and driven you from your home to become a refugee, would you recognize Israel?

The current Israeli strategy to numb Palestinians into submission by imposing its will under under the weight of its military might (aided by the US) will not work. Palestinians have endured continuous suffering in the last 60 years will continue to fight. I beleived they will continue fight until they are releived of the present and past suffering. Hence, you expect no peace until Israel accept the UN Resolution 242 and withdraw from occupying Gaza and West Bank.

Don, I want to share more words with you, but, time is not on my side. It is already 0100 in Malaysia. Thank you for your kindness for allowing me to express my opinion on the important issue. Regards from Sutarji

Palestine negotiated and won what they wanted...Gaza. They have for the past few years. Now all of a sudden there is discontent as they feel entitled to more??? Its all BS, they Hamas are terrorists and they do what all terrorists do. Terrorize. Hamas is not a political party, they are terrorists. They have fired rockets into Israel for months now and people cry foul when Israel decides to smack them down?

And they want the lousy UN to feel there is genocide happening when the UN turns a blind eye to atrocities in Dafur and Rwanda???

Get your facts straight.
Abandon the rule of law when convenient.......sounds like a dude I know who rationalized serving in the armed forces if asked.

Not quite. My fleeing the nation or going to jail for not abiding by the law does not affect the status of the laws of the land.

What I am speaking of is a nation abandoning the rule of law. Quite a bit different than one person(s) determining if they wish to abide by the law or suffer the consequences.
Not quite. My fleeing the nation or going to jail for not abiding by the law does not affect the status of the laws of the land.

What I am speaking of is a nation abandoning the rule of law. Quite a bit different than one person(s) determining if they wish to abide by the law or suffer the consequences.

Officials would only identify one of the confirmed attackers, Adballah Salih al-Ajmi, a Kuwaiti man released from U.S. custody at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in 2005. Pentagon officials said Salih al-Ajmi blew himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq in April 2008.

About 250 detainees remain held at Guantanamo and about 60 of those detainees have been cleared for release by the Pentagon, but their home countries will not take them or the U.S. believes they could be harmed by their governments if returned.


Like I said.....humanely release them at sea......end of story.

You bleeding hearts will never learn. :down:

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