Kinda what I was/have inferred....I think the point is being missed.... the detainees are enemy combatants.
They are NOT american citizens and should not have constitutional protection.
Kinda what I was/have inferred....I think the point is being missed.... the detainees are enemy combatants.
They are NOT american citizens and should not have constitutional protection.
I think the point is being missed.... the detainees are enemy combatants.
They are NOT american citizens and should not have constitutional protection.
Infers not all the time.....I think you may be missing the point. Ever heard of the Magna Carta or Habeas Corpus?
The principles of habeas corpus, originally placed in the Magna Carta, has been one of the cornerstones of our law since this nation's founding and was enshrined in our Constitution. It gives the detainee the right to go to our courts to challenge the authority of the jail or prison warden to continue to detain him.
It does not matter if they are NOT american citizens... so YES, foreign residents are often afforded Constitutional rights in OUR country.
Infers not all the time.....
I agree, and until all this is settled we should allow conjugal visits.
Let’s start a ‘Goats 4 Gitmo’ fund.![]()
😛 UT
I think that too often public figures are forced to resign after mistakes. Granted, there are many times that politicians should resign after huge mistakes. But often, they are forced to resign after little, or trivial, mistakes. Most people learn valuable lessons through their mistakes (presumptuously, politicians and public officials do as well); if we continually force them to leave once they make a mistake, then we are forcing out a person who may very likely be better at their job than before they made the mistake.
I understand quite well.However,under just about every President since I remember...there has been some type encroachment on freedoms.Doesn't matter which political affiliation either.I suppose all were well intended,but you remember the book about 'unintended consequences'don't you?
Anyway,some were instituted,some were not.
But these detainees we discuss were captured during military operations in another country and they were trying to kill our men.I see somewhat where they should have some right to defense and such but disagree with Constitutional protections totally.And I don't see how this affects you and I.They got what they were looking for and that was war.
I cant believe that a nation that loves there arse kicking, take no prisoners-heroes, Dirty Harry, Jack Baur, etc., turns into a PXXXY when its time to fight. Others are beheading our soldiers first chance they get, and yet we act like wimps when we have to get our hands dirty.
Perhaps the people who watch those type of programs are not the majority of the US population. A lot of us are not willing to get all worked up over an unjustified war.