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Is the Bush Administration stomping on our rights?


Here are some 'unintended consequences':

"Dozens of suspected terrorists released by the United States from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are believed to have returned to terrorism activities, according to the Pentagon. Since 2002, 61 former detainees have committed or are suspected to have committed attacks after being released from the detention camp, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said at a briefing Tuesday."


Lily.......and what do you think caused this unintended consequence?
The likes of Teddy Kennedy,Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the bleeding hearted.
And you aim this at Bush?
All I'm going to say about the Bush policy, on my rights is I don't feel, as an "American Citizen", that my rights have been trampled on and am respectful of the job the president has done to avert another "Islamic Terrorist" attack on American soil since 9/11 !

Not so sure if Obama's plan..........."Holding hands and singing "Kumbaya" around the camp fire".............. will be as effective ! :blink:

What about the fears touted by the NRA...that Obama is going to ban guns...that's a trampling of the second amendment. I don't own a gun, so I suppose I should care less about that. But Bush opened the door by trampling all over the constitution on rights that "don't impact you".

Also...need I remind you that It was 8 and a half years between attacks on American soil...January 1993 to September 2001. In May 2001, bin laden was still alive. I choose May because that's the same amount of time that has elapsed from 9/11 until now. So in that respect, Clinton "failed to keep us safe" because bin laden was still around to plan the 9/11 attacks. Today, it's been 7 and a half years since an attack on American soil...bin laden is still alive. Which means that Bush has kept us just as safe as Clinton.
What about the fears touted by the NRA...that Obama is going to ban guns...that's a trampling of the second amendment. I don't own a gun, so I suppose I should care less about that.

"My first priority will be to reinstate the assault weapons ban as soon as I take office. Within 90 days, we will go back after kitchen table dealers, and work to end the gun show and internet sales loopholes. In the first year, I intend to work with Congress on a national no carry law, 1 gun a month purchase limits, and bans on all semi-automatic guns."

--Barack Obama, VPC Fund Raiser, 2007

Ban bullets,keep your guns...

Also...need I remind you that It was 8 and a half years between attacks on American soil...January 1993 to September 2001. In May 2001, bin laden was still alive. I choose May because that's the same amount of time that has elapsed from 9/11 until now. So in that respect, Clinton "failed to keep us safe" because bin laden was still around to plan the 9/11 attacks. Today, it's been 7 and a half years since an attack on American soil...bin laden is still alive. Which means that Bush has kept us just as safe as Clinton

What about the fears touted by the NRA...that Obama is going to ban guns...that's a trampling of the second amendment. I don't own a gun, so I suppose I should care less about that. But Bush opened the door by trampling all over the constitution on rights that "don't impact you".

Also...need I remind you that It was 8 and a half years between attacks on American soil...January 1993 to September 2001. In May 2001, bin laden was still alive. I choose May because that's the same amount of time that has elapsed from 9/11 until now. So in that respect, Clinton "failed to keep us safe" because bin laden was still around to plan the 9/11 attacks. Today, it's been 7 and a half years since an attack on American soil...bin laden is still alive. Which means that Bush has kept us just as safe as Clinton.

And as dell's statement above implies, I do not own an assualt weapon and do believe they should be banned. Thanks for your concern though.

Dlfference being, Bush has been hunting him, while Clinton had him in his sights and failed to pull the trigger !
All I'm going to say about the Bush policy, on my rights is I don't feel, as an "American Citizen", that my rights have been trampled on and am respectful of the job the president has done to avert another "Islamic Terrorist" attack on American soil since 9/11 !

Not so sure if Obama's plan..........."Holding hands and singing "Kumbaya" around the camp fire".............. will be as effective ! :blink:

What exactly has he done to avert another attack verses what he has done to encourage another attack? What proof do you have that anything W has done has made us more or less safe than prior to 9/11?

My understanding is that Bush is no longer hunting for OBL and the group tasked with his search has been disbanded. According to his own words, OBL is no longer a concern to Bush. This quote is from 2002, only one year after the attacks. This is the man who was the mastermind behind 9/11. W is not concerned about him.

W press conference

THE PRESIDENT: Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. I know he is on the run. I was concerned about him, when he had taken over a country. I was concerned about the fact that he was basically running Afghanistan and calling the shots for the Taliban.


I saw this recently as well from the CJCS Mullen.

President-elect Obama has said years of occupation in Iraq have prevented the U.S. from doing what needs to be done in Afghanistan. And Mullen has warned publicly the U.S. is no longer winning the war against the Taliban.

This makes us safer how?

Full article and video here
Lily.......and what do you think caused this unintended consequence?
The likes of Teddy Kennedy,Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the bleeding hearted.
And you aim this at Bush?

Well, I think you and I can agree that those released detainees that have now committed terrorist acts are unintended consequences that we wish had never happened. I cannot speak for you, but I would guess that you may say that the it is a consequence of letting those people 'go'. I would agree with that. You may further state that more 'unintended consequences' may occur if we close gitmo. Which I could agree with. But I would go further and say that had the current administration actually set-up an appropriate and proper system to charge those people with crimes, then perhaps some of those unintended consequences would not have happened. And no; I do not agree with the likes of Kennedy or Pelosi on this issue.
And as dell's statement above implies, I do not own an assualt weapon and do believe they should be banned. Thanks for your concern though.

Dlfference being, Bush has been hunting him, while Clinton had him in his sights and failed to pull the trigger !
Ahem...Bush had him in a corner, but decided to let "Afgan rebels" get him. Not much of a difference there. Well...if you want to use the "had 'em in the sights" analogy, Bush had 'em in his sites, and handed the gun to somebody else.
Ahem...Bush had him in a corner, but decided to let "Afgan rebels" get him. Not much of a difference there. Well...if you want to use the "had 'em in the sights" analogy, Bush had 'em in his sites, and handed the gun to somebody else.

Cut me a break.......they did that the same way they did in Iraq......we weren't allowed to hoist the US flag for the same reason they let the locals do it.

US Occupation....duh?
"My first priority will be to reinstate the assault weapons ban as soon as I take office. Within 90 days, we will go back after kitchen table dealers, and work to end the gun show and internet sales loopholes. In the first year, I intend to work with Congress on a national no carry law, 1 gun a month purchase limits, and bans on all semi-automatic guns."

--Barack Obama, VPC Fund Raiser, 2007

Ban bullets,keep your guns...


As I said...Bush opened the door for the second amendment to be "changed". Isn't it amazing how two buildings collapsing can actually bring something into focus? I mean, had democrats created a "terrorist suppression" group in 1993, y'all would have been screaming "overkill". But...what's even more amazing is that in only a year after two towers fell, the leader of the free world said he "didn't think much" about bin laden.
As I said...Bush opened the door for the second amendment to be "changed". Isn't it amazing how two buildings collapsing can actually bring something into focus? I mean, had democrats created a "terrorist suppression" group in 1993, y'all would have been screaming "overkill". But...what's even more amazing is that in only a year after two towers fell, the leader of the free world said he "didn't think much" about bin laden.

Oh...you forget all the wacko's shooting children at mickey d's during Clinton and the knee jerk then....short term memory?
Funny...under Bill we had all these clowns popping up and going bonkers....then the wacko's disappeared.....manchurian candidate?
Makes you wonder if something is amiss.
History Will See Lincoln-Like Greatness In... George W. Bush

Abe Lincoln fought for victory. Barack Obama chose defeat.
Obama hesitates to make decisions. He stands firm in his positions until he doesn't. Unlike Lincoln, Barack Obama suffers poor judgement in choosing mentors and friends. Unlike Lincoln, Obama turns his back on those who are suffering and would rather appease evil than confront evil.

Looking at Lincoln and Churchill and how they were viewed both in and out of office indicates how difficult it is to pre-judge history’s final assessment of a leader.

Both men were criticized for making quick and sometimes impulsive decisions against the advice of advisers.
At times both were pilloried for decisions regarding war.

Lincoln bore the brunt of criticism for war casualties. More soldiers died at the Civil War battle at Antietam in one day — more than 7,000 — than the number American soldiers who have been killed in the war in Iraq. That number is about 4,500, which is not to imply those deaths are inconsequential or without great heartaches to their families.

Lincoln was criticized, as Bush has been, for running afoul of the Constitution and civil liberties. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus, which allows imprisoned persons to challenge the legality of their arrests and there were over 10,000 “arbitrary arrestsâ€￾ while Lincoln was in office.

And, like Lincoln, Bush, a Republican, liberated millions.
History Will See Lincoln-Like Greatness In... George W. Bush

Abe Lincoln fought for victory. Barack Obama chose defeat.
Obama hesitates to make decisions. He stands firm in his positions until he doesn't. Unlike Lincoln, Barack Obama suffers poor judgement in choosing mentors and friends. Unlike Lincoln, Obama turns his back on those who are suffering and would rather appease evil than confront evil.

Looking at Lincoln and Churchill and how they were viewed both in and out of office indicates how difficult it is to pre-judge history’s final assessment of a leader.

Both men were criticized for making quick and sometimes impulsive decisions against the advice of advisers.
At times both were pilloried for decisions regarding war.

Lincoln bore the brunt of criticism for war casualties. More soldiers died at the Civil War battle at Antietam in one day — more than 7,000 — than the number American soldiers who have been killed in the war in Iraq. That number is about 4,500, which is not to imply those deaths are inconsequential or without great heartaches to their families.

Lincoln was criticized, as Bush has been, for running afoul of the Constitution and civil liberties. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus, which allows imprisoned persons to challenge the legality of their arrests and there were over 10,000 “arbitrary arrestsâ€￾ while Lincoln was in office.

And, like Lincoln, Bush, a Republican, liberated millions.

What a crock of crap! :down:
B) xUT
What about the fears touted by the NRA...that Obama is going to ban guns...that's a trampling of the second amendment. I don't own a gun, so I suppose I should care less about that. But Bush opened the door by trampling all over the constitution on rights that "don't impact you".

Also...need I remind you that It was 8 and a half years between attacks on American soil...January 1993 to September 2001. In May 2001, bin laden was still alive. I choose May because that's the same amount of time that has elapsed from 9/11 until now. So in that respect, Clinton "failed to keep us safe" because bin laden was still around to plan the 9/11 attacks. Today, it's been 7 and a half years since an attack on American soil...bin laden is still alive. Which means that Bush has kept us just as safe as Clinton.

When assault weapons are banned the only ones who will have them is the Government.
Checks and balances....this is why the founders believed in the second amendment....to keep the Government in check and directly responsible to the populace...not to oppress it.
We give them the upper hand with an assault weapon ban.
You may say it would never happen here where the Government got so far out of control that the populace would challenge it......
Ever hear of the Civil War?
Your Government fears you being armed.Think about that.

Oh,by the way......as far as Bush trampling all over the Constitution......Progressives have no use for it.
People who strive to abide by the Constitution are know as Right wing extremists.Wonder why ?

Bill Clinton and many others see the Constitution as an outmoded document...How about that?

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