While certainly a possibility, it could also be for the 39 Emb-170's they have on order.....
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Since I misread the thread title, let me correct that....
I suspect that Republic is preparing for the arrival of the Emb-170's. The question is whether they are preparing for the arrival of the US 170's, preparing for the arrival of the ones they have on order, or both....
I went through IND recently. I noticed that there were EMB170's at the old UAL maint facility. I am supposing that Republic/Whoever is leasing at least part of the facility.
I also assume that since more aircraft are being delivered to them due to there DL/AA/UA/US,etc. contracts they'll need more mechanics...
That is correct, Republic has been using part of the facility for sometime now. It is my understanding that this agreement just solidifies that in return for modifications to better suit the Embraers vs. United's fleet.
It is good to see, as Indy sunk a ton of cash into the facility only to have UAL bail out on them later on.
United Airlines this week introduced 70-seat CRJ700s and Embraer 170s, which are configured with United First and Economy Plus cabins, to eight of its United Express markets.