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Is JetBlue In-Flight Service Getting Worse?


Nov 23, 2010
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JetBlue flight attendants are getting lazy and rude.

Yesterday I asked what was in the $6 "Beef Box" and the flight attendant, said "I don't know, that's why we asked you to read the card in the seat pocket in front of you."

I said there wasn't one in the seat pocket in front of me.

He told me that wasn't his job -- it was the ground crew's job -- and then bent down and started rummaging through my seat pocket, pulling out the personal stuff I had in my pocket -- an iPad, headphone case and eyeglass case.

When he couldn't find the menu card I was supposed to read, the passenger next to me offered me hers.

He then told me to "read it."

I looked up at him and said, "You know, in the time you've spent telling me what I should have done to answer my own question, you could have just answered my question."

Visibly annoyed, he barked, "I don't know what's in them. I never eat them. That's why we ask you to read the menu."

I said, "You mean you've handed out these boxes to hundreds of passengers and you have no idea what's in them?"

He said, "I don't have the time and they change all the time."

He then took off down the aisle.

When the lead attendant came by, I asked, "Can you write down for me the male flight attendant's name?" She said, "John. Why, is there a problem?"

I told her my frustration with John's refusal to answer what I thought was a simple question.

She said, "Well I don't know what's in these boxes either. They change all the time and you know, we're very busy."

I said, "You know, the menu card I finally read looked like it had been around a while. I'm surprised you don't have the time to familiarize yourself with what's in the boxes? What if there were a person who couldn't read or, like myself, didn't have a card?"

Her reply: "I don't know what's in these boxes either. We simply don't have the time."

I didn't get into ADA non-compliance or courtesy or customer service." I figured that's management's domain.

I also knew that she was, in fact, busy and I was taking time from her other duties.

After reading the card, I didn't order anything.

I was hoping for some kind of a sandwich -- even an airline-grade sandwich -- but the "Beef Box" upon close reading of "the card" ended up being "salami" with assorted stuff that didn't sound like a sandwich no matter how hungry I was.

It might be funny on Saturday Night Live. Picture it:

"I don't know what's in these boxes and I don't care, so don't bother me. I don't touch the stuff myself."

Millions for leather and TV but poorly selected, poorly trained, poorly supervised staff who won't touch the food even if they knew what it was.

Has JetBlue has lost its business compass?
Quite a bit of trouble over a six dollar investment that ultimately wasn't made.
My sentiments EXACTLY. Can You say "PETTY". And that sorry LAME Gesture of asking "What is So-in-so's name" is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nauseaus, it R-E-A-L-L-Y works My Last Nerve. I am NOT justifying an Employees Rude Behavior by any means but often times IT IS The Same Customer that Doesn't Listen to Announcements (when they are made), Refusal of the same Customer to C-o-m-p-l-y with Regulatory Reguests (seatbacks, traytables, PED's) that push the employee to Take such a Stance. Customer Service Nowadays is a MINE FIELD on any given day due to the Nature of The Beast, but for those people that need to be coddled and expect to have their arsce kissed.........."It is going to Happen". Trust Me...........and I can speak for THOUSANDS.
JB cabin crew are probably the most un-friendly group flying now. They all seem to possess a "chip" on their shoulder attitude. Its pervasive when you see them in the terminal, in a hotel and most especially onboard. I really LUV the JB product, but the service SUCKS - plain and simple. Mgmt never responds when you write a letter - and i've written three. I've only once written a letter in the last 25 years ( to another airline ) and got a wonderful response from from Inflight.I'm far from a chronic complainer - being a crew member is hard, unappreciated work, but JB is just downright angry and NASTY!!! It seems as if they go out of their way to piss people off. Piss poor attitude MUST have its origins in mgmt.and training.
I've flown many MANY miles on dozens of airlines and JB just doesnt seem to give a damn. So who's really to blame JB. Get it together JB, WN is encroaching on your territory rapidly.
I have only flown on JetBlue once. I found it to be a fairly decent experience. Sorry to hear that your experience was so bad in your eyes. I guess if it were me I would except the flight attendants answer that he really was not sure what was in the box. Suppose he could have been a little more tactful in helping you find the menu card. However, I can say I have been on flights that even the menu cards and the actual offerings can be different. I can understand that they really might not know exactly what was in the box when the companies menu card isn't even correct.

If what you say is true I again will say that the flight attendant might have been a little more helpful in finding resolution in your "Beef Box" mystery. I do have to ask this question though. What was not in compliance with the ADA? Did the flight attendant know that you had some disability that you may need some help with your meat mystery? I am not trying to be demeaning in any way to you. I am truly interested. I think that not all disabilities are apparent to everybody. If you did not tell anyone of your disability you should not assume that they are aware of it. Anyway, I am just trying to understand your ADA non-compliance statement.

I think I would take a deep breath and move on if I were you. Just does not seem worth the federal case that you feel it was. Fortunately for you there are many other airlines to choose from. Hope you find a smooth ride on one of them!
I have only flown on JetBlue once. I found it to be a fairly decent experience. Sorry to hear that your experience was so bad in your eyes. I guess if it were me I would except the flight attendants answer that he really was not sure what was in the box. Suppose he could have been a little more tactful in helping you find the menu card. However, I can say I have been on flights that even the menu cards and the actual offerings can be different. I can understand that they really might not know exactly what was in the box when the companies menu card isn't even correct.

If what you say is true I again will say that the flight attendant might have been a little more helpful in finding resolution in your "Beef Box" mystery. I do have to ask this question though. What was not in compliance with the ADA? Did the flight attendant know that you had some disability that you may need some help with your meat mystery? I am not trying to be demeaning in any way to you. I am truly interested. I think that not all disabilities are apparent to everybody. If you did not tell anyone of your disability you should not assume that they are aware of it. Anyway, I am just trying to understand your ADA non-compliance statement.

I think I would take a deep breath and move on if I were you. Just does not seem worth the federal case that you feel it was. Fortunately for you there are many other airlines to choose from. Hope you find a smooth ride on one of them!
There are two dynamics at JetBlue than may be responsible for deteriorating service:

JetBlue does not want the Inflight Crewmembers to unionize. Therefore, Inflight Crewmembers are not disciplined for bad behavior the same way flight attendants at other carriers are.

And, because the airline is only 10 years old, none of the Inflight Crewmembers (with the exception of those who worked for legacy carriers) have had the experience of working with "old-school" flight attendants. At a legacy carrier, a new flight attendant will work with senior flight attendants who were hired when the job was as much about hospitality as safety.

JetBlue Inflight Crewmembers create the "illusion" of safety as well as FAs at any other airline. But, their attidude towards service is strictly "fast-food".
Read the gosh darn menu card. That's what they're there for. And while you're writing that flight attendant up make note of the fact that you were too lazy to obtain that information yourself!
Read the gosh darn menu card. That's what they're there for. And while you're writing that flight attendant up make note of the fact that you were too lazy to obtain that information yourself!
Probably One of the Most reasonable Suggestions MADE. F/A's make announcements F-O-R the benfit of The Customer.............to inform and educate. The announcements are not to Practice your public speaking capability or to audition for voice overs, yet their are countless individuals that choose NOT to Listen or HEAR what they Want to hear. Trust Me, if an announcement was made "The snack box will be complimentary on today's flight as a way to thank you for flying US".............EVERYONE would have H-E-A-R-D that announcement and would have their greedy paws READY and Willing to Grab it out of your hands, but when You tell they have to purchase it...............you typically get the Roll of The Eyes, the Sigh of Disbelief, the mention of "but on Southwest (like I care)" and some other ridiculous response. The whole airline experience has become a complete Tug-of-War...........customers WANT Everything and really want 1960's Service yet they want to pay The Lowest Prices on every flight.
YMMV! I've always found B6 cabin staff to be friendly, never had any complaints; it's my preferred carrier. While TVs are nice indeed, they also like the seat pitch, better than on most carriers. Plenty of free snacks, plus the paid options. But probably my favorite in-flight amenity: coffee cups with lids! Why does no other carrier offer this. Probably they didn't think of a marketing thing with Dukin' Donuts. I imagine DD gets free advertising, B6 get free coffee cups. Smart move.
YMMV! I've always found B6 cabin staff to be friendly, never had any complaints; it's my preferred carrier. While TVs are nice indeed, they also like the seat pitch, better than on most carriers. Plenty of free snacks, plus the paid options. But probably my favorite in-flight amenity: coffee cups with lids! Why does no other carrier offer this. Probably they didn't think of a marketing thing with Dukin' Donuts. I imagine DD gets free advertising, B6 get free coffee cups. Smart move.
My experience with JetBlue is exactly the same..........friendly, innovative and hassle free. The individual that P&M'd about the snack box needs to pick another airline, ride the Bus or find alternate means of transportation. They are obviously Miserable in Life and feel they are some Self appointed airline critic. They're NOT and no one really cares whether they like any thing about the Snack Box (which they DIDN"T Buy) anyways. PATHETIC!
JetBlue Inflight Crewmembers create the "illusion" of safety as well as FAs at any other airline. But, their attidude toward service is strictly "fast-food".

I am not sure what you are saying here. You do realize that almost everyday somewhere in the world that a flight attendant is administering CPR to someone. How about the fact that the British Airlines flight attendants managed to evacuate a 777 full of passengers a couple years back with only a couple minor injuries after the plane crashed short off the runway. How about the US Airways flight attendants that successfully evacuated 155 passengers and crew from the Hudson River. There was just a baby delivered by a flight attendant not too long ago. Last summer a flight attendant put out a fire aboard a plane somewhere in Asia.

Are they there to provide service? Yes, that is correct. Sometimes it is better than others. This is not always the fault of the flight attendant. Sometimes the company they work for does not give them the proper tools to provide the service you expected. Sometimes, as you point out there might be some management/labor conflicts. I am pretty certain if airline management could do away with flight attendants some of them would. The fact is, to my knowledge almost every countries government aviation safety arm requires a certain number of flight attendants to be on board for SAFETY then comfort. I would say that they are a little more than an illusion.

The original post was about bad service. The poster even tried to call foul for a violation of the Americans with disabilities act. What was the violation? The flight attendant did not know what was in a mystery meat box that was for sale. This speaks volumes to what Americans think sometimes. Maybe I miss read your statement, but it seems to me that your "illusion" of a flight attendant is the 20 something in hot pants that will wait on you hand and foot. Sorry that you are disappointed.
There are two dynamics at JetBlue than may be responsible for deteriorating service:

JetBlue does not want the Inflight Crewmembers to unionize. Therefore, Inflight Crewmembers are not disciplined for bad behavior the same way flight attendants at other carriers are.

And, because the airline is only 10 years old, none of the Inflight Crewmembers (with the exception of those who worked for legacy carriers) have had the experience of working with "old-school" flight attendants. At a legacy carrier, a new flight attendant will work with senior flight attendants who were hired when the job was as much about hospitality as safety.

JetBlue Inflight Crewmembers create the "illusion" of safety as well as FAs at any other airline. But, their attidude towards service is strictly "fast-food".

HUH!........you have it backwards. Because they are not unionized, Jetblue management can intimidate any flight attendant with termination. They have NO recourse.

There's NO illusion when it comes to safety. Seriously, have you been living under a rock for the past 25 years? Was Uli Derickson an illusion to what she did on her hijacked flight? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uli_Derickson

or how about Sandy Purl. Survived a crash only to help rescue workers with the search for survivors, refusing to leave the scene until all survivors left first. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Purl