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Jetblue Flight Attendant Union?

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So with the 1600 FAs we have and however many pilots, its sounds like you're assuming that we're all a bunch of kids running around serving cans of coke at 35,000ft. Thats pretty ignorant considering our FA workforce is diverse in age. Im 25 and im at the bottom of the spectrum in terms of age. Like I said before, when you take this job (at whatever age you are), you know the terms and conditions. Dont like it? Dont take it. I dont see any good that unions do at other airlines except create drama and allow people who dont deserve to be at a company to remain there.

As someone who used to fly "legacy" carriers at least three times a month for business, all I see are nasty gate agents, bitter flight attendants, and upset passengers who get treated like crap when they fly.

Bagbelt said:
That reasoning is fine if you live with mom, but after a few years it gets stale. No offense intended. You may very well not need a union, but it's a lot easier to say what you're saying when you're 20, no kids, mortgage etc., than when you're 50 with you're pension gone and no healthcare so someone can fly to the west coast for $49.
firstamendment said:
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!! Is the person wanting a union a trouble maker? Not use to having a union to defend your trouble? A union will kill your company. NO NO NO!!!

All that out of a Democrats mouth??? Are you sure you're not a Republican?
Just wait to see what happens a few years from now. This industry is changing on a daily basis and you will need a voice and a contract to protect the JetBlue flight attendant work group. Neelman is not Mr. Nice Guy and will stab you in the back. Why do you think he was fired by Herb at Southwest?
😛 Hey Jetblue. Give John Ward a call. I think he has some free time coming up.
Bagbelt said:
That reasoning is fine if you live with mom, but after a few years it gets stale. No offense intended. You may very well not need a union, but it's a lot easier to say what you're saying when you're 20, no kids, mortgage etc., than when you're 50 with you're pension gone and no healthcare so someone can fly to the west coast for $49.

You mean like all the good the unions have done for US Airways?
LiveInAHotel said:
All that out of a Democrats mouth??? Are you sure you're not a Republican?
Just wait to see what happens a few years from now. This industry is changing on a daily basis and you will need a voice and a contract to protect the JetBlue flight attendant work group. Neelman is not Mr. Nice Guy and will stab you in the back. Why do you think he was fired by Herb at Southwest?
I am a democrate because of social issues. Just because I am a part of one party doesn't mean I am to agree with the entire platform or join hands with others in the party, inparticularly the AFL-CIO. If that were the case, there would be no Log Cabin Republicans organization, who are part of the republican party and gay.
I do not see where the unions have benefitted the airline industry. I make less now then 10 years ago. Rig time is a joke. I have less vacation, work more days..., no pride, airline in dissaray? Yeah, unions have really made my job grand. Thanks, but no thanks. My life would be just as good with the $8500 paid to my union. That buys alot of time with a lawyer if I needed one, so the protection thing has no merrit. Only have to look at Delta for that.
Probably just a rumor. However, it wouldn't surprise me that a group made up primarily of women has more stones than Blue pilots.
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