Apparently you are missing a few poignant facts here.
1 Amfa’s great selling point to the hoi polloi has always been--we don't need you. We don't need any other class; we can pull this train by ourselves.
Why when they finally have their chance to show this solo power do they immediately run for help to the people they excluded?
2 Excuse me but are they not the same peep's that sent a letter to NW management stating that if they would only take twice the pay cuts from the IAM people at NW that they would not have to take any from the mechanics.
Would you walk to support these people if you knew this and were NW IAM?
3 Unless it is specifically written in your contract that you can observe other union’s strikes, it would be illegal under federal law.
Also in response to more nonsense;
I do agree that all the all the IAM wants is the dues. They had to raise the dues for the ones who are stuck on the property after what they did to their "brothers and sisters" in the out cities
Is that why IAM dues at US are lower than amfa's or the ibt's?
Interestingly to note; even after the IAM informed it's people at NW not to go amfa for all the obvious reasons they went ahead and changed anyway.
Yes they lost their lodges and stike funds then chose to strike (man ya gotta think)--not to mention losing their credability and dignity when amfa negotiated away their scope.
And after all this the Mechanics who stood proud and strong with the IAM at USAirways came away with the most mechanics working and the best contract and scope even after two bankruptcy's!!!
Go figure!