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Is Amfa A Union?

You might be right Sackboy, I hear the price of fuel may be a deciding factor in keeping MCIE open for business. I do disagree that due to my short time with the TWU my opinion would not count. That is a typical elitist view by a typical elitist supporter. Once the first month's dues money is taken from an individual's paycheck his opinion should count, end of story. And how was it I was "programmed" by the TWU if I was only with them a short time? Get your story straight, can't have it both ways man.

You stated Schaiable and Cunningham were such a dominant factor, where's your man Dan currently? What, and I do stress what, an idiot! That guy was actually dumber than he looked, is that possible? He pranced gayly around AFW as if he was untouchable, well guess what, he got touched!

Now go out and have a great TWU day!
Nightwatch said:
You stated Schaiable and Cunningham were such a dominant factor, where's your man Dan currently? What, and I do stress what, an idiot! That guy was actually dumber than he looked, is that possible? He pranced gayly around AFW as if he was untouchable, well guess what, he got touched!

Now go out and have a great TWU day!

Only TWU stooge would be so proud that a man lost his job. And we want your type to represent us? Uh OK, I get it now.

Company Union Company Mind

What do you mean price of fuel will decide MCI? I read in the TWU Informer that our industry leading concessions saved three maintenance bases and 12,000 jobs. You guys are not re-niggin on that program are you?
A man did not lose his job, an idiot lost his job, big difference, get it now? He thought he was untouchable, a true leader of leaders, Company man Dan, yeah right. I also heard he was denied a management position twice! Poor guy just doesn't belong nowhere...except the unemployment line courtesy of his own idiotic actions.

BTW...the cost of fuel affects all major airlines dummie, even those repped by amfa, that's right, delle hasn't figured a way to blame the fuel crunch on the TWU, but give him time...
Nightwatch said:
A man did not lose his job, an idiot lost his job, big difference, get it now? He thought he was untouchable, a true leader of leaders, Company man Dan, yeah right. I also heard he was denied a management position twice! Poor guy just doesn't belong nowhere...except the unemployment line courtesy of his own idiotic actions.

BTW...the cost of fuel affects all major airlines dummie, even those repped by amfa, that's right, delle hasn't figured a way to blame the fuel crunch on the TWU, but give him time...

Well actually fuel should be cheaper thanks to the TWUs policy of low wages. Wages for fuelers have declined more rapidly than other TWU workers (as unbelievable as that may sound). Twenty-five years ago when I started in this industry the Allied fuel drivers made more than mechanics, now they make less than baggage handlers. The TWU also represents Triangle Aviation, one of the union represented work groups that gets their raises via increases in the minimum wage. The only consolation they have is that they do not have to join the union, most dont bother, because they do not fall under the RLA. Why pay dues when you get minimum wage and no benifits?
The real question is "Is the TWU/AA/ATD a union?

I was always under the impression that unions fight to improve wages, benifits and working conditions. That unions grow because other workers who do not have a union see how good union workers have it so they go out and get a union. That they do so with risk because the company does not want a union. The company usually tells the workers why they should work for less, that they might lose their jobs if they dont. The company tells the workers that they are fighting to save jobs, all they have to do is agree to work for less. The company tells people that they should be thankful they have a job and that without the company they are weak and useless and would never have it as good as they do now. To me that sounds like what th TWU is saying! It does not sound like a union that is willing to fight for their members but rather more like what a company would tell their workers in order to keep a union out!

Clearly the TWU is not a union. It is the organization of choice by AMR, who in return for concessionary contracts gives the TWU more members through either growth or voluntary recognition of the TWU. The TWU is clearly a self serving organization that brokers low wages in exchange for more members.

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