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AMFA's new outsourcing "Liaison"

The TWU is in trouble at Eagle. Our International rep actually makes our life worse rather than better. There is a recall petition for him circulating the system and a network of guys setting up to get the union out entirely.

It used to be pretty quiet at Eagle until the bankruptcy. "Brother" G could coast. Once the pressure was put on though he made a lot of stupid decisions.

Getting Donnelly to make a Video was one of them.
I was going to post something similar, but you said it much better than I could.

With the TWU, the international would appoint someone's spouse or sister in law, pay them $200k and they wouldn't be accountable to anyone. With AMFA, there's transparency and accountablility.

Outsourcing is going to happen, whether at WN, UPS or AA, whether y'all like it or not. Which of those three will have someone who is tasked with making sure the outsourcing complies with the contract? Just one of those three, and it ain't UPS or AA.

Outsourcing has been happening. Its not like its something new. Our contract still had a letter in it from CR Smith explaining why AA outsourced more than other carriers.

The difference is the scale of what was outsourced at major carriers. In the past once carriers were big enough and economies of scale kicked in they brought work in house. Prior to 9-11 the weak TWU language actually made AA the leader among the legacies in outsourcing, our percentage actually dropped after 2003. Our wages were so pitifully low that it was more cost effective to bring more work in house than compete with other carriers for MRO service. AA has been the leader in outsourcing for decades, the TWU was OK with it, especially when they "outsourced" to other lower paid TWU members. We were the first to give away R&D, and DeIcing and then component work to OSMs. So while AA had shifted mechanics work to lower paid FSC and OSMs their peers were still paying A&Ps to do the same work. Other legacies didn't have much choice after the TWU, which already had SRPs in place for eight years, agreed to cut compensation by yet another 25% across the board than to exploit the glut of unemployed aircraft mechanics that were providing MROs all the skills they needed at low rates. Now as the MROs see that supply drying up we also see carriers like UAL and Delta bringing work back in house, UAL is actually building two new hangers. Even Fed-Ex is bringing more work in house due to the poor quality of work AAR is turning out. AAR blamed Fed-Ex, claimed Fed-Ex keeps hiring away their talent.

The 787 appears to be the Swan Song for Aviation outsourcing. Not that its going away but that its reached its peak, and the trend will be the other way, except at AA. We will once again reclaim the title of biggest outsourcer among the legacies when its all said and done.
And who determines that? Someone else who is appointed, and who put that person in place? Someone else who is appointed.

Both are Political, in one case the members decide, in the other they don't. What did Little say? Evolve or dissolve. Things need to change, they are going to change one way or another. "Their", not "there".

Don't forget #21.

21. The Outsourcing Liaisons are subject to recall procedures as outlined in the AMFA Constitution.
Sriously guy? Do you really expect anybody to believe that the company will take the recomendations of a full time union "Liaison" in order to "flow the work better and do LESS outsourcing"??Do you really buy this BS? Is this something you just made up, something amfa prtends will help, or a load of crap the company sold you guys?

Is this all we had to do in order to stop outsourcing at United? Add another management position but this time use union dues to pay for it? If it is like you say snd this "guy" is to report excessive outsourcing, it will only be a matter of time before the company snuggles up to him and uses the position to outsource more with justification.

Explain the reason for #19? I believe this is nothing more than a made up position so a member of amfa can rub elbows with managent who will later turn on the membership. Someone in amfa belives so too. If it is not, why then is there a need for a non compete letter?

Give it up. The rest of the world, not brainwashed by the amfa rhetoric, realizes that the finance guys who really run the airlines have another idea for your little Liaison. My bet is the company agreed to this in hopes of increasing production and maintaining flexibilities. Some of their favorite buzzwords. 🙄 🙄

You guys created a union paid company snitch. How many takers have you gotten for this task??


Where exactly is your pointed criticism for our new UAL teamster contract language?

Like this....

Article: 1-F1

F. Review Committees

1. A Committee (the “Review Committee&rdquo😉 consisting of equal numbers of

Company and Union representatives, with a maximum of three (3) members each,

shall meet at least quarterly for the purpose of discussing the Company’s current

practice and future plan for contracting aircraft maintenance, including

opportunities for efficiently and economically increasing work done in-house. The

Company will provide the Review Committee, upon request, information

necessary to facilitate these discussions. Proprietary, sensitive, or confidential

information shall be reviewed under standard confidentiality agreements at the

Company’s request.

And like this ......

Article: 1-F2

2. A Committee (the “GSE Committee&rdquo😉 consisting of equal numbers of Company

and Union representatives, with a maximum of three (3) members each, shall

meet at least quarterly for the purpose of discussing the Company’s current

practice and future plan for contracting ground service equipment, including

opportunities for efficiently and economically increasing work done in-house. The

Company will provide the GSE Committee, upon request, information necessary

to facilitate these discussions. Proprietary, sensitive, or confidential information

shall be reviewed under standard confidentiality agreements at the Company’s


You can throw LOA-25 in too for good measure.


In your own less than eloquent words .....

" Do you really expect anybody to believe that the company will take the recomendations of a "Quarterly" union "Committee" in order to explore "efficiently and economically increasing work done in-house"??Do you really buy this BS? Is this something you just made up, something the teamsters pretends will help, or a load of crap the company sold you guys?"

Wait theres more.....

Is this all we had to do in order to stop outsourcing at United?...(Well its in our new contract)... Add another management position but this time use union dues to pay for it? If it is like you say snd this "guy"(actually at UAL, its up to THREE GUYS.....PER COMMITTEE....APPOINTED COMMITTEE)... is to report excessive outsourcing, it will only be a matter of time before the company snuggles up to him...(or them)... and uses the position to outsource more with justification.

And still more....

Give it up. The rest of the world, not brainwashed by the teamsters rhetoric, realizes that the finance guys who really run the airlines have another idea for your little "Committees". My bet is the company agreed to this in hopes of increasing production and maintaining flexibilities. Some of their favorite buzzwords. 🙄 🙄

You guys created a union paid company snitch(es). How many takers have you gotten for this task??

Looks to me like your ignorance is keeping pace with your hypocrisy.

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