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AMFA's new outsourcing "Liaison"

I respond to your nonsense because it is so easy to prove you are a fool who dosen't know what he is talking about.
And it is fun.


....add to it, more often than not you can pull articles & reports directly from teamsters sources to disprove his idiotic rants.
The TWU is in trouble at Eagle. Our International rep actually makes our life worse rather than better. There is a recall petition for him circulating the system and a network of guys setting up to get the union out entirely.

It used to be pretty quiet at Eagle until the bankruptcy. "Brother" G could coast. Once the pressure was put on though he made a lot of stupid decisions.
You all did your best to mask this new management/union outsourcing position like true amfa followers. amfa satisfies it's flock by spinning the truth. Just like the fact that amfa leadership works very closely with management. So close, that they are willing to fund a position from union dues to monitor and clarify for the company just how much more can be farmed out. What good little helpers you are.

On the other hand, I find it very amusing how I am able to have you all scurry like rats on a sinking ship. It impresses me how you all attack my posts like I hold some concealed power to change minds. Any of my posts can easily be searched and all of them offer different points of view. Just like this subject. If my posts and replies are so full of crap and lies, why do you all put such effort into arguing my position??

I do not apologize for frightening you or threatening your deceptions, but I do appreciate the high regard. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If we answer your post then your post has problems. Some of us are here merely to correct the lies, mis-truths and complete fabrication, (fabrication had to added do to this subject that you desided to start). Anomaly; you have "0" credability. All of your postings on all subjects have been prooven to be lies, mis-truths, spinning, and complete fabrication. There has only been 1 post from you that I have agreed with that was truthfull, "1" and only 1. Again this position is not "for the company" as you try and point out. It is for the union to "monitor" the companies outsourcing to see if they are violating the CBA. Does your union have this position? Does any other mechanics union have this position within their contract? The answer is no and as usuall you will ignor these questions.
If this is the best person the teamsters could find to help their drive; geez, no wonder their losing so bad. The general public, along with all the AA mechs and US mechs can access our contract online at amfa11.com, as well as, amfanational.org. Once again Anomaly's lies on this subject can be prooven once again by a little research, go read it in writing folks...
You all did your best to mask this new management/union outsourcing position like true amfa followers. amfa satisfies it's flock by spinning the truth. Just like the fact that amfa leadership works very closely with management. So close, that they are willing to fund a position from union dues to monitor and clarify for the company just how much more can be farmed out. What good little helpers you are.

On the other hand, I find it very amusing how I am able to have you all scurry like rats on a sinking ship. It impresses me how you all attack my posts like I hold some concealed power to change minds. Any of my posts can easily be searched and all of them offer different points of view. Just like this subject. If my posts and replies are so full of crap and lies, why do you all put such effort into arguing my position??

I do not apologize for frightening you or threatening your deceptions, but I do appreciate the high regard. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I respond to your nonsense because it is so easy to prove you are a fool who dosen't know what he is talking about.
And it is fun.

If we answer your post then your post has problems. Some of us are here merely to correct the lies, mis-truths and complete fabrication, (fabrication had to added do to this subject that you desided to start). Anomaly; you have "0" credability. All of your postings on all subjects have been prooven to be lies, mis-truths, spinning, and complete fabrication. There has only been 1 post from you that I have agreed with that was truthfull, "1" and only 1. Again this position is not "for the company" as you try and point out. It is for the union to "monitor" the companies outsourcing to see if they are violating the CBA. Does your union have this position? Does any other mechanics union have this position within their contract? The answer is no and as usuall you will ignor these questions.
If this is the best person the teamsters could find to help their drive; geez, no wonder their losing so bad. The general public, along with all the AA mechs and US mechs can access our contract online at amfa11.com, as well as, amfanational.org. Once again Anomaly's lies on this subject can be prooven once again by a little research, go read it in writing folks...

@swamt; Were you really thinking about this for 6 hours?? Too funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

I got Quagmire to show up too.....now just a few more of you little suckers.....and I may beat my personal best for down votes.

Again, I am happy to know you are all so interested in my posts. For the record, I still believe a position of this sort is nothing more than a management/union job working at how best to outsource work. Do you all truly believe you can fool us all into thinking the company is simply going to allow a "watchdog" (as you call him) to be put in place by the union in order to curb outsourcing at an airline that is currently on thin ice for profits?? Newsflash.....Southwest Air is not the cash cow they once were.

We have dozens of people who watch dog the company and the amount they farm out. They are our stewards and members. No other union I have belonged to rubs elbows with management the way amfa does. Think about it....the job description for lines 7 to 15 are management. What is the company gaining for allowing this position IF NOT MORE OUTSOURCING???

Do you all honestly believe Southwest management is simply allowing this so that amfa can find the farm out cap? Has Southwest outsourcing become so vast that it can not be monitored by stewards alone? Why do you NEED a full time on site rep to "watch" the company? What happens when a violation is found? Recommendations??? Good luck with that.
@swamt; Were you really thinking about this for 6 hours?? Too funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

I got Quagmire to show up too.....now just a few more of you little suckers.....and I may beat my personal best for down votes.

Again, I am happy to know you are all so interested in my posts. For the record, I still believe a position of this sort is nothing more than a management/union job working at how best to outsource work. Do you all truly believe you can fool us all into thinking the company is simply going to allow a "watchdog" (as you call him) to be put in place by the union in order to curb outsourcing at an airline that is currently on thin ice for profits?? Newsflash.....Southwest Air is not the cash cow they once were.

We have dozens of people who watch dog the company and the amount they farm out. They are our stewards and members. No other union I have belonged to rubs elbows with management the way amfa does. Think about it....the job description for lines 7 to 15 are management. What is the company gaining for allowing this position IF NOT MORE OUTSOURCING???

Do you all honestly believe Southwest management is simply allowing this so that amfa can find the farm out cap? Has Southwest outsourcing become so vast that it can not be monitored by stewards alone? Why do you NEED a full time on site rep to "watch" the company? What happens when a violation is found? Recommendations??? Good luck with that.
#7 explains that he must compile all the info and present it to our airline reps (AMFA members) and outsourcing committee (AMFA members) and locals (AMFA members).
All these people he reports to are AMFA members.
#15 explains how he monitors back shop work to make sure the company keeps up with our manpower by calling overtime so that we don't get to a point of critical shortages on anything where they could claim that something would have to be farmed out.

All recommendations to the company are for how we can do more work inhouse and how they can use our manpower better or flow the work better to do LESS outsourcing.

You have gone completely off the rails now.
People can read and comprehend this simple language.
You have lost your credibility long ago but the claims you make about this position are over the top ridiculous.

I am sure you are convincing people that AMFA is bad when you have to insult their intelligence to try and make some point.

It looks to me that you are scared that everyone will see what a great position this is that we negotiated into our contract and you can't get one like it.

The more you post about it, the more this is proven.

Keep up the good work.
@swamt; Were you really thinking about this for 6 hours?? Too funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

I got Quagmire to show up too.....now just a few more of you little suckers.....and I may beat my personal best for down votes.

Again, I am happy to know you are all so interested in my posts. For the record, I still believe a position of this sort is nothing more than a management/union job working at how best to outsource work. Do you all truly believe you can fool us all into thinking the company is simply going to allow a "watchdog" (as you call him) to be put in place by the union in order to curb outsourcing at an airline that is currently on thin ice for profits?? Newsflash.....Southwest Air is not the cash cow they once were.

We have dozens of people who watch dog the company and the amount they farm out. They are our stewards and members. No other union I have belonged to rubs elbows with management the way amfa does. Think about it....the job description for lines 7 to 15 are management. What is the company gaining for allowing this position IF NOT MORE OUTSOURCING???

Do you all honestly believe Southwest management is simply allowing this so that amfa can find the farm out cap? Has Southwest outsourcing become so vast that it can not be monitored by stewards alone? Why do you NEED a full time on site rep to "watch" the company? What happens when a violation is found? Recommendations??? Good luck with that.

Still avoiding the questions Anomaly. As usual. We see you are still trying to twist and spin "OUR" contract language that was nego at the table. Were you there Anomaly?? If you knew anything about nego's you would know that the "intent" of such nego language is also noted at that time AND written into the foot notes of the nego's. Even as WNMECH has very easily explained and in english, most all people reading the verbage of this article fully understands it's meaning and intent, plain and simple.

It's funny how all you guys coming out here to try and discredit AMFA are having such a hard time to find any faults, so you all resort to lies, mistruths, and complete fabrications, hoping, just hoping someone will believe you. The teamsters, TWU and even the IAM will do anything and everything to keep AMFA from getting into AA, as they all know what this will do thru out the industry for the mechanics and related.

It's also very funny that you think some of us put you in high regard, C"mon. We only reply to your post to correct your lies, mistruths and complete fabrications, so yes I guess we do hold you in high regard that you are a complete liar fabricating all these stories about AMFA. And yet you still avoid all the questions. You are still doing a fantastic job to bring more and more AMFA cards in, post away...
#7 explains that he must compile all the info and present it to our airline reps (AMFA members) and outsourcing committee (AMFA members) and locals (AMFA members).
All these people he reports to are AMFA members.
#15 explains how he monitors back shop work to make sure the company keeps up with our manpower by calling overtime so that we don't get to a point of critical shortages on anything where they could claim that something would have to be farmed out.

All recommendations to the company are for how we can do more work inhouse and how they can use our manpower better or flow the work better to do LESS outsourcing.

You have gone completely off the rails now.
People can read and comprehend this simple language.
You have lost your credibility long ago but the claims you make about this position are over the top ridiculous.

I am sure you are convincing people that AMFA is bad when you have to insult their intelligence to try and make some point.

It looks to me that you are scared that everyone will see what a great position this is that we negotiated into our contract and you can't get one like it.

The more you post about it, the more this is proven.

Keep up the good work.

Sriously guy? Do you really expect anybody to believe that the company will take the recomendations of a full time union "Liaison" in order to "flow the work better and do LESS outsourcing"??Do you really buy this BS? Is this something you just made up, something amfa prtends will help, or a load of crap the company sold you guys?

Is this all we had to do in order to stop outsourcing at United? Add another management position but this time use union dues to pay for it? If it is like you say snd this "guy" is to report excessive outsourcing, it will only be a matter of time before the company snuggles up to him and uses the position to outsource more with justification.

Explain the reason for #19? I believe this is nothing more than a made up position so a member of amfa can rub elbows with managent who will later turn on the membership. Someone in amfa belives so too. If it is not, why then is there a need for a non compete letter?

Give it up. The rest of the world, not brainwashed by the amfa rhetoric, realizes that the finance guys who really run the airlines have another idea for your little Liaison. My bet is the company agreed to this in hopes of increasing production and maintaining flexibilities. Some of their favorite buzzwords. 🙄 🙄

You guys created a union paid company snitch. How many takers have you gotten for this task??
Everybody does not have the strength to say no. You are a perfect example of this. That is why you have rules put in place in the form of a constitution that can only be changed by a member vote. The reasons for having elections of national officers and recall of those officers is so that if an elected official has a weak moment(Like so many unaccountable industrial officers in the ibt,twu and iam). That official can be removed from office by the members and held accountable. Accountability is something that you and your industrial friends have no knowledge of. You already know this and the reason why you are throwing mud at this is that you know it is good for the members and therefore you are feeling threatened. Typical industrial union way of thinking NO ACCOUNTABILITY
Sriously guy? Do you really expect anybody to believe that the company will take the recomendations of a full time union "Liaison" in order to "flow the work better and do LESS outsourcing"??Do you really buy this BS? Is this something you just made up, something amfa prtends will help, or a load of crap the company sold you guys?

Is this all we had to do in order to stop outsourcing at United? Add another management position but this time use union dues to pay for it? If it is like you say snd this "guy" is to report excessive outsourcing, it will only be a matter of time before the company snuggles up to him and uses the position to outsource more with justification.

Explain the reason for #19? I believe this is nothing more than a made up position so a member of amfa can rub elbows with managent who will later turn on the membership. Someone in amfa belives so too. If it is not, why then is there a need for a non compete letter?

Give it up. The rest of the world, not brainwashed by the amfa rhetoric, realizes that the finance guys who really run the airlines have another idea for your little Liaison. My bet is the company agreed to this in hopes of increasing production and maintaining flexibilities. Some of their favorite buzzwords. 🙄 🙄

You guys created a union paid company snitch. How many takers have you gotten for this task??

You started this whole thing claiming this position was aligned with management.

When we had the IBT at SWA, our union representatives have left union positions after our contracts where ratified and taken jobs with SWA management immediately.

#19 protects the union and keeps the lines clear between the company and AMFA.

We have already seen the company influence IBT representatives and will use protections against it now.

You claim this liaison is a company snitch, but attack the language that keeps the job independent from the company.

You must be taking lessons from overspin.

Which # do you need explained to you now?
You started this whole thing claiming this position was aligned with management.

When we had the IBT at SWA, our union representatives have left union positions after our contracts where ratified and taken jobs with SWA management immediately.

#19 protects the union and keeps the lines clear between the company and AMFA.

We have already seen the company influence IBT representatives and will use protections against it now.

You claim this liaison is a company snitch, but attack the language that keeps the job independent from the company.

You must be taking lessons from overspin.

Which # do you need explained to you now?
Let's make sure we get the facts straight. First AMFA is not the first with having union members monitoring outsourcing. The TWU has been receiving outsourcing reports all the back to the mid-90s. Our local used to pass them out to the stewards in DFW if we wanted them. The TWU has also had an RO (Repair Outside) Committee for years. Now there is also an outsourcing reporting committee in the new contract. The main difference here is that AMFA elects there people (political process) versus the TWU which is appointed based on work area knowledge.

A union rep monitoring outsourcing is a good idea either way.
Let's make sure we get the facts straight. First AMFA is not the first with having union members monitoring outsourcing. The TWU has been receiving outsourcing reports all the back to the mid-90s. Our local used to pass them out to the stewards in DFW if we wanted them. The TWU has also had an RO (Repair Outside) Committee for years. Now there is also an outsourcing reporting committee in the new contract. The main difference here is that AMFA elects there people (political process) versus the TWU which is appointed based on work area knowledge.

A union rep monitoring outsourcing is a good idea either way.
Also our outsourcing monitor is present in all planning meeting where the company discusses outsourcing events before they are even decided.
We are in the loop from the beginning in order to show in company how we can use our manpower and facilities as an alternative to any outsourcing.
We are not playing catch-up, we know their plans before anything goes out.

Let's make sure we get the facts straight. First AMFA is not the first with having union members monitoring outsourcing. The TWU has been receiving outsourcing reports all the back to the mid-90s. Our local used to pass them out to the stewards in DFW if we wanted them. The TWU has also had an RO (Repair Outside) Committee for years. Now there is also an outsourcing reporting committee in the new contract. The main difference here is that AMFA elects there people (political process) versus the TWU which is appointed based on work area knowledge.

A union rep monitoring outsourcing is a good idea either way.

Versus the twu which is appointed based on work area knowledge my arse. It is based on something known as inHg most likely 29.92
Let's make sure we get the facts straight. First AMFA is not the first with having union members monitoring outsourcing. The TWU has been receiving outsourcing reports all the back to the mid-90s. Our local used to pass them out to the stewards in DFW if we wanted them. The TWU has also had an RO (Repair Outside) Committee for years. Now there is also an outsourcing reporting committee in the new contract. The main difference here is that AMFA elects there people (political process) versus the TWU which is appointed based on work area knowledge.

A union rep monitoring outsourcing is a good idea either way.
thats funny based on knowledge? at afw is was a good old boy position....
So now the twu is blaming the IBT for ual's outsourcing. http://twu514.org/blog/2013/02/28/more-teamster-baloney/
I thought it was AMFA's fault...
The main difference here is that AMFA elects there people (political process) versus the TWU which is appointed based on work area knowledge.
And who determines that? Someone else who is appointed, and who put that person in place? Someone else who is appointed.

Both are Political, in one case the members decide, in the other they don't. What did Little say? Evolve or dissolve. Things need to change, they are going to change one way or another. "Their", not "there".

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