@swamt; Were you really thinking about this for 6 hours?? Too funny
I got Quagmire to show up too.....now just a few more of you little suckers.....and I may beat my personal best for down votes.
Again, I am happy to know you are all so interested in my posts. For the record, I still believe a position of this sort is nothing more than a management/union job working at how best to outsource work. Do you all truly believe you can fool us all into thinking the company is simply going to allow a "watchdog" (as you call him) to be put in place by the union in order to curb outsourcing at an airline that is currently on thin ice for profits?? Newsflash.....Southwest Air is not the cash cow they once were.
We have dozens of people who watch dog the company and the amount they farm out. They are our stewards and members. No other union I have belonged to rubs elbows with management the way amfa does. Think about it....the job description for lines 7 to 15 are management. What is the company gaining for allowing this position
Do you all honestly believe Southwest management is simply allowing this so that amfa can find the farm out cap? Has Southwest outsourcing become so vast that it can not be monitored by stewards alone? Why do you
NEED a full time on site rep to "watch" the company? What happens when a violation is found? Recommendations??? Good luck with that.