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Irish eyes are smiling!!


Aug 19, 2002
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Here''s a lift for U...see ya at the pub!!


Proposed new air routes welcomed
03/12/2002 - 7:24:51 pm
Tourism Ireland has welcomed a proposed new direct flight service from Philadelphia to Dublin and Shannon.
The routes were announced today by US Airways.
Tourism Ireland said they hoped the news would boost their marketing efforts in the US next year.
They undertook a major marketing drive in the US last month with the Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism, John O''Donoghue.
Since the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, transatlantic access to Ireland has been substantially reduced.
This new service together with the reinstatement of the Aer Lingus Baltimore to Dublin and Shannon service in 2003, bodes well for a recovery in the North America market next year.
The significance of the North American market is based on the fact that it is the highest yielding in terms of consumer spend, and is of vital importance to many sectors of the industry including serviced accommodation, car rental and regional tourism enterprises.
I think this is a terrific destination, but currently AerLingus is GIVING away seats to DUB.[BR][BR]My parents took a flight from LAX to DUB on AerLingus for $279 each. The fare was so cheap, they bought an extra seat for the room.[BR][BR]OTOH, there isn't much service.[BR][BR]CO has one or two flights which are tags to Shannon.[BR][BR]DL has one flight which does the same thing.[BR][BR]Will US use a 767-200 or a 757-200 reconfigured? Siegel had mentioned this possibility some time ago. Or is he going to leap frog a Dash-8 from PHL to BOS to Halifax to Gander to Keflavik to Shannon?
Maybe we can use those RJ's on the run...if they could, they would...
Excellent news. Ireland is a fantastic place to visit with some great deals. 7 of us went there last year and rented a 3 bedroom house in Killarney for $350 for the week! And this was the week before St Patricks day. This will definitely be a good step for US. Lots of traffic there and no more London or Manchester sidestep required.[BR][BR]
The Dash 8 idea would be kind of fun if it had only about 6 Envoy seats in it and plenty of booze.
[A href="http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/021203/dctu066_1.html"][SMALL][FONT size=2]US Airways Plans New Seasonal Service Linking Philadelphia and Ireland[/FONT][/SMALL][/A][BR][BR]US will fly the tags like everybody else: PHL-SNN-DUB or PHL-DUB-SNN[BR][BR]Service with 767-200s - sorry Geo and Dashflyer.[BR][BR]Service to commence in May for the summer with provision for year round if the aircraft are available and market warrants.[BR][BR][A target=_blank href="http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/021203/dctu066_1.html"][/A]
Well Well...Doesn't this figure!! Should the A330-300 remain in our fleet for the long term? Of course U selected a Boeing to fly to Ireland.

Aer Lingus flies the A330..so now if we need to borrow or buy something...we will have to seek out BA at LHR or LGW.

Tell Me...Does anyone in this airline ever consider the consequences of thier actions?.

I understand the routes to Ireland don't support the A330's capacity ...but this is still another example of a square peg into a round hole regarding the costly issues of logistics.

Not to worry...our concessions will continue to make up the difference as always...Oops that math doesn't work either.
Itrade..I think I did address that aspect..regarding the "Over-Capacity" of the A330 for the intended routes.

This does however support my views on fleet rationalization of our wide bodies to the single type make of the Boeing 767-200/300ER's. The savings of a single airframe and engine type to support would be substancial.

This is exactly the kind of savings that would take some of the burden off of the employee's for a change.
Maybe I'm just being silly, but is US running a bit short of widebodies?

Let's assume that during the summer you are going to have PIT and CLT to LGW/FRA/CDG each, plus all of the PHL transatlantic flying. With what, 22 widebodies or so?

This must make maintenance a blast.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/3/2002 3:29:39 PM AOG-N-IT wrote:
[P]Well Well...Doesn't this figure!! Should the A330-300 remain in our fleet for the long term? Of course U selected a Boeing to fly to Ireland.[BR][BR]Aer Lingus flies the A330..so now if we need to borrow or buy something...we will have to seek out BA at LHR or LGW. [BR][BR]Tell Me...Does anyone in this airline ever consider the consequences of thier actions?.[BR][BR]I understand the routes to Ireland don't support the A330's capacity ...but this is still another example of a square peg into a round hole regarding the costly issues of logistics. [BR][BR]Not to worry...our concessions will continue to make up the difference as always...Oops that math doesn't work either. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Its not that easy. During summer, Continental flies either a 757-200I or a 767-200 to DUB and SNN. Simply flying a 268+ passenger aircraft to Ireland because parts may be available when the market only could support 200 passengers is a waste of resources and not economical.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/3/2002 3:46:32 PM AOG-N-IT wrote:
[P][BR]This is exactly the kind of savings that would take some of the burden off of the employee's for a change. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Now why would you want to go and do something like that? [/P]
On 12/3/2002 3:28:43 PM ClueByFour wrote:

Maybe I'm just being silly, but is US running a bit short of widebodies?

I wouldn't assume PIT-LGW/CDG will return.
Guiness and flying. You must be a Continental pilot.
On 12/3/2002 3:18:32 PM ITRADE wrote:

US will fly the tags like everybody else: PHL-SNN-DUB or PHL-DUB-SNN


I think there's some arcane Irish law that requires carriers flying from the US to arrive in SNN before continuing onto DUB.

As for the 757s across the Atlantic, it's doable, but US' 757-200s are not ETOPS certified, right? The expense might be a bit much to bring them up to regs for ETOPS.