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Aa To Ireland This Summer?

EI needs to fly to Asia, Hong Kong, Sydney, South Africa and Tokyo should be priority one. Flying to more of America is nice, but now that Ireland has become the Celtic Tiger it needs to fly to places a first world European airline flies to. 777 or A340's should be the future to Asia. As long as EI flies only to America, shannon will be an issue( this is a bad outdated policy) but EI has to keep more of its passengers to places Irish people emmigrated to, EI delivers 800 passengers a day to BA at LHR. I'm all for the ONEWORLD Alliance but EI has to fly to South Africa, Australia, Japan & Asia. I would say few Asian go to Ireland compared to England and France, because there is no direct airline servcie from Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sinapore to Dublin. ( Who can say when Singapore Airline will fly to Dublin, I don't know, but Ireland can't wait for the foreignors to do it for them) Asian tourism and Business to Ireland needs to tapped and Aer Lingus needs to be the instrument to do the job. Aer Lingus needs 6 777 to fly daily to Narita and then the rest of the Pacific. The future of prosperity this century is in Asia( it a fact wether we want to admit it or not).