I am almost late to the #2 window, but I have kind of wanted to say something that is treading on sensitive ground and then I decided it was too personal, and didn't really know what topic to put it in, so screw it, if you're reading my beat up thread, you kind of know what to expect from me, which is, randomness.
Why this is still open amuses me, but I will take advantage of it again.
I think that the customer service sucks at Wendy's because too many people who are in a visible position are worn out, tired, stale, etc and don't care anymore. Or care just enough. Delivering a service standard that is "just enough" to get by. Obviously, that is FAIL because we're last in complaints ALL the time.
Here's why it's difficult...the people on the front lines are some of your most senior people in the business. They're topped out and aren't going to leave til retirement, so the company gets what it gets. Discipline for being a little bastard to a customer is few and far between because those doling it out are collegues from way back in the day. Promotions for people with enthusiasm and a different approach are few and far between, into positions that matter anyway, because the contract that is set up to protect us also governs how jobs are selected.
I have a decade or so in this industry and I can say without fear of being cocky that I can run circles around pretty much anyone on this system and could on the previous one. The only exceptions are those who have been taught extensively and the only thing those people can do is nark me out when they figure out six months into it how easy it was for me to manipulate. I can charm the most pissed off person into writing a good letter, unlike anyone I know. I'm way too smart for this job and I'm aware of it, it pays crap and I actually saved money from another job just for the purpose of working here without financial stress. I try to make a difference. I am not normal. Anyone who knows me knows this. I am also not stringent and professional and my seniority is no where close to getting me into a position where I will ever be able to make a difference. The positions go to people who like the sweet schedule, or who are already full time. I get far more A&B's than anyone I know and I never turn in a single one because it means more to me than a stupid drawing. I have a shoebox full of them.
I will never be taken seriously because I post on here, I will never be given an opportunity other than CSS, which they hand out like candy to anyone stupid enough to take it without the fear of the poison that comes with it. I will never be given a chance to make a difference because of the stringent system that we have set up and how unconventional my behavior is.
Am I willing to conform to this stupid black and white image that fails anyway just to get ahead? Hell no. I'm perfectly fine to sit here below the radar and make a difference to one person at a time, knowing that the ship will probably go down anyway if things dont change....frustrated because no one will give someone like me a chance because they aren't used to people like me.
The truth is, people like me who loved the job for the job and not for the money are the reason people enjoyed being customers, and there arent many of us left, and look how unhappy everyone is.
I am fully aware management reads this and I don't really care. They're aware of my personnel file and how capable I am as well.
If you want the customer service to change, change those who are in control of it and let those of us who do the extraodinary have a chance. Stop pressuring people like me to conform to your unneccessary and unefficient policies and listen to what we have to say instead of humoring me. I have more time to wait for change than the company does.
Is this going to cross a manager's desk? You bet. Is she gonna roll her eyes again ? Absolutely. Will I get called in over it? Possibly. But you know what? I'm not concerned, if you people won't pay attention to your own stupid pathetic policies and do something about them , I'm not concerned with acting like I agree with them. The same union that keeps me a peon will also pull me out of trouble anyway.
Semper Gumby, people.
(i work at Wendy's) and I actually made up everything I just said for entertainment purposes. 🙂 bringit.