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Fired!?! Is This Really Happening? (long)

700UW said:
Ironic Curt.

The IAM in CLT have helped numerous members with FMLA, even have a FMLA Committee set up at the local lodge which has benefited the members immensely, even have a great re pore with the local DOL contact.

First of all I didn’t work in CLT. I knew plenty of good ole fun filled boys from there though: I was speaking of the PIT local and their band of clueless morons whose help on a good day is pathetic. You can defend the total ineptitude of the IAM until your dying breathe for all I care 700. With their woefully sorry track record that makes you look the fool. I wonder if they will feed your family when they are finished using you.

I have read and re-read the many replies to this post.

God bless you people-I knew I could come here and get valuable advice from those in the know or those that have been through it.

"My friend" spoke yesterday with a company representative in EAP (Did you KNOW that the company has an EAP department? Who would've thunk it? I didn't think they CARED enough to provide an employee assistance deaprtment) who informed her that she has until the end of September to get better.

When my friend asked the representative if that means the FMLA runs out, and she is put on medical leave, whereupon her "protected" status chhanges and she will probably be fired, the representative comfirmed that was true. When asked how a company could just throw an ill person out on the street after 20 years of service just b/c she became ill, rep said she has worked "at many companies" and that's what companies do."

I woke up this morning, and you know how sometimes you wake, and are SO GLAD that "it was only a dream"? I had that feeling when I first woke, thinking my friend's situation was just a bad dream...then I came awake fully and reality set in once again.

How do they expect my friend to get better in two weeks when they are adding all this stress?

My friend's divorce lawyer brought up the fact that "on medical leave, she is broke and receiving no income. If the company fires her, she gets unemployment until which time she gets her job back, or decides she doesn't want to work for a company that treats their employees, especially their formerly best and brightest and most dedicated, this way."

Why DO people stay? Maybe they don't. Maybe that's why everyone is leaving or has left.

Enough for now-once again-Thank you.

Don't forget AFA has an EAP program as well! I'm not 100% sure of this but if you're legitimately ill, I don't believe the company can fire you, provided you have all the proper documentation. A lawyer should be able to help establish that for you. Remind your friend that union members have access to lawyers in the Union Privilege plan. If I recall it right, it's 30 minutes free consultation and then a reduced rate after that.

I don't understand how you can be expected to recover on a time table determined by non-medical folks. Add that stress to your friend's already sick body and I just don't see it happening. Cruel to the end!

Please, take Pitbull's advice and contact your union reps right away! If nothing else, get the numbers from them for the Union Privilege lawyers and call them!

You are not alone and neither is your friend.

Before 1993 employers could fire someone for taking a day or two beyond their alloted sick leave. In 1999, my sister had cancer. She had 5 days of sick leave which was exhausted in the hosptial. She was a designer for a major NYC firm and had to lift heavy bolts of fabric. She asked for extra time so she didn't have to throw up on the Subway and in front of customers. They said, "No--take it or leave it." Because HIPAA didn't exist (1996 law--preventing pre-existing condition exclusions from health insurance if there is continual coverage), she felt forced to stay there. In 1994 (post FMLA), she got cancer the second time. Now she could manage her treatment.

Look, I'm just the wife of a pilot who happens to be in charge of HR for a big company and teaches the stuff. But I help out when I can for those that need advice--and it's free. So, mtmnba, please PM me!

HR Diva
I don't know how ligitmate this entire thread is but so far, I have NOT been pm'd about any sick f/a and what to do to receive income (which is in our CBA)... the f/a CAN receive while ill regardless of FMLA time or not. This f/a has not filled out the paperwork necessary to be on a medical leave that substantiates a serious illness. And this is very simple to resolve.

The Co. EAS Dept. is NOT the dept to go to and receive advice.

If this is truly a legitmate problem, than we should be hearing that this ill f/a has contacted PIT AFA Office or the "alleged friend".

Until such time, me thinks someone is trying to get some attention.

I won't be replying on this thread again.
PITbull said:
I don't know how ligitmate this entire thread is but so far, I have NOT been pm'd about any sick f/a and what to do to receive income (which is in our CBA)... the f/a CAN receive while ill regardless of FMLA time or not. This f/a has not filled out the paperwork necessary to be on a medical leave that substantiates a serious illness. And this is very simple to resolve.

The Co. EAS Dept. is NOT the dept to go to and receive advice.

If this is truly a legitmate problem, than we should be hearing that this ill f/a has contacted PIT AFA Office or the "alleged friend".

Until such time, me thinks someone is trying to get some attention.

I won't be replying on this thread again.
I believe whether it be true or false, it doesn’t matter because the theme is absolutely true. Just because one doesn’t believe in something will not change a positive into a negative, nor make a reality a fantasy. For example: Plenty of people believe in Allah blowing off Jesus while blowing themselves up. Faced with entirety while casually taking bets on whose person will actually be greeting humanity at the pearly gates is a very dangerous game to play with one’s eternity.

This FMLA story might be someone’s imaginational fantasy but the truth it carries is very real. I and many others lived it. U’s team of vermin whose twisted ideas of success equals crushing peoples lives in the process and justifying it with demented policies and practices that promote personal destruction. Their policies and practices do not allow for the human factor, it can’t because evil doesn’t grasp let alone understand compassion.

Every year that I was at U since FMLA was inducted the process of obtaining FMLA was progressing into a more difficult process with added paper work and even a separate department bent on denials as the norm.

I believe this topic’s theme is absolutely true whether the individual mentioned is true or not, it simply doesn’t matter. The theme like Jesus is very true and like Allah and a management team of the same mindset does nothing but promote destruction and death. Look no further than the destruction left in their path, the path they refer to when giving themselves millions upon millions as accomplishments deserving of big rewards, like pure evil that idea is very twisted.

I have PM'd you.

Just out of curiosity-why would someone take the time to write such a long post, AND give specifics if the scenario was made up? My "friend" would not have called PIT reps as she is based in CCY, as stated at the bottom of the OP.

And why does someone have to PM anyone for authentication?

Not trying to be rude, just wondering.

To have someone infer that you are "making this up" brings to mind the company's inferences about the employees illness. ("If you are that sick, go into the hospital", otherwise GET BACK TO WORK) Which is just more frustrating and depressing. 🙁

mtmnba said:

I have PM'd you.

Just out of curiosity-why would someone take the time to write such a long post, AND give specifics if the scenario was made up? My "friend" would not have called PIT reps as she is based in CCY, as stated at the bottom of the OP.

And why does someone have to PM anyone for authentication?

Not trying to be rude, just wondering.

To have someone infer that you are "making this up" brings to mind the company's inferences about the employees illness. ("If you are that sick, go into the hospital", otherwise GET BACK TO WORK) Which is just more frustrating and depressing. 🙁


Personally, I believed it was from the start...It fits their M.O. to the tee!

Like I mentioned: I too dealt with this team and never worried about the unions or the EAS/EAP or the IAM for help. I called my personal attorney to resolve what shouldn’t have been an issue to begin with. The ones that should be calling Behavioral Health are the very ones throwing up the road blocks where they don’t belong.
PITbull said:
Received the PM.

i have someone who may help her at washington post....this seems like a dreadful situation and one that i am familiar with due to my husband's illness....have original
post messenger email me at stillcynthia@aol.com and i will be happy to share...best wishes...

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