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International Meltdown...Is US ready for China?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bryan240sx
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Is MUC a chronic flight w/ problems?
If we are using this ONE flight to reflect LCC's inability to operate a China flight as some are pointing out-would it not also be fair to examine other airlines daily gaffes?
Some posters seem to be a bit disingenuous with their arguments against US.
Flightstats.com O/T & average delay statistics for May 15 - Jul 15

PHL-AMS 31% 55 min
PHL-BRU 30% 99 min
PHL-FRA 33% 62 min
PHL-MAN 31% 87 min
PHL-GLA 25% 78 min
PHL-FCO 30% 62 min
PHL-CDG 41% 42 min

Need I go on......

PHL-SNN 26% 69 min
PHL-DUB 33% 61 min
PHL-LGW 31% 72 min
PHL-LIS 37% 46 min
PHL-MAD 83% 13 min (going to Europe - go to MAD and connect)
PHL-BCN 62% 62 min
PHL-MXP 47% 41 min
PHL-VCE 28% 60 min
PHL-ZRH 50% 46 min
PHL-ATH 52% 75 min

Can I stop now.....

Does this preclude trying?

If you can't even manage what you have now, why in the world would you think you can make something new and more complicated work? In the current state of operations, anything new and different is a recipe for even more disaster. Do you like working on flights that are delayed for hours, or even days (Can you say PHL-MUN this past week?) at this point, with unruly and mad customers? Why in the world would you put yourself in that position - and want more of the same?
Does this preclude trying?
Only if we got qualified airline management running this company. Let's face it, these idiots are only here to make their money and go as all the ones before them. USAir is a cash cow for these exec as has been proven in the past. No interest in running a quality operation. And, again, we clean up their messes.
Is US ready for China?

US isn't even ready for the international "service" they already offer to an unsuspecting public. The DOT will look at their own statistics regarding our overseas service and soundly reject the China application. Besides, the other airlines applying for the authority are likely better connected politically and better positioned to start the service properly on day one. Of course, every airline had to initiate transpacific service with no experience in the market, so the fact that US doesn't do it yet is not a disqualifying factor. The fact that their application is based on smoke-and-mirrors A340s and an dreadfully irresponsible transatlantic record will not be lost on the DOT.
Piney, you are right on target. The main reason USAir kept their headquarters in Virginia was because of the connections in Washington. They (CCY) weren't stupid. USAir had my opportunities to relocate headquarters to North Carolina and Philadelphia but would never consider it. They wanted to stay put where the decisions were made. USAir was VERY well connected.
As far as political connections is concerned, AWA once had a powerful champion in the senate. John McCain was known to go to great lengths to protect his home turf carrier over the years. Now, John McCain is quickly becoming a minor player in the grand scheme of things as he presides over his own political meltdown of sorts. And USAirways even added insult to his presidential campaign when it failed to get him from PHX to PIT for some kind of meeting or rally.

John McCain is a patriot and genuine hero. Unfortunately for his political aspirations, he never quite played the political game as well as his reptilian Republican counterparts. Time and time again they crapped on McCain, whose shoes they were not even worthy to shine. And McCain remained loyal to those cretins, biding his time for when it would be his turn. Sadly (but not unexpectedly,) McCain's loyalty to his party has been kicked in the dirt in favor of younger neo-cons. It will never be John McCain's turn.

So much for Tempe's political clout.
Buried inside your post is something not to be overlooked. Political connections. US Airways, (The CCY Version) was very well connected to the halls of power. For proof one need only look to see where David Castlevetter landed after the Tempe braintrust took over. Castlevetter was one of US Airways spokespersons/gov. liasons and now he heads the industry lobby group the Air Transport Association. The Sr US Executive that originally reached out to us had a clear pipeline into the halls of power via one of the powerful lobbyists in DC, a lady named Linda Daschle, wife of former Senator Tom Daschle. Linda and her status as a true Washington "Insider" is one of the reasons Tom never ran for President. Seems Linda gave our friend his intro into aviation.

IMO the new US is far better at "Spin" than CCY ever was. However when it came to old fashioned back room networking and deal cutting I think CCY would run rings around them. Another thing I will say positive about CCY was their bulldog determination to save US Airways regardless the pain it caused was remarkable. I have vivid recollection of a conversation I had and I took them to task on employee morale. The response I got was "We don't have the time or the money to address morale issues right now! We're trying to run the airline and keep the doors open so everybody has a job"
And AGAIN, You are Right! PERIOD.
I think one of the reasons I'm so blasted mad at Tempe is I see them squandering all of the effort CCY actually put into keeping the doors open only to once again see the airline sink into the abyss. Except for the Christmas Meltdown, the old US NEVER performed as poorly as now.
The question now is...how are you going to feel, arriving in Beijing when you realize your bags were stolen or rifled through? Missing that medication? The recent events speak for themselves!

US Airways to China? :down:
ANYONE who even thinks of putting MEDICATION in a bag.. much less going to CHINA with checked medication is a MORON....
ANYONE who even thinks of putting MEDICATION in a bag.. much less going to CHINA with checked medication is a MORON....

a MORON...when flying US Airways.

I check my medication all of the time. I carry a flying pharmacy on my overseas trips and you'd be stupid not to for emergencies. Essential medication is in carry-on, obviously, but I carry a medical kit with me when I'm traveling internationally and it's got all kinds of stuff in it and, yes, it's checked.

People should expect an airline to deliver their checked luggage to their destination, regardless of what third-world airport, PHL included, they're flying through.
The question now is...how are you going to feel, arriving in Beijing when you realize your bags were stolen or rifled through? Missing that medication? The recent events speak for themselves!

US Airways to China? :down:
People put medications in their checked luggage?

You need to carry your own medical kit to Beijing? Last time I was there, it was very civilized. They had hospitals, pharmacies, grocery stores, and, to my surprise, the people of China even walk upright!!! You could probably pick up a "medical kit" there!

I am *SURE* that bags do not get "rifled through" in places like JFK. I mean, there have *NEVER* been drug busts/ ramp issues there. The Delta operation alone is a delayed mess on any given afternoon.... :lol:
a MORON...when flying US Airways.

I check my medication all of the time. I carry a flying pharmacy on my overseas trips and you'd be stupid not to for emergencies. Essential medication is in carry-on, obviously, but I carry a medical kit with me when I'm traveling internationally and it's got all kinds of stuff in it and, yes, it's checked.
I totally agree. I check a medical kit if my family is traveling with me. While it's true that you can get many things in China, it's important for me to have quick access to syringes, nitro, glucagon, insulin, and epi. It's naive to not carry at least the very basics while abroad.
People put medications in their checked luggage?

You need to carry your own medical kit to Beijing? Last time I was there, it was very civilized. They had hospitals, pharmacies, grocery stores, and, to my surprise, the people of China even walk upright!!! You could probably pick up a "medical kit" there!

Thank you for carrying my thread off topic, but I feel the need to respond... Your racist insinuations are neither welcome nor are they appreciated

The key to my medical kit is that everything in it is FDA-approved and sold in the United States, which makes me a whole lot more comfortable using it than if I'm buying a product that I can't read the label and can't speak the language of the local population.

When I cut myself, for example, I like to have bandages, peroxide, topical antibiotic, etc. available RIGHT NOW and from a country I trust and know to have safe medical supplies. It's not about an inherent distrust of the country I'm visiting, but about my personal safety and my comfort zone.

When I need pain medication, I want to know I'm buying decent, US-grade Analgesics. It's about my personal safety. As with anything I'm putting into my body or on an open wound, I want US-grade material and there is NO GUARANTEE I can get that in any country outside the US.

And, for the record, NO, I do not trust anything I buy in China to be legitimate and safe, particularly medicine and the like. China is a place you go to buy low-grade knock-off merchandise and medication is no exception. No one can guarantee my personal safety but myself in that situation and I carry a medical bag.

That doesn't make me a racist or anti-China. It makes me a very precautious person.
Don't worry bryan. I have to deal with this all the time it seems. You see me post and you be sure a post from a certain someone with all the brains :blink: will soon follow. It's not a fun read really just simply skip past it and move on. :lol:

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