Trust me, the international operation has been a complete embarassment since June 1st. Constant delays, catering issues, fuelers who don't know how to fuel aircraft.
Two days ago, we needed 65,000 lbs of fuel for our departure, the fuel slip came up showing they fueled that much but there was only 35,000 lbs on the aircraft. Complete fabrication. Took an hour and a half to correct.
One catering truck for the entire operation after 10 pm. Munich waited an additional hour and a half for catering leaving around 1 am after numerous screw ups.
I could go on and on, but I'm getting nervous getting on our aircraft with the bozos working the flight on the ground. Sorry to the old pros, but these new people don't have a clue. I heard the fueler for the Munich flight in question last night didn't even know which switch to flip to start fueling the aircraft. A supervisor had to come out and show him.
The real reason for the delays though is spare parts. They have none in PHL and with these jets getting a little long in the tooth, they need spare parts.
What a complete mess. The European station managers just shake their head when we ask them how things are going. They are embarassed to be associated with us.
One thing OCC seems to do OK is spread the delays around so each destination gets their fair share of the delays.
Hopefully, someone will wake up and get to work fixing this but from the mgt apologists here, it sounds like everythings just fine. Whatever.
To paraphrase BB and use his quote out of context(I hope you will not mind.)and for another purpose... Is MUC a chronic flight w/ problems?
If we are using this ONE flight to reflect LCC's inability to operate a China flight as some are pointing out-would it not also be fair to examine other airlines daily gaffes?
Some posters seem to be a bit disingenuous with their arguments against US.