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International f/a''s, new bid sheets are out.

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
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International schedule reductions are being made for April. New bidsheets for IMA, BOS-I, JFK, and IOR. Bids will be open until 0001 March 23.

One change I saw right off was that IMA will fly a ORD-LHR as a 6 day from Miami.
Hey Mikey,

Thanks for the heads up. But, at IOR we knew that IMA was to be flying our flight 98 about 2 weeks ago, straight from our base manager. That really isn't NEW info. It was also included into IMA's bidsheet from the begining. Plus the website says the new bid sheets won't be out till the 20th. So there isn't any new info yet. P.S. thank you lord for taking 98 from us, it really is our worst trip. People can't stand it.
On 3/19/2003 8:54:36 PM FA Mikey wrote:

International schedule reductions are being made for April.

Just how deep are the reductions? I could look at the bidsheets, but since I don''t know the former schedule that wouldn''t do me much good.

What I saw was pretty light -- a few frequency reductions here and there.

Can''t get any more specific because with the shooting war underway, there still might be more revisions.

You may like the "Few Good Men" truth quote for AA''s situation, it does
fit sometimes though. I personally like the clip from "Hunt For Red October"
on the Russian attack sub at the end of the movie. I think Carty fits the
role of Captain Tupolev very well as his First Officer tells him; "You''ve killed us you arrogant ass!".

I''ve heard our own torpedos homing back on us for years.
On 3/20/2003 12:32:53 AM IORFA wrote:

Hey Mikey,

Thanks for the heads up. But, at IOR we knew that IMA was to be flying our flight 98 about 2 weeks ago, straight from our base manager. That really isn''t NEW info. It was also included into IMA''s bidsheet from the begining. Plus the website says the new bid sheets won''t be out till the 20th. So there isn''t any new info yet. P.S. thank you lord for taking 98 from us, it really is our worst trip. People can''t stand it.

Of course we new for us. Everything Is always top secret. I wont be flying next month, but what''s wrong with 98? Passengers, or crew don''t like it.

The last time we had a LHR 6 day, I did one and it was enough for me. I know the Miami crowd well, the Chicago passengers threw us off. Between Miami and London, the premium cabins have a very easy going group of people. The service always runs smooth and enjoy conversations with many different people. Coach on the other hand, is a give me, give me, give me, No, I cant wait a minute. I need what I want NOW. It was still my favorite position to pick up. M/C? aisle, Nothing to count, nothing to setup, just easy. The Chicago crowd threw us all off. The premium cabins were rough, sometimes cranky and very demanding. Yet here Coach was a breeze. Its wild how certain markets from the same destination produce such a different group of customers.

Caracas has a similar situation. The difference of customers who travel to or through Miami Vs Dallas is amazing.
Hey Mikey,

Nothing wrong with the pax, or crew. It is the time of the departure. Most days it is at 10:00pm, on the weekends it is at 11:15pm. WAY TOO LATE!!!! That is the only problem with it. Pax are different whether going to BOS, LGA or MIA. Kind of weird some times.
On 3/20/2003 6:15:46 AM kirkpatrick wrote:

On 3/19/2003 8:54:36 PM FA Mikey wrote:

International schedule reductions are being made for April.

Just how deep are the reductions? I could look at the bidsheets, but since I don''t know the former schedule that wouldn''t do me much good.



Not deep at all. Chicago and Boston will see reductions to Heathrow; the additional Dallas-Tokyo frequency has been delayed; Dallas-Paris reduced; St. Louis-Gatwick reduced; and Miami-Guatemala City/Panama City reduced, and the seasonal second Miami-Belize frequency will end a month early. That''s it, for now at least.
Please speak for yourself! I happen to think that is the only trip worth bidding in IOR! 4 months and now it''s gone. Why can they give away 86 or 66?
On 3/21/2003 5:30:13 PM graayf/a wrote:

Please speak for yourself! I happen to think that is the only trip worth bidding in IOR! 4 months and now it''s gone. Why can they give away 86 or 66?

Has it changed again? Is it back to IOR 86 and 66?