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Int Res Building

Tell me what company goes out of it's way to not just slit it's own throat, not once but several times to ensure they got the jugular and killed themselves? Do you really believe that IF they closed PIT they would then turn around and close INT to save a buck and loose their loyal customer base, when in theory that is they have to trade on now??? Gimmeabreak :unsure: :down: :unsure:
reznc said:
Tell me what company goes out of it's way to not just slit it's own throat, not once but several times to ensure they got the jugular and killed themselves? Do you really believe that IF they closed PIT they would then turn around and close INT to save a buck and loose their loyal customer base, when in theory that is they have to trade on now??? Gimmeabreak :unsure: :down: :unsure:
Your missing the point, you and everyone else that works here is just a number. Your skills and what you contribute to this company are irrelevant. Physical location is also irrelevant. If we are in business and the RSA tower opens don't be surprised if work shifts there. New employees are cheap, young, and easy to manipulate. I'm sure the cost benefit would be in favor of a new office. Me and you can be replaced very quickly. It doesn't take degree to look into a tariff or to check the loads on a flight. I'm sure that those that would transfer to the new facility would be able to handle and help the new ones along until they were not so new anymore.
The cost benefit, check out the cost of moving cable lines, it costs millions. I understand what you are saying, but there is alot of hidden costs that aren't made aware, being this is an electronic age the location to DM, Rev/Acctg is important, unless those buildings in INT have become cost prohibitive too. If that is the logic CCY needs to move before PIT or INT.
I was also told that the BOWE printer is in INT. Very old and expensive to replace. This printer does the printing of receipts for those who don't trust email or for partners that do not have electronic ticket capability.
I was also told that the BOWE printer is in INT. Very old and expensive to replace. This printer does the printing of receipts for those who don't trust email or for partners that do not have electronic ticket capability.

The Bowe machine is just a mail sorter. Maybe it cost a million dollars. Could be another outsourced item, quite easily. And of course the ticketing department isn't located right there in INT is it? Isn't that all handled in PIT?
Ticketing per se is done in PIT, however, you need to remember that INT has been able to provide all services in the past when it was Piedmont. The division of functions occurred when USAir and Piedmont merged. I realise the otherside of the argument is that so could PIT, but given A320's commnet about PIT and persistent rumors it seems unlikely that if one office was to go that it would be INT. In saying that I would hate to see PIT go, as U has all ready contributed to PA's escalating unemployment rate.
If this company last 5 years the rez office will be in the RSA building in Mobile 5 years from now.
So when is CCY going to AL????? 🙄 Sure the exec.s love that location, oh well B)
They would all move in a heart beat. Where else could they make the money they're getting here? Think another company or another airline wants these misfits? A lot of talented exces taking up a lot of space. the court just need to make sure someone watches the back door so that the giant sucking sound isn't the money going out with the exec's.
😀 West Coast Guy, thank you for the great laugh, I really enjoyed that.
Ummmmm, yeah, I never ever said they could not close Winston....I only said that if the company truly wants to loose the highest tier Frequent Flyers, some of our most experienced and productive reps, and basically take all customer service skills and flush it down the commode then they'll do it.

I personally have a combined total of eleven years of gate, counter, baggage, and res experience....yeah I am just a number, But I can guarantee you that I provide better service to my customers than any of the reps they'd replace me with since I know not only my job but how the ATO operates....Once again, I am not saying they won't still do it. I am just saying that they'd be stupid to do it.

Maybe FFOCUS should chime in on this since they would have the most to loose from INT closing.
Personally, I think the real issue is a JetBlue model where reservations as a building does not exist. Instead it's all those agent's who will accept $9.00 to work from home on a company PC and company line. All doing the same thing they do now, but in their own homes where the agent pays the light/heating bill and collects a tiny salary.

There will of course be an "office", somewhere, with a very very very small staff to coordinate things and house a few pieces of machinery but that's it. An office staff only.

Just a thought. Not a pleasant thought mind you.

Good luck to all.

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