The Goose
Defend them all you wish FWAAA, but the bottom line is any payments, be it supposed "variable" compensation, bonuses, or whatever that's over and above the base salary is a "reward" for one thing or another - the only issue with us is whether or not it's deserved/earned.The executives have received no bonuses (in the "let's give them a bonus because of exceptional profits" sense) since the year 2000. The difficulty many of the rank and file seem to have is that AA's huge losses will not cause the board to withhold all variable compensation from the greedy executives. I'm certain that Glading and Hill and the TWU's mouthpieces would love it if Arpey was paid only his base cash salary (a little less than $700k) , but that's not how it works in the real world. In 2009, Arpey made at least $2.5 million less than he would have had the company's financial performance been impressive. I'd say a pay reduction of $2.5 million from what the board planned to pay him is a pretty fair trade for the company's dismal 2009 performance and huge losses.
Nope, the executives didn't earn their short-term incentive bonuses, and hence, for the tenth straight year, they were paid no bonuses. It's outlined in the proxy statement.
What you aren't remembering are the years when oil companies didn't make money hand over fist, like during Pres Reagan's second term, when oil bottomed out at about $10/bbl in early 1986 and bounced around from that level to about $25/bbl until the first Gulf War. Same thing for most of the 1990s, when oil profits were meager compared to the good times. While the oil company execs didn't make huge bonuses during that time, their pay consisted of more than just their base cash salary. Just like the execs at AMR over the past 10 years. Lack of profits doesn't mean that execs do without; it simply means they don't get quite as much outrageous compensation as they would if the profits were hand over fist.
2007, when AMR earned $504 million; also in 2006, when AMR earned $231 million. The only profitable years for AMR in the past decade.
If an executive or a herd of them cannot produce and turn in financials as has AMR for a period of time, they should be paying the corporation for their "status" rather than raping it, dollar wise. Unfortunately, that's not the way the world works.
The corporate garbage should count their lucky stars I'm not in charge of lightning bolts - BBQd executive would be on display next to the sloppy joes and quarter-inch thick "steaks".