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I'm Torqued


Jun 27, 2004
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I'm TORQUED!!! You should be too!! I am appalled by the nmb's initial decision to deny our democratic vote. Our civil rights violations should be investigated by congress. If the nmb will allow 200 names to be added to the list at the last minute without question then this is nothing more than a violation of the civil rights of all working class americans in this country. Wheres the justice????? When you come right down to it,,,,, it just ain't right!!!!!!
torqued said:
I'm TORQUED!!! You should be too!! I am appalled by the nmb's initial decision to deny our democratic vote. Our civil rights violations should be investigated by congress. If the nmb will allow 200 names to be added to the list at the last minute without question then this is nothing more than a violation of the civil rights of all working class americans in this country. Wheres the justice????? When you come right down to it,,,,, it just ain't right!!!!!!
Hello Torqued, I'm Bill. I find it funny how you have been just as brainwashed by all the AMFA rhetoric like your cohorts on this board. I'm very sorry for your "condition".

It looks as if you are finding blame on AMFA's loss in everyone and everything else, just like the rest of the amfa pukes.

The NMB allowed the names because that's the way things are done, that's the way things have BEEN done. AMFA had appeals, the TWU had appeals. The rules did not go your way so you are crying foul!!!

I'll tell you what's not right Torqued. I made mention of this earlier. AMFA always seems to find blame other than where it lies. Why do you think that is??? You can go back and read all of the whining and crying and complaining. It's the company's fault, it's the TWU's fault, it's Jim Little's fault, it's Sonny Hall's fault, it's the NMB's fault, it's everyone else's fault that AMFA lost. When does it come a time for AMFA to take any blame or should I say responsibility for their "short comings"???????????? AMFA is not all they are cracked up to be and I'm afraid folks are finding that out the hard way!!!!!
Its obvious that the twu has been partially successful in one aspect. Fear based propaganda is their only real asset, bill, nightwatch etc.etc. have all bought into cio and the twu's bullbutter. You guys may get a temporary reprieve but the next card drive if necessary is just around the corner so don't have a premature celebration.

The NMB allowed the names because that's the way things are done, that's the way things have BEEN done.

What their attempting is to scam the american worker of the democratic process. Its to bad you guys are too blind to see this although I dont think this is the case its more of a situation where communism is okay as long as it benefits the twu.

When does it come a time for AMFA to take any blame or should I say responsibility for their "short comings"???????????? AMFA is not all they are cracked up to be and I'm afraid folks are finding that out the hard way!!!!!

I think you need to replace AMFA in this last statement with the twu. I dont see anyone trying to replace AMFA. Isnt it the twu that is up against the ropes????????
I think you need to replace AMFA in this last statement with the twu. I dont see anyone trying to replace AMFA. Isnt it the twu that is up against the ropes????????

Up against the ropes????? I believe it was amfa that just lost, don't you????? As far as replacing amfa, only time will tell on that one. I do hear there are some things in the works though, as we speak!!
twuer said:
I think you need to replace AMFA in this last statement with the twu. I dont see anyone trying to replace AMFA. Isnt it the twu that is up against the ropes????????

Up against the ropes????? I believe it was amfa that just lost, don't you????? As far as replacing amfa, only time will tell on that one. I do hear there are some things in the works though, as we speak!!
I do hear there are some things in the works though, as we speak!!

Finally twuEr is on the right track. What is in the works is the AMFA representing more airlines in the industry, AA mechanics winning their NMB appeal and sending the twu PACKING. Our flight attendants and the Horizon Air mechanics haved proved that a company can only protect ITS union for only so long!!!!!!

Keep the Faith.........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
twuer said:
I think you need to replace AMFA in this last statement with the twu. I dont see anyone trying to replace AMFA. Isnt it the twu that is up against the ropes????????

Up against the ropes????? I believe it was amfa that just lost, don't you????? As far as replacing amfa, only time will tell on that one. I do hear there are some things in the works though, as we speak!!
quite contrar twuer, if the membership is robbed of their democratic rights then the next drive will fire up with a vengance!!!!!!!!!
Twuer do you like history? What do you think would have happened at TWA and United if the mechanics had not been denied there right to vote over 10 Years ago. Do you think maybe they would be in better shape now if they had treated there mechanics with the respect the every US citizen deserves and let them vote. Keeping the mechanics from voting is not healthy for the longevity of the company. Look at history and decide what is true and right it's not that hard. The company needs mechanics that are motivated and professional. You can not get that from a group of mechanics held hostage by the Company and the NMB, I don't care how many Japanese words you teach them or lies you tell them. Stand up for Democracy secure your future.
twuer said:
Up against the ropes????? I believe it was amfa that just lost, don't you????? As far as replacing amfa, only time will tell on that one. I do hear there are some things in the works though, as we speak!!
I sure would like to see the twu start a drive in the mechanics Craft and CLass at any airline since they have become the consessionary kings. It would be something to laugh about in the furture anyway!
Hey Rusty check out NMB case numbers R-6995, 6994, 6981, 6963. All 4 of these cases came to a vote these were unrepresented workers that said we would prefer to remain un represented than to go with the TWU. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!

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