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Like military leave, there are instances where jury duty and union leave are of extended duration and do offer benefit accruals. Military leaves are not one size fits all either. Some are a few days, some a few weeks, and some may last a year or longer. Often the member has little control over the needs of the service and duration (eg. Iraqi Freedom, Hurricane Katrina).

At this point it appears to be out of AA/APA's hands unless there is a settlement. Even if it's a class action, I can't imagine the total value of any additional benefit liabilities will be more than a few million dollars using some back of the envelope math. We'll see what the court decides.

Union leave brings up a good point for the lawsuit.

AA pays the TWU $3.1 million a year for TWU officers who do not report to work at AA yet continue to collect full pay and benifits from AA.

One such person is Bobby Gless, who as an International Rep participated in Flight Attendant rallies in Washington DC in support of Flight Attendants who are neither TWU represented nor are they AA employees but he is paid by AA. So why is the company paying TWU officials while they are not wotrking for AA in any capacity yet denying benifits to pilots that are called into the service of their country?
An AMT here in MIA went on military leave after 9-11
After coming back approximately a year later AA said he was not entitled to vacation because he was not on the pay roll to accure any.
He grieved it and won his two weeks vacation. This in turn got over 100 other AMTs around the system the same award of vacation.
Just food for thought

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