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Amfa Letter To The Organizers!

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Apr 3, 2003
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American Airlines Update – July 15, 2004

Today, on behalf of over 9,000 American card signers, AMFA submitted a final appeal to the National Mediation Board (NMB) concerning the Investigator’s rulings on the eligibility of the craft or class of the Mechanics and Related Employees at American Airlines. American and TWU responses to our appeal are due on August 5, 2004. Hopefully, shortly thereafter the Board will make its final decision.

From the onset American Airlines with the cooperation and aid of the TWU strived to inflate the voter eligibility list in an attempt to deny American Airlines’ employees their right to select their union representation. (Note: NMB determines eligibility ONLY)

Over the past four months we supplied documentation to the NMB challenging ineligible individuals on the voter eligibility list. On June 16th the NMB Investigator made a ruling setting the voter eligibility list at 18,661. The ruling made by the Investigator was nothing more than a rubber stamp of the Company position. I immediately had visions of unopened AMFA documentation, in some dark corner gathering dust, in an obscure NMB office. To make such a ruling the Investigator had to ignore AMFA’s substantial documentation. (Note: Intimidation lets feel sorry for ourselves) I intend to provide a PDF file, on the AMFA website, of our 90 page appeal that will be downloadable for all to read.

If the Board upholds the Investigator’s ruling and an election is denied the Mechanics and Related you will absolutely be disheartened, but draw strength from the injustice and we will return next year. (Note: The Majority of the Mechanic and Related have made the choice by not supporting this rogue group! Amfa subsidiary of MAG and Associates)

I would like to thank the hundreds of individuals at American that have assisted in this effort, especially to those that put their lives on hold working 16 hour days conducting research of the eligibility list, to those manning the phone banks, collecting authorizations, producing videos, setting up meetings, fund raising and passing out AMFA literature. I applaud your unselfish commitment.

We will also continue to stand by our supporter who was unjustly terminated by American Airlines as a result of his efforts to support this campaign.


Terry Harvey
Assistant National Director

This letter reminds me of a Politician who is giving a speech after they failed to garner enough support! Nightwatch, do you have some more Kleenex?
Checking it Out said:

American Airlines Update – July 15, 2004

Today, on behalf of over 9,000 American card signers, AMFA submitted a final appeal to the National Mediation Board (NMB) concerning the Investigator’s rulings on the eligibility of the craft or class of the Mechanics and Related Employees at American Airlines. American and TWU responses to our appeal are due on August 5, 2004. Hopefully, shortly thereafter the Board will make its final decision.

From the onset American Airlines with the cooperation and aid of the TWU strived to inflate the voter eligibility list in an attempt to deny American Airlines’ employees their right to select their union representation. (Note: NMB determines eligibility ONLY)

Over the past four months we supplied documentation to the NMB challenging ineligible individuals on the voter eligibility list. On June 16th the NMB Investigator made a ruling setting the voter eligibility list at 18,661. The ruling made by the Investigator was nothing more than a rubber stamp of the Company position. I immediately had visions of unopened AMFA documentation, in some dark corner gathering dust, in an obscure NMB office. To make such a ruling the Investigator had to ignore AMFA’s substantial documentation. (Note: Intimidation lets feel sorry for ourselves) I intend to provide a PDF file, on the AMFA website, of our 90 page appeal that will be downloadable for all to read.

If the Board upholds the Investigator’s ruling and an election is denied the Mechanics and Related you will absolutely be disheartened, but draw strength from the injustice and we will return next year. (Note: The Majority of the Mechanic and Related have made the choice by not supporting this rogue group! Amfa subsidiary of MAG and Associates)

I would like to thank the hundreds of individuals at American that have assisted in this effort, especially to those that put their lives on hold working 16 hour days conducting research of the eligibility list, to those manning the phone banks, collecting authorizations, producing videos, setting up meetings, fund raising and passing out AMFA literature. I applaud your unselfish commitment.

We will also continue to stand by our supporter who was unjustly terminated by American Airlines as a result of his efforts to support this campaign.


Terry Harvey
Assistant National Director

This letter reminds me of a Politician who is giving a speech after they failed to garner enough support! Nightwatch, do you have some more Kleenex?
Sounds to me your in a defensive denial mode CIO.
Nothing has been finalized as of yet. Even Jim Little back tracked after he posted his premature victory letter. Now we all sit back and wait once again.
When the final ruling comes out then you can celebrate or complain.
Until then nothing is final.
OK...grab my box......HAHAHAHAHA!

<---------------------AMFA TOWELS
1. The ineligibility of 24 retired employees, Attachment B to Investigator’s Rulings;
2. The ineligibility of 20 employees, who have resigned, Attachment C to Investigator’s Rulings;
3. The ineligibility of 144 Fleet Service Clerks, Attachment E to Investigator’s Rulings;
4. The ineligibility of 89 former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights, Attachment F to Investigator’s Rulings (AMFA’s Exhibit E – Probationary Layoff –No Recall Rights), (AA’s Exhibit E – Employees laid off from probation);
5. The ineligibility of 4 Management Employees, Attachment G to Investigator’s Rulings;
6. The ineligibility of 1 Former TWA Employee Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights, Attachment H to Investigator’s Rulings;
7. The ineligibility of 24 Former Employees Working At Other Airlines, Attachment I to Investigator’s Rulings;
8. The ineligibility of 25 Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall, Attachment K to Investigator’s Rulings;
9. The ineligibility of 1 Employee Working Outside the Craft or Class, Attachment L to Investigator’s Rulings;
10. The ineligibility of 1 Terminated Employee, Attachment M to Investigator’s Rulings;
11. The ineligibility of 249 Fleet Service Fuelers, Attachment N to Investigator’s Rulings, (AMFA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Fueler), (AA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Clerk/Fuelers), (AA’s Addendum to Exhibit M, Fuelers);
12. The ineligibility of 366 Cleaners and 149 Janitors, (AMFA’s Schaible (2) Decl. and Schaible (3) Decl);
13. The ineligibility of 244 Miscellaneous Other Exclusions contained within Declarations accompanying AMFA’s April 22, 2004 Challenges and Objections, which were not considered in the Rulings,
a. The ineligibility of 10 additional retired employees not considered in the Rulings,
b. The ineligibility of 104 additional employees who have resigned not considered in the Rulings,
c. The ineligibility of 4 additional Fleet Service Clerks not considered in the Rulings,
d. The ineligibility of 6 additional former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights not considered in the Rulings,
e. The ineligibility of 5 additional management employees not considered in the Rulings,
f. The ineligibility of 21 additional Former TWA Employees Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights not considered in the Rulings,
g. The ineligibility of 12 additional Former Employees Working At Other Airlines not considered in the Rulings,
h. The ineligibility of 3 additional Deceased Employees not considered in the Rulings,
i. The ineligibility of 65 additional Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall not considered in the Rulings,
j. The ineligibility of 7 additional Terminated Employee not considered in the Rulings,
k. The ineligibility of 8 additional miscellaneous individuals ineligible for various reasons and not considered in the Rulings.
14. The ineligibility of 1,167 Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel, Attachment O to Investigator’s Rulings,
a. 15 duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
b. 2 additional duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
c. 28 names on eligibility list not removed from Attachment O,
d. 2 names removed from Attachment O but not removed from eligibility list,
e. Double counting of 14 individuals alleged to be Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel who have been counted as Fuelers,
f. 5 ineligible AA employees should not have been added to the AA eligibility list,
g. 1,167 Ineligible Fleet Service Clerks.
15. The ineligibility of 21 Former TWA Furloughees, Attachment P to Investigator’s Rulings;
16. The ineligibility of 46 Individuals from AMFA’s May 24, 2004 Submission, Exhibit “O†entitled “AA Eligibility List – TWA Exhibit D – Additional Info Acquired From,†not considered in the Rulings;
17. The ineligibility of 36 additional retired employees from Flagship News not considered in the Rulings;
18. The ineligibility of 150 additional TWA employees Not on TWU’ Exhibit D and therefore without contractual recall rights, not considered in the Rulings;
Rusty said:
1. The ineligibility of 24 retired employees, Attachment B to Investigator’s Rulings;
2. The ineligibility of 20 employees, who have resigned, Attachment C to Investigator’s Rulings;
3. The ineligibility of 144 Fleet Service Clerks, Attachment E to Investigator’s Rulings;
4. The ineligibility of 89 former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights, Attachment F to Investigator’s Rulings (AMFA’s Exhibit E – Probationary Layoff –No Recall Rights), (AA’s Exhibit E – Employees laid off from probation);
5. The ineligibility of 4 Management Employees, Attachment G to Investigator’s Rulings;
6. The ineligibility of 1 Former TWA Employee Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights, Attachment H to Investigator’s Rulings;
7. The ineligibility of 24 Former Employees Working At Other Airlines, Attachment I to Investigator’s Rulings;
8. The ineligibility of 25 Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall, Attachment K to Investigator’s Rulings;
9. The ineligibility of 1 Employee Working Outside the Craft or Class, Attachment L to Investigator’s Rulings;
10. The ineligibility of 1 Terminated Employee, Attachment M to Investigator’s Rulings;
11. The ineligibility of 249 Fleet Service Fuelers, Attachment N to Investigator’s Rulings, (AMFA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Fueler), (AA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Clerk/Fuelers), (AA’s Addendum to Exhibit M, Fuelers);
12. The ineligibility of 366 Cleaners and 149 Janitors, (AMFA’s Schaible (2) Decl. and Schaible (3) Decl);
13. The ineligibility of 244 Miscellaneous Other Exclusions contained within Declarations accompanying AMFA’s April 22, 2004 Challenges and Objections, which were not considered in the Rulings,
a. The ineligibility of 10 additional retired employees not considered in the Rulings,
b. The ineligibility of 104 additional employees who have resigned not considered in the Rulings,
c. The ineligibility of 4 additional Fleet Service Clerks not considered in the Rulings,
d. The ineligibility of 6 additional former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights not considered in the Rulings,
e. The ineligibility of 5 additional management employees not considered in the Rulings,
f. The ineligibility of 21 additional Former TWA Employees Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights not considered in the Rulings,
g. The ineligibility of 12 additional Former Employees Working At Other Airlines not considered in the Rulings,
h. The ineligibility of 3 additional Deceased Employees not considered in the Rulings,
i. The ineligibility of 65 additional Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall not considered in the Rulings,
j. The ineligibility of 7 additional Terminated Employee not considered in the Rulings,
k. The ineligibility of 8 additional miscellaneous individuals ineligible for various reasons and not considered in the Rulings.
14. The ineligibility of 1,167 Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel, Attachment O to Investigator’s Rulings,
a. 15 duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
b. 2 additional duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
c. 28 names on eligibility list not removed from Attachment O,
d. 2 names removed from Attachment O but not removed from eligibility list,
e. Double counting of 14 individuals alleged to be Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel who have been counted as Fuelers,
f. 5 ineligible AA employees should not have been added to the AA eligibility list,
g. 1,167 Ineligible Fleet Service Clerks.
15. The ineligibility of 21 Former TWA Furloughees, Attachment P to Investigator’s Rulings;
16. The ineligibility of 46 Individuals from AMFA’s May 24, 2004 Submission, Exhibit “O†entitled “AA Eligibility List – TWA Exhibit D – Additional Info Acquired From,†not considered in the Rulings;
17. The ineligibility of 36 additional retired employees from Flagship News not considered in the Rulings;
18. The ineligibility of 150 additional TWA employees Not on TWU’ Exhibit D and therefore without contractual recall rights, not considered in the Rulings;