If You Were Ceo Of Airways

4merresrat said:
YOu say you have worked for many small companies and if I am understanding you correctly, you have taken advantage of the FMLA programs at all of them. Have they all gone out of business? Hmmmmm... just wondering..
Yea, they are out of business and why U hired me having a track record of breaking companies...you goof!

FMLA was not even in effect before I started at U, but my sister owns a samll business full of workimng men who do get sick.

Pray the good Lord bestows upon you perfect health lest you become one of the sick and poisoned employees.
Sorry PitBull,

It seemed that some were using FMLA and sickleave interchangably. If the company wants to lump them together that is one thing. But someone saying that employees shouldn't use FMLA unless they're sick (or even if they are) is another.


Didn't understand your post. FMLA is being used by management. F/as are not applying for it, the co. is applying it to them regardless if the employee even would request such a leave. Any Medical leave of absence goes automatically under FMLA. I don't think I am making myself clear. I don't beleive you and I are on the opposite page of this.

Bob, Bob, Bob,

It is not my business to hire or fire employees or "get rid" of malcontents. That's management's job. If someone is fraudulent NO union in the world can save them. You must know that.

Flu season is here and whether it is a virus or bacterial infection, the "bug" gets more virulent every single year and more resistant to treatment. If your immune system is compromised in any way, your in trouble.

I wish we could all enjoy perfect health forever, but after all, we're only human.

And as far as "bad company", companies are not bad; they just may have bad management. Unions are neither good or bad, just some may have more "talent".
I have an Idea for Dave's squared, if they happen to read this board.

How about scheduling mechanics on a 4/10 schedule?. with the half hour lunch period you have 21 hours coverage in the line maintenance operation. Second shift Mechanics could then accomplish the RON service checks instead of sitting around waiting on 2300 hours to hit the clock and pass all RON servicing to third shift. Many of the RON aircraft are parked by 2100 hrs and some gate mechanics are done for the day. They should be clearing MEL's and doing overnight inspections.

Line maintenance should have a third shift for work that can not be completed before 0400. It should be a skeleton crew or covered with overtime.

Mechanics would do what they hired for, which is inspect and repair airplanes.
Mechanics should remain on Recipt and dispatch at all hub cities. It only makes sences when all aircraft must have a daily check and having mechanics handy when problem occur is cost effective and just a good idea.

Many mechanics have been displaced and are now commuting to work from other cities. A 4/10 schedule would give them more time at home with thier families and I think improve moral.
Day trades would be a problem, They could be covered with two employees.
Divide the shift in two and you have a three day work week for you commuters.

Some mechanics (mostly senior) may disagree with me because they like things the way they are. Realities are, you were hired to fix airplanes, not accomplish R&D.
We have had it good and it is time to give back what we can in productivity, NOT WAGES. Infact we the Mechanics of USAirways are now the lowest compensated of all the major airlines operating in the USA except for maybe America West.

There's nothing left to give so look else where for your 300 million per year in cost savings. I think Dave's squared should quit waging war on the employees and try waging war on the competition instead. To mend relations with the unions, try throwing us a bone. What ever happened to "Employee friendly Dave"?

Thanks for the consideration


I not sure if you made a point or not, but I am a flight attendant who does not have supervisory abilities, hiring or firing capabilities. I don't develop co. policies, or implement co. policies, I just follow them. If they violate our contract, the union has an obligation to its members to file a grievance and go through the process. If management wins, so be it, if they lose, and union wins, so be it. Both sides argue their points in this arena. If there is no argument on the union side, THE GRIEVANCE IS SCREENED. So I know not what you talk about.

Since you concede that abuse takes place at all companies and in all groups it seems that there are two issues -- the degree of abuse, which you seem to feel is insignificant at least in your group, and what should be done about abusers.

I'll agree with you that it exists and with others that it could very well be a problem.

I'll agree with something I think you're saying (or trying to say) that passive, blanket, "punish everyone for the sins of a few" policies are 1) wrong and 2) ineffective.

So what should be done? What process do you approve of for management to identify and discipline employees who are abusing sick time? (And other abuses.)
What folks fail to see here in plain daylight is that one would normally think that if abuse is so outrageous and out of control, policies would be put in place. We have been in operation as an airline for decades. We have had sick policies and "dependability" programs in place for decades. These polcies worked, and employees were protected when they needed their sick bank time for illness, either intermittent illness or chronic illnes where a Medical Leave was necessary. We didn't have these so called "problems" in sick abuse that many on here think is happening today. The reality is that we are now 48% less f/as and any sick leave is focused on; not because of abuse, quite the contary. It is because this mangment does not want to pay out funds for illneses of employees, specifically an older population of employees who are coming down with illnessess. They are looking for more cost reductions and they view all unionized labor employees as if there is NO union or contract on the property to honor. They also look at employees as liabilities to the bottom line the minute you are truly ill and may have to tap on your sick bank of time. We have many employees that have much time in their bank, but with the pay penalties, they can not make themselves whole.

Outside folks who view our company would normally think that stiff policies are enacted only if there is abuse, but not in this instance. Management is looking to terminate for illnesses even with doctor's note.

We have many f/as now with depression and anxiety that are receiving tx. But it takes awhile to adjust medication in the beginning few weeks, so sometimes they are so fatigued and need blood levels drawn and adjustments made to their medication so they may fly risk free.

One recent example:

We had recently a f/a who was finally dx with congestive heart failure. She had shortness of breath for weeks and fatique, and started to miss work before she finally went to the hospital and was diagnosed with CHF. The harrassment she received from Inflight was something I can't even tell you. She notified the union once she received the dx from the physician. They still hassled her after she had been hospitalized and discharged. Her specialists said she need to be off for 90 days, she had to call her local union office to get the "dogs" of inflight off of her. They kept telling her that her Medical leave was denied because of insufficient documentation INSPITE of her hospitalization. Yes, it was the union that got invovled. She is an over 30 year service f/as with much sick time in her bank.. She is an older gail that just happened to get sick, and will be ill for awhile.

So what do you think is going on?.....

What we fail to see...and finally resolve , are issues of efficiences.

Being somewhat of a fan of CO's CEO Gordon Bethune ..and having read his book "Worst to First" cover to cover a few times. What is not being addressed here is how money is spent and accounted for in practical terms.

Sure we have some issues with work rules that tend to impede bottom line results..yet on the other hand we ,namley they in the executive branches tend to make choices and investments that net the same ineffective results.

The name of the game is to weigh money spent Vs. the results it achieves...and in a number of areas I can say with 100% certainty , We fail to achieve results Vs, the expendatures made.

The latest mistake I'm seeing made is this. We have opted to send B757's to PIT for cabin seat mods. PIT rarely sees a B757 beyond an RON Check or an un-forecasted "Drop-In" for a grounding issue. So is the first team on deck here? NO

With CLT being the home of B757 maintenance...Guess where the "Lions Share" of the parts are...I can assure you that it isn't PIT. Last night I moved more parts to PIT on this mornings revenued flights to support 611's work in PIT than I care to calculate. Weight and Cube use create fuel burn..this also may affect our abilty to avoid costly concerns such as PAWOBS.

CLT heavy currently has 1 B757 in bay 1 1 A330 in bay 3 and 1 B767 in bay 5. 2 bays doing nothing at all.

We have another A330 sitting outside waiting to take the formers place. Yet two bays sit empty minus a B737 drop-in that appeared. Why is CLT work going north with the support mechanism remaining south? It boils down to staffing problems which both places suffer from.

The company finds it easier to play a game of musical work responsibilities and costly logistical moves as opposed to just having the right amount of people in place to perform a given task...this is not a logic based move...it is a labor prohibiting shell-game. Logic from their end is no more logical than some of the work rules and self-defeating actions that many choose to take part in here.

Basically until logic and reason...and money spent equals value achieved around here...We are all on marked time in this business. Management needs to address their actions...and labor needs to be willing to adjust some rules outside of ones that will in fact idle more...or take more in wages. I do believe managements moves on the issue above alone show that staffing is too short...yet with some intelligent moves we shoud be able to get more physical actions out of what we have.
Whew! It took me over an hour to catch up ont his thread. Glad I went Christmas Shopping instead.


First - I won't rehash things with you.....we have had this conversation one to many times. I will make one comment though. Funny how you have a contact in Crew Sched to verify all kinds of things, but for some reason you can't come up with the sick call numbers. I think you know that Bob is very close the the actual number and are afraid to admitt it. With the holidays getting closer, can you tell me what the rate of increase in F/A sick calls are? Care to wager at least 50% higher then average? How many F/A's recently filed FMLA or Medical excuses from now to, oh, Jan 5th?

I do feel for the employees with legitimate sick issues. AOG is correct that there is sick abuse all throughout the company. Should we continue to turn a blind eye to the problem? As already asked, how would you handle the problem? Lastly, for every valid sick claim that you post on here, I can give you 10 examples of employees abusing their sick time.


You da man. I swear that you need to be called to CCY and help steer this ship. From your vantage point you are able to point out so many things the people are just not privy to. You assessment of the sick issue and many things within the MTC departmert are dead on. Everyday we spend a buck to save a penny. Your posts on the AB parts issues, the man power issues, inefficient facilities usage, etc are right on target. Keep up the great work, hopefully someone in CCY will be listening. If they want cost cuts and productivity changes - they should really talk to you first. I bet you could save 200-300 million in a heart beat.
MarkMyWords said:
Whew! It took me over an hour to catch up ont his thread. Glad I went Christmas Shopping instead.


First - I won't rehash things with you.....we have had this conversation one to many times. I will make one comment though. Funny how you have a contact in Crew Sched to verify all kinds of things, but for some reason you can't come up with the sick call numbers. I think you know that Bob is very close the the actual number and are afraid to admitt it. With the holidays getting closer, can you tell me what the rate of increase in F/A sick calls are? Care to wager at least 50% higher then average? How many F/A's recently filed FMLA or Medical excuses from now to, oh, Jan 5th?

I do feel for the employees with legitimate sick issues. AOG is correct that there is sick abuse all throughout the company. Should we continue to turn a blind eye to the problem? As already asked, how would you handle the problem? Lastly, for every valid sick claim that you post on here, I can give you 10 examples of employees abusing their sick time.


You da man. I swear that you need to be called to CCY and help steer this ship. From your vantage point you are able to point out so many things the people are just not privy to. You assessment of the sick issue and many things within the MTC departmert are dead on. Everyday we spend a buck to save a penny. Your posts on the AB parts issues, the man power issues, inefficient facilities usage, etc are right on target. Keep up the great work, hopefully someone in CCY will be listening. If they want cost cuts and productivity changes - they should really talk to you first. I bet you could save 200-300 million in a heart beat.

Start spouting what abuse you speak of. I have many egregious issues going on. I am tracking them in a binder. What do you have?


I will not banter with you. There is no confincing you that we do not have a sick "out of hand" problem with our group. The reserves are not getting their time. If we have a sick problem that is endemic to our group, why aren't our reserves being untilized to the max?

Answer that question.
You will not help prove there is a sick call issue by posting the numbers......and I know you are well aware of how many F/A's call off sick each day.

Let me just say that I have heard some numbers tossed around from my contacts. And let's say (strictly hypothetical - for example purposes only) that on an average there are 100 sick calls a day. As we get closer to the holidays we find that numbers are increasing to 140 last week. Now up to 160 this week. Perhaps 200 next week. Historically, these numbers are trending upwards from previous years and could set a percentage record for your group this year. Congratulations! How would YOU handle this issue?

You said that in Nov only 20 out of 1800 reserves made their time. We are at Dec 20th - 11 days left in the month - and I would wager that the number of reserves making their time will greatly increase by months end. I will also wager that come Jan, you will see the numbers back down to near the same levels as Nov. Please don't try to pass this off as a Flu problem.

So. How much higher are sick calls this month versus an average month? I am sure a quick call to your buddy in scheduling will give you the answer. Should we continue to turn a blind eye to sick abuses?

And as a tid bit of information - I was married to a F/A for 12 years.....I could give you a million examples of the abuses I witnessed first hand. I just loved hearing people talking about "Dialing for Dollars" and waiting for that 5th sick call to come off so they can pre-plan their next one.
MWM, I will tell you why there is an increase of sick calls.

I had to rush my son to the Dr yesterday on a Saturday as he was ill, the nurse told me in her 15 years of working at this large Dr's office she has never ever seen it as busy as it has been with sick people in her 15 years.

And did you ignore the fact the last week the CDC declared the flu and epidemic?


THE United States has classified the current outbreak of influenza as an epidemic in the wake of 42 youngsters' deaths and 36 states reporting widespread flu.

Influenza has been reported in all 50 US states.

The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) has activated its Atlanta emergency operations centre and formed response teams to help affected states.

CDC director Julie Gerberding on Friday called the outbreak a bona fide epidemic and said it was still too early to tell how it would play out over the next few months. Flu season usually peaks in January and runs until March. This year, officials said, the flu season struck early.

The CDC will post information on its website for health workers, detailing how to prioritise patients with possible flu symptoms.

It is also urging people not to overwhelm emergency rooms because most flu cases can be dealt with at home.

In a statement, New York State Health Commissioner Antonia Novello cited dehydration and an inability to breathe as symptoms that should trigger a visit to the doctor.
Yes, there is a flu epidemic going on. But if that were the sole cause of increased absenteeism those absences would correlate with the epidemic. Do they? And even if they do -- what of the baseline absenteeism rate? Are you arguing that that is at an acceptable level and that no abuse takes place?

(And if it were as bad as it is being portrayed in the press we should see a lot more empty seats on the planes.)
Lets see we have less employees then ever thousands of flights, funny if us union workers are so lazy, how do we constantly stay in the top tier of the DOT performance rankings?

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