Consider history. Airline Labor Organizations have advocated no concessions time and time again only to displace a current CEO with a new one and then give bigtime concessions. That's the game that is played.
We have seen this with Wolf at United, Goodwin, and even Tilton. We need to look no further than home to see that Wolf couldn't get concessions so Seigel was called in and all the unions ordained him as Labor Friendly Dave. So what is going on now.
IMO, you have to cut through all the smoke and mirrors of the Unions rhetoric. Their past actions speak far greater than their words. When I read the "Concession stand is closed" I hear that it is closed to Seigel, and the Union is positioning the membership to take further cuts by manufacturing the following:
It is setting up Seigel as the fall guy or enemy number one. Then they will
solicit and court another CEO, proclaim him the savior and deliver further
concessions at his altar.
The last part, i.e., delivering further concessions, will be manufactured through fear and a 'doing your part' campaign to try to convince its members that the union knows best. Again, I'm only repeating history and the unions have a well paven path with this stuff, often dabbling into picking CEO's only to find out that they once again picked the wrong guy and didn't have a clue as to what they were doing.
The unions armed with further concessions will in fact have the 'ear' of the Board of Directors. The Board probably doesn't want to get rid of Seigel but money talks. With a piggy bank full of million$ of further concessions [your money] being dabbled in front of their nose by the unions, I believe the Board will consider a change at the top.
At any rate, whether or not you agree with me, would you give more if in fact your union "teamed up" with a new CEO and stuck their hands into your pocket again? And if you would, then what would it take for you to do that?
IMO, it would be like throwing money into a running toilet. The employees did their part already no matter who is running this airline. And as a ramper I know that there is nothing we can do to save this airline...rampers could work for free and this airline still would be losing bigtime money!