If you think Seniority integration is ugly now...

What about the concept that a combined AW/NW/U would be a much stronger entity and therefore increase everyones chance of a stable career (if that is possible in the airline industry)?

As a pilot I never look forward to the emotions associated with the merging of lists (it is the ultimate exercise in "Fear & Greed"); however, first no one asked my permission to merge AWA/U/PSA/Piedmont/Empire therefore why worry about something I have ZERO/NADA control over. Second, whatever union you are in (along with an arbitrator) will dictate you combined list...no amount of whinning, lawsuits, or any other kneejeck reactions will impact how it goes down.

Once it is done...do yourself a BIG favor & get over it!

I hope we do merge with NWA, pick-up ASIA and shore up our domestic system...I am willing to eat the required crow to work for an airline that will probably be around.
got anything on UCT'S or ICT'S??? :lol:
At last count, in PHL it was more than 60%. Is it that high in your department? And why would you get STEAMED over that?

Currently? no, I'd put it at around 15%, but in one of my previous departments at a previous airline we were over 75% commuter. I know stations that have certain workgroups at over 80% at another airline.

I get steamed because many, not all, but many crewmembers have this idea that they should have special priveledges when it comes to commuting. There is a prevailing attitude amongst many, again I say many not all, crew members that commuting is a lifestyle unique to them. It just gets old when you hear the whoa is me stuff about commuting and when you remind someone that commuting was a choice (same as me) they respond with the drivel about how only a crew member would understand that us ground pounders wouldn't know what it's like to go through 3 base closures in 5 years.

I personally don't think there should be allowances like unable to commute. I don't feel commuters should get any special priviledges not available to any other nonrev (or jumpseater). It is a choice. I chose to commute again because it will take me several more months to be able to relocate across 1/2 a continent yet again. I could have just loaded up the U-Haul and taken the first available housing I saw so I shouldn't get anything differant that anyone else. That being said since I have also commuted in the past I have no problem with another nonrev (even OAL) who is trying to get to work making sure I know it so that if I am just nonreving to lunch or a casino I can let him or her go ahead of me to get to work. Just remember I CHOOSE to be that way because it is how I was raised (yes I grew up nonreving). I would never tell someone else they HAVE to do as I do, I may suggest it at a gate, but never should they be forced.
ya know...people love to throw this crap at commuter that its "A CHOICE". Well, let me tell you something. When I got displaced from Pittsburgh in June of 2003 we were still offering VF's so we got NOTHING to assist us in moving. NOTHING. The company even fought me on my 5 moving days. I couldn't even get two of them moved off of my off days. Top that with a paycut of over $1,000.00 a month and my partner tied into his job. Now if I had children would I uproot my children, have my husband quit his job or divorce because I HAD to move for work? I know your told the possiblity is there for relocation when you get hired but nobody could have ever seen what happened to US after 9/11 comming. If you love your job and have put time in you should just give it up? NO! So maybe it is a "CHOICE" for some to commute but there are very good reasons behind it sometimes. Not everyone commutes just to live in a better place to them other than where they are based. Some have families or obligations and can't leave yet want to keep their job. You can't take your experience as a f/a at least and move into another airline unless you start off new. So whatever.... I'm just glad I don't have to do it anymore. Back on topic, I say iron this mess out before starting MUCH bigger one. :rolleyes:

Seems you have a serious case of age discrimination.

I'm shocked to read this crap...you are so correct, blatant age discrimination...The reason you want senior people to leave is the same reason we stay SENORITY. And you bet were coming to PHX..I'm done commuting and would enjoy relaxing on a sandy beach...say ALOHA
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Umm, the reason that recalls are down is because no one is leaving the company anymore. The Attrition rate is almost zero. (What? Someone might not think this is the worst place in the world to work! Shocking!)

I don't remember any talk of more 57/67's. And would you not consider the E190s new? Before you blast me, the E190s are not replacing current a/c one for one, not even close.

I DO recall just a few months back quite a bit of hoopla right around the time we got the 3 new 75's that there was quite a bit of buzz about getting our hands on more 75's or 76's if possible. But since then, not another word has been mentioned.

It has not been determined if the 190's will truly be "growth" aircraft or "replacements" as the leases for many of the 737's and Airbus from both East and West are almost up and will either need to be renegotiated or returned to the lessor.

I recall BoeingBoy had posted a full list of the #'s of aircraft leases which are up very soon. Jim, do you still have that information?

Additionally, with more of the CRJ-900's going to Express, do you honestly think this won't further siphon routes away from Mainline?

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