got anything on UCT'S or ICT'S???What about the concept that a combined AW/NW/U would be a much stronger entity and therefore increase everyones chance of a stable career (if that is possible in the airline industry)?
As a pilot I never look forward to the emotions associated with the merging of lists (it is the ultimate exercise in "Fear & Greed"); however, first no one asked my permission to merge AWA/U/PSA/Piedmont/Empire therefore why worry about something I have ZERO/NADA control over. Second, whatever union you are in (along with an arbitrator) will dictate you combined amount of whinning, lawsuits, or any other kneejeck reactions will impact how it goes down.
Once it is yourself a BIG favor & get over it!
I hope we do merge with NWA, pick-up ASIA and shore up our domestic system...I am willing to eat the required crow to work for an airline that will probably be around.