I was thinking something very much like this just today and earlier this week. This is always a sensitive issue to discuss, but not discussing it does not make the issue go away.
I would hate to be part of the Senior workforce and labeled a "weakness"...it sounds as if you are a liability and have outlived your usefulness. What the more Junior workforce needs to realize is that we will all be older and need to make a living in our older age as well someday.
Now having said that, US is challenged in ways that other airlines that are able to hire new f/a's are not. While other airlines are able to bring in "new blood" at the bottom of their pay scale, US is "top-heavy" with f/a's maxed-out on their pay scale and has a never ending Furlough List that will likely be around for a long time to come what with attrition slowing to a trickle, the continued retirement of aging aircraft, and zero growth for mainline.
Add in the possibility/likelihood of another merger with a carrier such as Northwest or United (both of whom are represented by AFA) and US may never need to hire new f/a's again. Another merger would likely mean the shedding of more aircraft and routes from that former "stand alone carrier" and US would inherit another laundry list of furloughed employees. This would also likely translate to Reserves at the bottom of the list remaining there for many, many years since as furloughees gradually returned, they would be slotted in by date of hire (as they should be) meaning those at the bottom never move up.
Perhaps this truly is US Airways unique, new "Legacy".