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A response to NW "outsourcing" of F/A's

You cant really have an intelligent debate with conspiracy theorists. It would go round and round and round and....

Interesting how quick you are to dismiss out of hand the AFA as "conspiracy theorists," while failing to add any thing of substance to the discussion(s). Why not refute the facts that have been presented?

If life at DL is so perfect, what would mgmt.fear from a debate? Anderson is many things; shy is not one of them.
Agreed dapoes,
However, thats why we need an OPEN and honest debate with both sides. I disagree though with meeting with the "Freedom Force". They represent a small group of F/A's. We need Management
and the AFA to sit down.
Just think of the trees and money it would have saved BOTH sides. I don't know if
it would have cut down on the phone calls though ;-)

I see what you're saying but that would never happen. Ed Bastian just refused to meet with members of the DALRC (Delta Air Lines Retirement Committee) which is made up of many of our former managers so they certainly would never meet with AFA unless an actual contract was being negotiated (and then it would be with our elected members not with the mysterioso "3rd party" AFA. Actually, from what I remember, the idea was to have DELTA FAs meet with other DELTA FAs, those for and those against AFA representation.
I see what you're saying but that would never happen. AFA. Actually, from what I remember, the idea was to have DELTA FAs meet with other DELTA FAs, those for and those against AFA representation.

And then they can decide not to support other workers.
As Cartman would say "screw you guys I'm going home".
DELTA: 12 yrs=$42.00 NO UNION
NWA: 15 yrs=$39.80 WITH UNION

...............why do YOU keep posting this? NWA went bankrupt PRIOR to AFA coming onto the property. Didnt the bankruptcy JUDGE have a big decision on who would make what at BOTH AIRLINES? The UNION who represented NWA flight attendants was the Teamsters, NOT AFA.
DELTA: 12 yrs=$42.00 NO UNION
NWA: 15 yrs=$39.80 WITH UNION

...............why do YOU keep posting this? NWA went bankrupt PRIOR to AFA coming onto the property. Didnt the bankruptcy JUDGE have a big decision on who would make what at BOTH AIRLINES? The UNION who represented NWA flight attendants was the Teamsters, NOT AFA.

Because :
-he's a management plant which has been discovered on other boards he posts on.
-that extra 2.20/hr means everything to him because he is so short-sighted he doesn't see that eventually it comes out of his pocket in other ways such as inferior duty rigs and no accruing sick bank.
-he knows deep down that if this NW merger goes through, he WILL be part of AFA once another vote is tallied, one which will include the NW FAs as well as Delta FAs, and he cannot reconcile this with his cult-like view of Delta (i.e. he lives in a fantasy world where he thinks today's Delta is the same as the Delta of 20 -30 years ago).