If we get laid off guess were really screwed with this new non bumping clause.

Jul 18, 2008
From JETNET questions and answers.

Added 2/24/2012 Q: Can we get clarification in reference to "Job Protection: Eliminate system and station protection?"
American proposed eliminating these protections that are contained in the collective bargaining agreements that allow for employees with system protection to be provided the opportunity to have a job somewhere in the AA system, or at a specific station. Without making this proposal, the company could not realize the savings associated with the headcount reductions. Employees will still be able to exercise their seniority to open positions within the system, if there are vacancies in the system to be filled.

For the Mechanic & Related workgroup, American proposed a change to the reduction in force process again. This proposal would allow for a virtual process, rather than the current bump and roll process. This would allow the company to determine an employee's final location, without having to potentially be transferred multiple times.
From JETNET questions and answers.

Added 2/24/2012 Q: Can we get clarification in reference to "Job Protection: Eliminate system and station protection?"
American proposed eliminating these protections that are contained in the collective bargaining agreements that allow for employees with system protection to be provided the opportunity to have a job somewhere in the AA system, or at a specific station. Without making this proposal, the company could not realize the savings associated with the headcount reductions. Employees will still be able to exercise their seniority to open positions within the system, if there are vacancies in the system to be filled.

For the Mechanic & Related workgroup, American proposed a change to the reduction in force process again. This proposal would allow for a virtual process, rather than the current bump and roll process. This would allow the company to determine an employee's final location, without having to potentially be transferred multiple times.

Why bother to have a Union if this is adopted?

Like I have said before, there are many who will burn the barn down and AA will end up like Eastern Airlines before this is over.

AA apparently has Millions in $ to pay for consulting firms to do what millions $ in management pay doesn't seem to be able to get accomplished, yet they have not a dime to allow employees that have put years of their lives into this airline to excercise their seniority to keep a job.

UNREAL and the barn will burn.
Again, does anyone know how much money is still left on the bargaining table since we voted NO on the T/A?
And is my retro check lost in the mail? Maybe that 6% signing bonus is just yet to be deposited in my account.
Agreed.. once this is all over lets either getbrid of the twu and vote someone else in or get rid of them all together
His point and I agree is, when this is over there will not be a need for a union cause AA will be no more
Agreed.. once this is all over lets either getbrid of the twu and vote someone else in or get rid of them all together

Remember to thank all those folks who wanted to keep the twu for this, to all those that fought to remove the twu my thanks, to those who did not you are going to get exactly what you deserve!!!!
Why bother to have a Union if this is adopted?
And without a union there would be no CBA to be locked into for 6 years. The compAAny would, like Delta, be in a position to weed out the dead wood and restore accountability to our profession and we would save about $650 in wasted dues. Where do I sign up?
Remember to thank all those folks who wanted to keep the twu for this, to all those that fought to remove the twu my thanks, to those who did not you are going to get exactly what you deserve!!!!

Well some like to argue or speculate that AA would have filed Chapter 11 regardless if we voted YES or NO on the T/A.

Same arguement applies here, if they would have filed anyway, then the name of the Union wouldn't have mattered either. I sure as hell can't find a Union in the industry that has made it through Chapter 11 and not still licking their wounds.

Good to see that Local 514 still has time for BINGO

All TWU Veterans are invited to the TWU/Tulsa 66er’s Bingo Night

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm TWU, Local 514 Union Hall 11945 East Pine Street, Tulsa, OK

Bingo prizes will be provided by Tulsa 66ers.

This is a TWU, Local 514 Veterans Committee project for Veterans. In order to attend, you must RSVP to (918) 437-4300 no later than Monday, March 12, 2012.
His point and I agree is, when this is over there will not be a need for a union cause AA will be no more


Comes to mind the quote from the Movie "The Ten Commandments"

"So let it be written, so let it be done"
Pharoah Ramsies
And without a union there would be no CBA to be locked into for 6 years. The compAAny would, like Delta, be in a position to weed out the dead wood and restore accountability to our profession and we would save about $650 in wasted dues. Where do I sign up?
Agreed.. get rid of the union and the chocks
<_< ------ And to think, AA did it without Kasher! Seniority just went into the toilet!!!! My! My! My!
Well some like to argue or speculate that AA would have filed Chapter 11 regardless if we voted YES or NO on the T/A.

Same arguement applies here, if they would have filed anyway, then the name of the Union wouldn't have mattered either. I sure as hell can't find a Union in the industry that has made it through Chapter 11 and not still licking their wounds.

Good to see that Local 514 still has time for BINGO
Don't forget that you can get a pedicure now.