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If the Oregon militiamen were Muslim or black, they'd probably be dead by now

Ifly2 said:
Heard the one about the Oath Keeper who wants to arm black men in Fergusen?
Interesting story
Easy to find
Arm black men in Fergi? I thought they were armed by the race baiters already?
Seriously, I just thought the article was interesting
No point to make
No fight to pick
No anything
Ifly2 said:
Irrational Fear run AMOK
Says the clown who's hair caught fire (in full blown LWNJ panic) over a mosque fire and this nothing burger event.
Hackman said:
AMOK for a libtard, but not so irrational for those thousands of dead and wounded in New York, San Bernardino, Dallas, Chattooga, Boston, Paris. While Obammy still won't speak the words Radical Islamic Terrorist.
I was referring to the irrational fear of Obama

Who hasn't declared himself dictator, instituted either Marshall or Sharia Law, taken one person's gun away from them, invaded Texas, or any of the other horrible unAmerican things we were promised... In spite of the baseless hype from the right wing media clowns.
townpete said:
Says the clown who's hair caught fire (in full blown LWNJ panic) over a mosque fire and this nothing burger event.
Hair fire?
It was a bit of news
As is this act of sedition.

(From one of the folks who's hair caught fire over a kid bringing a ridiculously stupid clock he didn't really build to school. An event soooo scary that his shop teacher completely laughed it off, which was the appropriate response, and the school did nothing until hours later, which was stupid and unnecessary over-reaction to... Nothing...)

Ifly2 said:
Hair fire?
It was a bit of news
As is this act of sedition.

(From one of the folks who's hair caught fire over a kid bringing a ridiculously stupid clock he didn't really build to school. An event soooo scary that his shop teacher completely laughed it off, which was the appropriate response, and the school did nothing until hours later, which was stupid and unnecessary over-reaction to... Nothing...)

And how would that have gone if he detonated one?
Perhaps the left should learn from the Eric Garner case.  So far, all the yehawdist's have done is trespass.  Which is what Eric Garner had done by selling loosies in front of a store.  5 nice officers politely asked him to leave and he refused, so they put him in a choke hold and he died.  Most on the right said "if he had just done what the officers said, none of this would have happened".  So perhaps law enforcement should go up there, politely ask them to leave, and when they refuse - open fire.  After all...it would never have happened had they just done what the nice officers asked them to do and the right wingers would be super supportive of the actions taken by law enforcement. 
delldude said:
And how would that have gone if he detonated one?
How does one detonate clock parts, absent ignition source or explosive?

His shop teacher knew it was crap

It was crap
Ifly2 said:
How does one detonate clock parts, absent ignition source or explosive?

His shop teacher knew it was crap

It was crap
Welcome back Tree....
Same old tired lines, same old tired hysterics, etc....
Ifly2 said:
How does one detonate clock parts, absent ignition source or explosive?

His shop teacher knew it was crap

It was crap
DHS always advised, "If you see something, say something"
Until the era of political correctness threw that out the window. Perfect example is the neighbors of the San Bernardino terrorists.
He knew something was shady going on, but chose not to report it in fear of being accused of profiling.
Political correctness kills, and you my furry little friend, are one of many to blame. 
SB and the kid with the not-really-a-clock were light years apart.

One was worth saying something about

The other laughable

The shop teacher knew that.
Ifly2 said:
SB and the kid with the not-really-a-clock were light years apart.

One was worth saying something about

The other laughable

The shop teacher knew that.
You really know nothing about what happen do you?
The shop teacher is not the one who reported it.
Kev3188 said:
Wrong thread, you two.

This one's about some seditious Teabillies trying to take over a bird sanctuary in Oregon.
Maybe a hashtag might help?

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