First of all...
In the FBI video, I want to point out that LaVoy actually swerved to avoid a collision with the Fedcoats. He was obviously going at a high rate of speed, and so much so, that he couldn't break in time. As a matter of FACT, you can clearly see him hit the breaks all the way up until the point he plowed into the snow. So he was trying to stop! He couldn't so he AVOIDED hitting the fedcoat bastard, MURDERERS! During this situation, he CLEARLY was not trying to harm anyone, and that was made clear when he came out with his hands up.
Let me make one thing clear to you all!
Eyewitness accounts say Mr. Finicum was unarmed at the time as he usually was when going to town meetings. If LaVoy intended on initiating a gun battle, he most likely would have come out guns blazing, NOT WITH HIS HAND AS HIGH UP IN THE DAMN AIR AS HE POSSIBLY COULD HAVE HAD THEM!
Law enforcement shoot first and then use the victims motions to themselves being shot on video to LIE and make it seem like they were reaching for something prior to being shot! They also plant weapons on people to give themselves justification.
LaVoy was murdered in cold blood and for that I say revenge is a dish best served cold.
To those of you who say he was reaching for a weapon, this is all I have to say to you....