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If the Oregon militiamen were Muslim or black, they'd probably be dead by now

The better question is why aren't you taking them as seriously as you might if they weren't white? Sedition is sedition, regardless of color/creed.
Kev3188 said:
The better question is why aren't you taking them as seriously as you might if they weren't white? Sedition is sedition, regardless of color/creed.
But again, you only seem to make an issue of domestic terrorism, when white males might be involved and want to turn a blind eye and the other cheek, I might add, to the fact "ISLAMIC" Extremists are at war with us, be it foreign or DOMESTIC!
Kev3188 said:
The better question is why aren't you taking them as seriously as you might if they weren't white? Sedition is sedition, regardless of color/creed.
But im sure you were ok with all vile protesters who took over the state capital in Wisconsin to cry about Scott Walker.
Im also sure you were an avid supporter of the Occupy idiots and their rape tents.
And lastly the protesters with jars of urine and fecal matter in Texas over Gov Perry signing pro life legislation.
Thats a hell of a group you belong to Kev.
You mean the 100k + that took to the streets to advocate for their constitutional rights? The ones that were completely peaceful?

Vile? Not even close.
I think everyone here has decried illegal and violent acts, as part of a protest or not, while supporting the right of people - even people they don't agree with - to assemble, petition their government, protest, free speech, etc.

Everyone except Southwind, Townpete, Dell, LaLa, The Incredible Eolsen and certain others who all reside over there on the right.

The idiots in Oregon are breaking the law, threatening wives and parents, (another crime, and a cowardly one...) and are devoid of not only any sense or understanding, but also lacking a shred of integrity.

"It's all fun n games, til somebody gets hurt"

So far, they are comical

Let's hope it stays that way
So you are the scorekeeper now?
You should read post #121.
I heard they're sending in black FBI agents to close it down.
I remember a lot of derogatory name calling over other protests and demonstrations, not confined to the individuals breaking the law, but rather applied to all.

I don't remember anyone here condoning anyone at any of them burning anything, stealing anything, or any of the other sorts of violence that your rwnj buds consistently use to generally accuse and denigrate all liberals or all protestors or anyone else that they don't like or agree with.

Yallkada are so far more or less comical to those of us reading about it or watching the evening news, if not so much for the good people in the area.

"I don't care" is barely disguised shorthand for "I'm not gonna' say anything bad about anyone on the 'right' no matter how wrong or stupid they are"
Well you hold your lame little assumptions to your chest, Ace.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were the Wizard of Odd.
What assumptions?

Tell ya' what, I'll take back the "is" and give ya' an "appears to be" in its place.

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