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You are assuming that all no votes which are not your way are not thought out and made with clear regard to the outcome. Did you ever think that maybe people beside you truly believe that the outcome is best with a no vote. I feel like you are basically calling people with a different opinion than yours stupid and uneducated. And my point is that voting is an individual choice each person can make and being provided with the data can choose to read it and understand it or just vote to vote. It's not your place nor mine to ask every voter why they voted how they did. Let people decide if they want to share their reasons independent of your continued hammering of posts.

No, not at all! I don't assume anything with anyone, I was just giving a reason why someone would ask another why they would vote the way they are voting. It maybe for more logical reasons than the person who asked has. I mean, everyone has a right to vote which ever way they see fit, but an uneducated voter, and there are some out there, are the first to complain when a vote goes a certain way and something they didn't expect happens. Look at Obama, he had almost 80% of the country behind him with his "change" motto back in 2008, now he has one of the worst presidential ratings in history and those that voted him into office are now complaining on the work he is doing.

I ask people all the time why they are voting the way they are voting. To me, it's an educational experience. I learn different peoples perspective of the same situation that I am in. Now, don't get me wrong, most of the no voters reasons I have heard have mostly been very uneducated votes and simply don't want to vote yes on anything, that's when I'll offer my input of the situation and give my reasoning for voting the way I am voting, but only if it's accepted or asked for. I don't go parading around trying to convert voters, I'm like most everyone else out there and want a clearer understanding of our situation.

My ultimate goal is to have a unified group at the end of all this because a union divided is far less powerful than a union united. AirTran management has been very good at keeping the union divided and I'm hoping AMFA can step in a put a stop to that. This is just some of reasons why I don't think arbitration is a good path for us to go at this point, it will cause far more harm to the whole work group than either side would benefit individually, at least from my perspective.
Any predictions? On the AT side 58% to 72% (depending on MCO and BWI all other stations are good). SWA?

From what I am hearing out of all the stations, I'll predict a 55-60% yes vote from AT. I'm wondering the same thing about SWA. From my calculations, just by going of the seniority list, the majority of the voters are in DAL, they make up almost 50% of the voters by themselves and from what I've heard out of DAL, and a few other SWA stations, I think it will pass but it's going to be close, like down to the last vote. I think it's still 50/50 but then again that's just from talking to a few guys at a few stations. I may be totally off.
Any predictions? On the AT side 58% to 72% (depending on MCO and BWI all other stations are good). SWA?

I will predict 57%-70% Acceptance vote from the SWA side. If it is any larger than this I would be surprised. I do agree with AvTech that it will more than likely be closer to the 50/50 margine. But, just my opinion from what I hear throughout the days we all live in the aviation world. I will also add that my 70% is on the high side (padded it a little) I actually think it will be 66.6% or less on the Acceptance side. It would be nice if we could start a pot and the winner gets all the funds...
From what I am hearing out of all the stations, I'll predict a 55-60% yes vote from AT. I'm wondering the same thing about SWA. From my calculations, just by going of the seniority list, the majority of the voters are in DAL, they make up almost 50% of the voters by themselves and from what I've heard out of DAL, and a few other SWA stations, I think it will pass but it's going to be close, like down to the last vote. I think it's still 50/50 but then again that's just from talking to a few guys at a few stations. I may be totally off.

I think you are more on than off. I would also like to add that if both sides are this close to the 50/50 mark, then both will know that it was all true at the table, that this was the limits to get this to pass. Hope everyone realizes this. Good luck to all no matter the turn out...
One more week left boys and girls. Get your ballots in. Time will fly by before you know it...
Here we are in the final week. Not counting today, as I believe the voting closes at 10am or 11am ET on the 21st, we only have 3 days left to vote. For some of you that like to put things off to the last, now is the time. Get those votes in guys. Good luck to all...

Corection: The ballots will close at 10 am Eastern on 21st.
Anyone out here that has not voted as of yet? Better hurry, only 2 days left, please vote.
Dude, I am sure that the 10 guys that read this forum have voted.
Try asking the guys at work who never vote on anything.
Dude, I am sure that the 10 guys that read this forum have voted.
Try asking the guys at work who never vote on anything.

Dude, there are many more mechs out here that like to read and not post. It's not just the 10 or so that post. Matter fact, although it was only one, a mechainic that reads these and does not post, actually voted tonight after reading. He voted at 9pm. You never know who is reading these postings. Alot more than you all think, the company has departments reading these post. Anyway, who cares. AMFA 11 has said they will try and have the results posted by 11am. As you all know, I hope this passes so we can move on...
Dude, if there are people out there who read this forum but don’t know that a vote is going on or when to vote, then I don’t want them to vote.
A person like that has to be too stupid to understand the consequences of their vote.
For example: If you load up buses with people who don’t understand who or what they are voting for and drive them to a polling place, then everyone has to live with the results.
Dude, if there are people out there who read this forum but don’t know that a vote is going on or when to vote, then I don’t want them to vote.
A person like that has to be too stupid to understand the consequences of their vote.
For example: If you load up buses with people who don’t understand who or what they are voting for and drive them to a polling place, then everyone has to live with the results.

I never said there are people that read that did not know there was a vote going on. I said after a fellow mechanic read this forum, it reminded him to vote. He was one of these people that puts things off to the last moment. Trust me, you do want him to vote, I had to help him vote. I had to explain what the LOA's were that he was voting on. I know this sounds bad to the regular union guys, but, there are people out here that any merger will not effect, and some of the high-timers just don't care. I hear what you are saying about the random voters, but alot of the high-timers have been asking the lower senority guys how they would like them to vote since it effects them and not the high-timers.
Press Release: Mechanic and Related Members at SWA and TRS Ratify Combined Seniority List Integration Agreement Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by: AMFA National
Louie Key, National Director
Phone #: (253) 209-3255
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is proud to announce that after much consideration and negotiations, the Mechanics and Related members at both Southwest (SWA) and AirTran Airlines (TRS) have ratified a combined Seniority List Integration Agreement.
In this seniority agreement, a single list of both airlines’ represented Mechanics and Related employees has been created allowing them the freedom to exercise their seniority with no further restrictions.
In conjunction with the seniority agreement, SWA Mechanics and Related personnel have ratified a Transition Agreement with Southwest Airlines designed to:
  1. Implement a specific timeline for creating an additional 4th line of heavy maintenance at the Dallas maintenance base
  2. Establish an additional AMFA Mechanics and Related headcount in order to fulfill the needs created by the current AMFA ? SWA Combined Bargaining Agreement
  3. Protect members at Baltimore Washington International (BWI) and Orlando (MCO) from involuntary displacement
  4. Offer TRS members enhanced benefits and job security under the AMFA negotiated Combined Bargaining Agreement
Many thanks to the AMFA ? SWA Committee, the TRS Mechanics Committee, and the SWA management team for their continued dedication and determination toward the success of all members of both airlines.
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association “AMFA” was established in 1962 as a craft focused union that represents Mechanics and Related airline employees. AMFA has proven to be the only democratic organization for technical aviation professionals. Through local autonomy the members control all aspects of their union. AMFA represents the Mechanic and Related employees at Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines.
For more information about AMFA:www.AMFANational.org
Here's the breakdown:

AMFA – IBT SWA Seniority Integration Results

Posted on June 21, 2012 by admin

The SWA Mechanics and Related have voted for the proposals on Seniority Integration. (Update – Both groups have passed the Integration Agreements)
The Numbers of participation are as follows:
1750 Eligible Voters 1214 (69%) Ballots Cast
Seniority Integration and Transition Agreement: 65% (874) For… 35% (424) Against… 6 Abstain
LOA #7 401k & Denver Maintenance 72% (877) For… 28% (323) Against… 11 Abstain
LOA #8 – Tech Support Mechanic 59% (717) For… 41% (478) Against… 15 Abstain

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