IAM Pension Fund

WeAAsles said:
Maybe we can make a road trip through the Everglades if you'd like? You can leave your identification in your hotel room. You won't be needing it.
Lets meet at Gulfstream or Aventura mall first.

WeAAsles said:
I'm sorry. Roa and I have a trip planned to hike the Appalachian trail that week. We're looking to take photographs of spotted owls.
Well WeAA...
We could use him on my outdoor range once we finish the trail... I've been looking for a target setter/retriever...
P.S. If he takes the job, he'll have to move fast... real fast!
WeAAsles said:
Tim Nelson do you disassociate yourself from the remarks of Josh or do you agree with his anti union rhetoric?
I'm curious since you never seem to engage this individual?
i very seldom read Josh remarks. Cut and paste what remarks u r referring to.

Josh is Josh. I have no idea if he is a banker but he did offer to meet me..and we did meet. Therefore i know he exist and just isnt the alter ego of 700.
Tim Nelson said:
i very seldom read Josh remarks. Cut and paste what remarks u r referring to.

Josh is Josh. I have no idea if he is a banker but he did offer to meet me..and we did meet. Therefore i know he exist and just isnt the alter ego of 700.
Answer the question, do you agree with the anti-union rhetoric Josh is spreading? I find it hard to believe that you met, and know little about him!
P.S. Don't make me dig up the posts in the pre-election Feet Forum, where you and Josh went back and forth in a fake Q&A...
You know what I'm referring to... the one's where he repeatedly said, and I quote... "Tim speaks the truth"...
I met Tim at the ORD H-K food court back in April coming back from Orange County on AA. We discussed the merger, contract negotiations, United agreement, district elections and the overall culture on this forum. I am pro-worker but anti-union and anti-IAM. I feel the IAM has failed the members and delivers nothing but concessions while the district and grand lodge officials reward themselves handsomely on the backs of the members.

josh  I do not know of the wrong doings that the higher ups in the IAM did would constitute the kind of illegal actions the bankers did to the American people and of course they did not see the light....   or dark... of prison cell n courts.   On the other hand  the last time a wrench was turned on a TWA plane would of had to occurred when TWA flew  prior to its final flight.........  hope that answers one of your questions
737823 said:
I met Tim at the ORD H-K food court back in April coming back from Orange County on AA. We discussed the merger, contract negotiations, United agreement, district elections and the overall culture on this forum. I am pro-worker but anti-union and anti-IAM. I feel the IAM has failed the members and delivers nothing but concessions while the district and grand lodge officials reward themselves handsomely on the backs of the members.

Sooo... basically... you and Mr. Nelson both share the same anti-union ideology...
How ironic, a banker completely outside of the industry, has an unnatural interest in the IAM... let me tell you something Mr. Banker, I didn't just fall off a turnip wagon... you are a fake, and a liar!
Did I ever tell you all about the time as a kid I met Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton in a smoky nightclub. They aren't the same person either.

Anyway back to the topic if we can control ourselves?
roabilly said:
Sooo... basically... you and Mr. Nelson both share the same anti-union ideology...
How ironic, a banker completely outside of the industry, has an unnatural interest in the IAM... let me tell you something Mr. Banker, I didn't just fall off a turnip wagon... you are a fake, and a liar!
How am I a liar? What do I need to prove to you? At any rate, I have offered to meet you, 700 or anyone else on this board who doubts who I am or why I am posting here.

WeAAsles said:
Did I ever tell you all about the time as a kid I met Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton in a smoky nightclub. They aren't the same person either.

Anyway back to the topic if we can control ourselves?
I met Jim Morrison in 1975 at the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, we shared a postmortem cigarette and several Heinekens...
737823 said:
How am I a liar? What do I need to prove to you? At any rate, I have offered to meet you, 700 or anyone else on this board who doubts who I am or why I am posting here.

... and WHY are you posting here?
roabilly said:
Answer the question, do you agree with the anti-union rhetoric Josh is spreading? I find it hard to believe that you met, and know little about him!
P.S. Don't make me dig up the posts in the pre-election Feet Forum, where you and Josh went back and forth in a fake Q&A...
You know what I'm referring to... the one's where he repeatedly said, and I quote... "Tim speaks the truth"...
copy and paste his anti union rhetoric. And as much as u fail to believe, i did meet him. Im unsure of his reasons for posting but i believe he said something about numerous friends in the industry.

If anyone hasnt been anti iam it has been me, not sure how anyone can draw any other conclusion since 2008.
roabilly said:
... and WHY are you posting here?
Enjoy engaging in these discussions about labor relations. I missed my calling to work in the airline industry. AA is very dear to me and it's unfortunate to see what has been happening with the merger.

737823 said:
Enjoy engaging in these discussions about labor relations. I missed my calling to work in the airline industry. AA is very dear to me and it's unfortunate to see what has been happening with the merger.

You mean you missed your calling to work as MANAGEMENT in the industry... 

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