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IAM Pension Fund

roabilly said:
...or top Banking CEO's?
Well your "elected" Executive Council is supposedly there to serve you and advance your interests.  Why do they get cushy perks from the IAM that the members aren't able to ever attain?  CEOs are different, they are not there to serve me, they are there to lead the company and their compensation is overseen and reviewed by a compensation committee from the BOD and outsider advisers.
as far as CEOs goes  they are no more idiots than other 6 digit figures clowns who make more than airline folks yet its those idiotic clowns at banks esp the ones who failed sent the country into an economic sinking and got off the hook   did not see one of those b@$t@rds get prison or court for their failures...   go figure     Then on the other hand  how many of those a holes would be stuck working flights on the ramp in the dead cold of the winter with blizzards  or the dead heat of the summer   or the mechanics who burst their arses to get the planes fixed in time for the next flight..  in all elements in some cases....   
Robbed I understand your perspective but don't you think it's wrong for Buffy, Roach, and Sito to enjoy benefits far above and beyond what you are given? When did Roach last work out in the elements on the ramp? When did Sito last turn a wrench on a TWA aircraft? When did Buffy last work at GE? The IAM built Buffy a library at WWW, he is planning to retire in 2015 and will continue raking in the cake off your backs.

737823 said:
Robbed I understand your perspective but don't you think it's wrong for Buffy, Roach, and Sito to enjoy benefits far above and beyond what you are given? When did Roach last work out in the elements on the ramp? When did Sito last turn a wrench on a TWA aircraft? When did Buffy last work at GE? The IAM built Buffy a library at WWW, he is planning to retire in 2015 and will continue raking in the cake off your backs.
Why don't Bankers make less than people who work at Walmart? They do far less actual work then those people do.

Those people you quote make what they do because they worked hard to EARN the position they're in today. No effort in life produces no results.

I thought you were a Capitalist?
737823 said:
Robbed I understand your perspective but don't you think it's wrong for Buffy, Roach, and Sito to enjoy benefits far above and beyond what you are given? When did Roach last work out in the elements on the ramp? When did Sito last turn a wrench on a TWA aircraft? When did Buffy last work at GE? The IAM built Buffy a library at WWW, he is planning to retire in 2015 and will continue raking in the cake off your backs.

Let me guess... the banker has intricate knowledge of the inner workings of the IAM, and spiels out ant-union propaganda while defending Corporate America. Everyone here knows you are the ENEMY! That’s why you lose elections!
roabilly said:
Let me guess... the banker has intricate knowledge of the inner workings of the IAM, and spiels out ant-union propaganda while defending Corporate America. Everyone here knows you are the ENEMY! That’s why you lose elections!
Never ran for a single union position. I am not Tim Nelson, next time I am through CLT I will prove that to you.

WeAAsles said:
Why don't Bankers make less than people who work at Walmart? They do far less actual work then those people do.
Those people you quote make what they do because they worked hard to EARN the position they're in today. No effort in life produces no results.
I thought you were a Capitalist?
They aspire to serve the membership and are out of touch and haven't worked on the shop floor for ages. I am a capitalist and fiscal conservative, Buffy and Sito supposedly work for IAM members but haven't delivered yet they reward themselves richly.

737823 said:
Never ran for a single union position. I am not Tim Nelson, next time I am through CLT I will prove that to you.

And I guess Bluto will prove he's not Dave...
737823 said:
Never ran for a single union position. I am not Tim Nelson, next time I am through CLT I will prove that to you.
I'm sorry. Roa and I have a trip planned to hike the Appalachian trail that week. We're looking to take photographs of spotted owls.
roabilly said:
And I guess Bluto will prove he's not Dave...
I'm 100% serious next time I have a meeting in CLT I will offer to meet you, cltrat and/or 700 at the airport. Haven't been through there for ages but I may be down this fall. I offered to meet WeAA at MIA, when I visit my parents in the area.

737823 said:
I'm 100% serious next time I have a meeting in CLT I will offer to meet you, cltrat and/or 700 at the airport. Haven't been through there for ages but I may be down this fall. I offered to meet WeAA at MIA, when I visit my parents in the area.
Maybe we can make a road trip through the Everglades if you'd like? You can leave your identification in your hotel room. You won't be needing it.
700UW said:
There isnt a deduction on your paycheck for the IAMNPF, unlike your 401k.
And it is too hard for you to understand that a 401k is not a pension, yet you lobby for it and say forget the IAMNPF, no wonder why Corporate America is making tons of money and yet its not passed down to the workers who earn that money for the company.
i never said forget the iampf. U have a habit of quote mining people. What i said is there should b a choice and i said that im extremely uncomfortable with more of my money going into the iampf without a company contribution into my 401. I would also guess that a very large % of our members wouldnt mind splitting retirement contributions between a 401 and iampf.

Continuing a single flow of money into one sack where we already been violated by our own union isnt that smart.

I still have roachs letter guaranteeing future benefits. Always better to have a contributing flow from the company into two rivers. Not just one.
737823 said:
They aspire to serve the membership and are out of touch and haven't worked on the shop floor for ages. I am a capitalist and fiscal conservative, Buffy and Sito supposedly work for IAM members but haven't delivered yet they reward themselves richly.
So you know what they have delivered for EVERY single IAM member since the day they first put on a Steward pin?

I'd like to see you post those bio's.
Tim Nelson do you disassociate yourself from the remarks of Josh or do you agree with his anti union rhetoric?

I'm curious since you never seem to engage this individual?

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