No,Its not true.If you want it to pass vote yes,if you dont want it vote no. Whats your station they need a phone call.And whos the chairman.This is a plain majority vote no hanky panky here. :down: :down: :down:

But if he wants all the yes voters to stay home Im sure folks here wouldnt mind. :up: :up: :up:

Appreciate you clearing that up. It didn't make any sense to me as to how a non vote could be counted as a yes. I know our chair very well and would bet he was just repeating what he had been told himself.
Can anyone let me know the answers to my previous post about the voting practices? Anything would help at this time.
HI.. even though it hasn't been finalized, I'd like to extend my hand to
those of you that feel screwed..We, as a group, believe it or not are looking
out for you..everyone...We know there's more and we want us all to share..
Don't be upset if it comes back NO..lets' move forward , and ask and listen
were not as dumb as we seem..I won't point out any one individual but ..were
not against you. The same people that sign your checks sign mine. Were on the
same team whether you or I like it..Please talk to us rationally...we have eyes
and ears and believe it or not they sometimes work...WERE THE UNION..lets
stay strong......
Thanks..and thanks to phl....hear that randy !!!
(i pointed out 1 individual)
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

816- NO :up: :up: :up:

62-YES :down:

Now that's the way to send a strong message to the IAM and Management!

Nice Job PHL!
congradulations to PHL if those are indeed your turn out numbers , that's a respectable showing ... This may now be a close vote rather than a one sided one .
congradulations to PHL if those are indeed your turn out numbers , that's a respectable showing ... This may now be a close vote rather than a one sided one .

You have it twisted....it was always going to be close.
NOW it's one sided!
Did any of you know about the attempt of the PHL Local to deny the observer
to stay for the ballot count. I was told that he refused to leave and backup was called
in. I heard things were heated, but the observer prevailed!!!

Day by day this entire election is more and more like a bad soap opera.

This is by far the most manipulated election I have witnessed. So many rules
have been blatantly broken.

Each and every one of us needs to call the International and voice displeasure to
Michael Winpisinger - Special Assistant to the International President

Phone: (301)967-4500
Hey all congrats on the turn out and NO vote. Can someone please help us??? I'm looking for info more than anything. Our vote is Monday and it's at our local lodge which is not very convienent for many at our station to get to. To top it all off the hours that we can vote are scheduled for 1100-1600.

Does the vote have to be at the local?

Can it be scheduled to a more convienent location for us?
I ask this because I know the majority of our work force hardly gets up to meet an arrival on time much less drive somewhere to vote on their lively hoods.

Can the hours be changed to a more work friendly time instead of right in the middle of the day when no one is available to make it?

It's hard to fight the(right) fight when it seems like the union is working against us. Any info you can send me would be greatly appreciated and thanks again.

Yes it must be at the hall,try to get an observer for the vote count.The company should try and accommodate your voting,get shuttles running call the reps today and demand help.This is your future.Chip i n and rent a rider truck...lol :up: :up: :up:
I just got off the phone with our station chair and was informed that any non vote will be counted as a yes vote. Is that true? Please help.
Hey Sunny
Not too far north of you all, and we voted earlier this week. There seems to be a lot of question about this topic, but here it is... If you don't vote, it is not counted as a yes or a no, just a simple non-vote. Not voting does not sway in favor or against this. So if you and your co-workers have a strong opinion one way or the other, cast a vote, that is the only way to express your thoughts on this T.A.
Yes it must be at the hall,try to get an observer for the vote count.The company should try and accommodate your voting,get shuttles running call the reps today and demand help.This is your future.Chip i n and rent a rider truck...lol :up: :up: :up:

For what it's worth, the MSY vote was not held at the hall, but in a room beside the breakroom. And btw, 75% voted :down: ....
For what it's worth, the MSY vote was not held at the hall, but in a room beside the breakroom. And btw, 75% voted :down: ....

GOOD JOB hope all goes well everyone vote BIG NO congrats msy good job philly cant wait to hear bout clt
I'm here in CLT and at 2:30 it was said that we had close to a 70% turn out, and from 3-5:30 we had another 250 voters... so i dont know the total numbers but it looks like we had atleast 700 voters and there will be at least a 90% NO

Voting closed 35 mins ago @ 6:00 pm EST

when i find out, i will post it up
sad to say since im westie and regret every second that las vegas vote was 170 yea 115 ney found out it was mostly new hires and part-timers looking for a quick raise which will divert in to medical etc.... and maybe make a extra buck hope clt and pit come out winning


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