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Chipmunn/ IAM T/A

I hope they vote no. Just think no more cleaners (will be outsourced), no mechanics on push back (rampers can do it),
de-icing can be out sourced, etc...
A lot more efficient operation. But those on the street can say "I stood tall, you want fries with that?"
Yea, cross over to Walmart! $7.50 an hour. Cool![🙂]

By the way, who was it that picketed ALPA headquarters during the last pilots' negotiations? You remember, the ones who DEMANDED the pilots take parity + 1% to save THEIR jobs. It seems many on this board can dish it out, but they can't take it.
On 8/27/2002 6:43:50 PM

Well said Autofixer! You folks are free to vote however you like, but don't complain about the consequences and a NO vote WILL have consequences.
I believe I am quite old enough to know what the consequences are.I have been at this airline for 13 yrs.I also have a wife and two kids to look after.I have as much at stake as anyone.I have only one say in this whole thing,one little vote,and its NO.I also believe I have a little bit more to offer the work force than to be working at Walmart,and if we're free to vote how we like ,it wont concern you any more will it.By the way ,the IAM could'nt rally the Klan at a Lennard Skynard concert,much less pickett the pilots. I believe your talking of the AFA. Good Day.
Hmmm now let me see. My anniversary and my wifes birthday are both in October. I know both those things happened in 92 sooo what is your point???
Well said Autofixer! You folks are free to vote however you like, but don't complain about the consequences and a NO vote WILL have consequences.
On 8/27/2002 6:43:50 PM

Well said Autofixer! You folks are free to vote however you like, but don't complain about the consequences and a NO vote WILL have consequences.

By the same token, if you vote yes...I don't want to hear a word for 6+ years about how this proposal sucks. You vote for it, you're responsible for our circumstances.
No, I was moving aircraft around the ramp and helping any way I could. One of the Maintenance supervisors told me he hoped you guys never came back. I didn't agree with that but he said we would be better off starting over. 2 days later Schofield and company caved. I remember a mechanic being interviewed for the evening news. He said "I'll just roll my toolbox on to the next job". That just about sums up the attitude that we still suffer under.
NEWSFLASH: Times are different now...Seigel ain't Schofield. Pilots, Flight Attendants, Mechanics and all the rest are under greater scutiny and greater accountability. IMO the company will not be bullied this time. They just can't afford it anymore.

A320 Driver

Good Night
I couldn't have said it better. I wish you well.

Goodnight Already! [:🙂]

A320 Driver
"I believe I am quite old enough to know what the consequences are."
Then don't do anything stupid.

"I have been at this airline for 13 yrs."

You're just getting started.

"I also have a wife and two kids to look after."

You gonna be able to look them in the face if we go under?

"I have as much at stake as anyone."

Apparently not.

"I have only one say in this whole thing,one little vote,and its NO."

Now you went and did it.

"I also believe I have a little bit more to offer the work force than to be working at Walmart"

Checked the want ads lately...I did; not good.
Way I figure it though, you guys vote it down, then take a walk, we should be able to put together a workforce of 1700 or so. That will make us even with Southwest.
I just wondered. I was manning a picket line and I thought that I might know you.
Good night to you also. Hopefully we will all get through this soon and we can all go back to building this company back into a great company that makes us all proud. Rebuilding ourselves as even a better airline for our customers. There is allot of potential here. I hope everyone that has a vote has had easier time than me with this issue. Remember to play nice.
You get a clue. Eastern mechanics union said NO to the deal with Boreman. That forced the sale to Lorenzo. (read "Hard Landing").

Your wrong. Hours before the deadline the IAM offered up the concessions that EAL was demanding. There was one condition, and that was Frank Borman resign. The BOD said no to that condition and voted to sell EAL to Lorenzo. Borman resigned shortly afterwards & the rest is history!