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IAM Information Meetings (Your Take?)

On 9/10/2002 8:52:56 PM willnotworkforfree wrote:

actually, I am ready for a career change, so the vote is NO.
On 9/10/2002 6:26:43 PM AOG-N-IT wrote:

This morining, I attended the 0630 meeting being held in the CLT Hangar breakroom. Thankfully , this meeting did not turn into a "Screaming Contest" , like the two previous meetings the day before. To be perfectly honest , I did not learn anything of value from our paid representation. I have become convienced that the IAM is not..or did not listen!..or failing to make it's memberships views clear to the company. The IAM stated a number of points they brought up , as being "Deal Breakers". Somehow the so called "Deal Breakers" became part of the issues anyway. The only exception being "R&D" (Pushbacks). I do not see for a moment where the IAM stuck to thier so-called guns for a moment. The majority in attendance..seemed to be of an alike mindset. "Where's the Leadership"??? in this union?? Why are we voting again?? When No , meant No the first time? Here again, I feel the issues are too often involving the IAM itself...it's every bit as much of a problem..as the concessions being asked for are, to the ripple (Shockwave) affect , this will have to the industry. My first and foremost concern is the surviveability of USAirways. My biggest fear...is failure to achieve the needed financial backing to insure this hopeful future. I hope many will begin to see..that your frustration is with failed "Union Leadership" at this point. The past failures of "U" management are beyond anyone's control. We either attempt to repair things from our current location?..or we need to be prepared for drastic changes beyond the employment realm of USAirways. Basically , It's up to you , to pick your poison. I would rather gamble with the Devil I know...as opposed to a complete career change.

The meetings at TPA got pretty ugly. The worst part was management just rehashed the same old, same old over again. No one up there seems to get it - no means no. It means go back to the table and try again. It did seem that a big fear of management's is the labor unrest that an imposed contract will incur and how the flying public will steer away from an airline with a labor dispute. But, instead of coming up with a reasonable proposal, they are half-heartedly pushing this one. Honestly, it didn't seem like any of the management presenters were too gung-ho about this either.

I'm sorry. I'm not settling for less vacation than a Wal-Mart greeter or McDonald's mop boy! Two weeks period. Second, I'm not giving up the raise we got on July 15th. The company, in good faith signed a letter of agreement with the planners for our pay raise back in April, fully knowing that the airline was in deep trouble. Now, they want it back? I never saw a parity raise.

Maybe this might be the end of US Airways. But, people will still fly and eventually jobs will be back. However, when it was discovered that 40,000K (more than I make in a year and half!) went to Nardello (sp) as a bonus, I'm fit to be tied.

Anyway, check out the article from the Saint Petersburg Times (Florida) [url="http://www.sptimes.com/2002/09/14/Business/Workers_miffed_at_air.shtml"]http://www.sptimes.com/2002/09/14/Business...ed_at_air.shtml[/url]. It's pretty clear where TPA stands in this mess. Funny thing is, for being as disgruntled as management painted us to be, we're still putting a plane on the gate every morning for our customers [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif'] . We are still busting our butts with a nasty personell shortage (especially in planning, thanks to this moronic 8 hour work day they imposed two weeks ago).

Anyway, AOG-N-IT, you MCU guys kick butt up there! Keep up the hard work.

Jon C.[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif']
TPA Planner.
Please remember...[BR][BR]A no vote means you will have NO VOTE in the future. There will be no US Airways. Think about it. If you vote YES, you will be giving our company its best chance for survival.[BR][BR]We are in bankruptcy. We have no leverage. There will be no further negotiations. The company must have all labor groups on board for them to have a snowball's chance. Without our voluntary concessions, the TPG will probably back away. We will run out of cash quickly and be left with no other option but liquidation.[BR][BR]It's a no-brainer guys. I'm disappointed, mad, and sorry its not a better contract too, but it's the best we're going to get for now. There is just no doubt about it.
On 9/14/2002 9:55:22 PM NYPD wrote:

Please remember...

A "no" vote means you will have "NO VOTE" in the future. There will be no US Airways. Think about it. If you vote "YES", you will be giving our company its best chance for survival.

We are in bankruptcy. We have no leverage. There will be no further negotiations. The company must have all labor groups on board for them to have a snowball's chance. Without our voluntary concessions, the TPG will probably back away. We will run out of cash quickly and be left with no other option but liquidation.

It's a no-brainer guys. I'm disappointed, mad, and sorry its not a better contract too, but it's the best we're going to get for now. There is just no doubt about it.

We hold the best leverage there is - the life of the company. Mechanics and related are holding the life support plug, quite literally. Cooperate, give us something we like, or we'll take the whole ship down. We are able to work with the company, but WE DO NOT PLAY TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! Negotiate in good faith like you did with the ALPA. Cooperate or die, it's that simple. We have the power to put Dave Siegel out of a job and will do it, if they don't go back to the table.
Try to understand we have been dealing with pay consessions for least 10yrs.
Now we are not only are we dealing with just pay consessions,( which I could live with.)but they are gutting our benifits too which is totaly unacceptable.
And what really ticks me off is that won't work on makeing a compromise.

Just Say No !

We hold the best leverage there is - the life of the company. Mechanics and related are holding the life support plug, quite literally. Cooperate, give us something we like, or we'll take the whole ship down. We are able to work with the company, but WE DO NOT PLAY TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! Negotiate in good faith like you did with the ALPA. Cooperate or die, it's that simple. We have the power to put Dave Siegel out of a job and will do it, if they don't go back to the table.


Its time to give things up not get something better! We all hate this as much as the company hates it. This has to be something that both the company and us HATE equally. There will never be a contract that will be liked by both. Your post was very upsetting, perhaps you should have kept that to yourself!!!
I do understand! But in the end your still going to lose it, either by voting in the contract, the BK judge slapping it on you worse, or the company folding! This has been a long stressful time for everyone. I just want it to be over. Hopefully in the end we will all have jobs and not have to START OVER!!!!!

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