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IAM dues increase

Unions are a non-profit organization and the IAM officers are not getting raises.

Keep trying.

No, just getting more Officers and more 'piss clam' representation. I'm not to good at math but here is the equation:

AGC equation:
Kiss butt + Do as I say + and keep intimidating PHL so that they are scared out of their mind of losing the IAM [MIA]
= AGC job + 10 conventions a year to party party

Worker equation:
4 airlines from DL141 were/are in bankruptcy + thousands of members getting laid off since 911 + deep and 'painful' pay and benfit cuts for ALL current DL141 members =
More AGC's + another $2 dues increase.

Or it could be the rumor I heard about the current AGC who is buying a Carribean Condo. But maybe it could be someting other like maybe these AGC's are all worth it. Maybe more than one of them actually has a college degree and can put 4 words together....NOT. Alas, nepotism is alive and well...kiss butt and do as I say and maybe one day you will be an AGC also, especially if you transfer to PHL.

No kiddn but FWIW, I actually attended more than one DL141 convention as both an elected Local and elected District rep and the thing that really stood out to me was that in each convention it was in the best hotel in whatever city, and the food and drinks were "Tops". Almost as if they don't give a rip about spending YOUR money and wanted to blow as much money as possible. Very little was ever accomplished unless you like pep rallies where there is alot of clapping and shouting over nothing. BTW, I think there are about 12 conventions a year over various matters and it is always the usual suspects who go and almost always seems to be around the 'open' bars. When I asked the question as to why the conventions are at such lush hotels that charge "Tons", it was told to me that, "Oh, we stay at only Union hotels". At any rate, you can guarantee one thing, ton$ of your dues is literally 'pissed down the urinal or toilet in alcohol from these convention thingy's. Therefore it does not surprise me that once again it is the Union that is asking to take more out of your pocket.

In fact, I certainly hope this isn't true but I bet if you take all reps that go to all the conventions that a good number of them either have a problem or will with alcohol.

And when that happens, look for another dues increase because one thing is guaranteed, they won't be using the dues for representation. It's forbiddin!

No offense to Chris as I liked him on a personal level. But the new folks are a bit different. I keep the drumbeat going here so they can get a feel for the history and all that transpired.

I think US Airways is at the dawn of a new age and DP until he proves otherwise is a leader worth following and in my case worth my continued loyalty.

The people who serve me were NEVER at issue. That includes the AWA folks as well, because I had about 20 segments with them a while back and they were just fine. One very attentive Ticket agent saved my company $1,600.00 so I'm excited about the future.
Bobby, Bobby, Your personal buddy Chris was nothing more than a bold faced LIAR..You know that..But evidently that is OK with you.
You guys will NEVER actually understand. What he said was "A larger number than usual chose to call off sick" or words to that effect. He never actually accused the unions of a job action.

What he did was take a gullable media and ever so gently "lead" them to a conclusion that they drew themselves which is exactly what a PR guy is SUPPOSED to do!

What he said was the dead bang truth. What he didn't say required the DOT to fill in the blanks for the flying public and US workers. You'll do well to note also that given the high profile of last years "Meltdown" and his handling of it has been widely regarded in corporate circles as a disaster. You will take note that as far as any of us know he has NOT landed anyplace else. I don't think you'll see him pop up in a high profile position anytime soon.

It seems a stint in the executive suite of US Airways is a CLM (Career Limiting Move) for many of the former executives.
Bob, I was actually thinking of ANOTHER bold face lie that came from your buddy, [Can't remember the exact wording, even though it's been printed on this website several times], "Usairways has no intention of Outsourcing Heavy Maintenance". :down:
It is under his USAirways, INC aviation name, he said US has no intention of outsourcing maintenance.

I would post it but they took the member posting feature away where you can look up all the post.
It is under his USAirways, INC aviation name, he said US has no intention of outsourcing maintenance.

I would post it but they took the member posting feature away where you can look up all the post.
thanks, 700
Bob, With all due respect, I do not need any more insight into how these guys think and operate..
What is going on today in the board rooms of corporate America is enough to turn ones stomach..

a LIAR is a LIAR, matters not if he wears a high dollar suit and wing tips....
With all due respect to you if you don't take time to study your opponents strategy & tactics you end up like the AMFA at Northwest.

When a company is in BK it's their ball and their ballfield and most times you can either play ball under their rules or take your bat & glove and go home. Knowing this allows you to adjust your strategy & tactics accordingly.

One of the reasons I could get along with those guys is I operated under the assumption that they were either outright lieing or filtering information that suited their agenda. So I did the same thing in return. It's a hellava way to do business but we had things we wanted to accomplish and you do what you have to do to exceed your goals.

It's just like when I did our companies trade shows at the PHL Convention Center in the mid 90's and had to deal with all of the union work rules. You could play by the rules and be last to get anything done, holler and scream and pitch a fit with the decorating company or do what I did. Walk around with $500 in 20's and do what needed to be done. For $20 you go from number 54 to 4 in line to unload. Another $20 gets the stuff brought immediately to your booth. $100 CASH gets you 2 top flight union carpenters to erect your display in a half an hour after the Teamsters drop it off. Another $60 gets the electricians to look the other way and you plug in the equipment yourself instead of waiting. When word of our "Incentives" got out we had people stopping around all through the event asking what we needed and could they be of any help. We got plants for free. Don't ask me where they came from. Guy walked away with a $20.

The point of the example is you do what you need to do to accomplish the goal. US Airways conducted themselves in the same manner as I did at the convention center and they're flying today because of it. Is what they did right? NOPE!! Is what I did right? NOPE!!! In both cases were the goals accomplished? YES and that is the bottom line. Confession is held daily at the parish of your choice.
Bob, Pretty Pathetic....I find it amusing that after all your lame excuses, that you mention going to "Confession"

I do not Confess anything to another man, But it is written down..." What profit a man, If he gains the whole world, but loses his soul"...

Honesty is the best Policy...
Did a little math here is what I came up with

$1.20 times 12 times and say 5000 fleet service = $72,000

Yup that should just about cover the newest extra AGC Base starting pay!

Rich get richer poorer get poorer!

Usairways Management and the IAM can't tell them apart

Maccarone retired and so did Makclavic and Gerry Moore was removed.
You guys will NEVER actually understand. What he said was "A larger number than usual chose to call off sick" or words to that effect. He never actually accused the unions of a job action.

What he did was take a gullable media and ever so gently "lead" them to a conclusion that they drew themselves which is exactly what a PR guy is SUPPOSED to do!

What he said was the dead bang truth. What he didn't say required the DOT to fill in the blanks for the flying public and US workers. You'll do well to note also that given the high profile of last years "Meltdown" and his handling of it has been widely regarded in corporate circles as a disaster. You will take note that as far as any of us know he has NOT landed anyplace else. I don't think you'll see him pop up in a high profile position anytime soon.

It seems a stint in the executive suite of US Airways is a CLM (Career Limiting Move) for many of the former executives.

No Bob, Chiames DID accuse the workers for the PHL fiasco last year, on ABC, to my face, and so did Lakefield. He addressed the employees in a webcast message, his regular Friday message, and TO MY FACE, AND BLAMED THE EMPLOYEES. The management did NOT take any responsibility for last xmas meltdown. And even AFTER the DOT findings, in which Teddy X had to testify for 3 hours using hard copy evidence to validate the employees had no connection to a job action, and no increase in sick calls...they never once apologized to the employees. There just wasn't enough employees in PHL to handle the increase in holiday traffic using ONE Hub as the evidence proved.

As I continue with THE BOOK... B)

PS: With regard to dues increase, IAM have lost many members through outsourcing and dumping PIT as a HUB, along with decreasing the fleet that past 4 years. Coupled with 3 negotiations and a law suit to defend the work, there MUST be a dues increase. Otherwise, there can not be good or adequate representation. Trust me on this, with out union representation in this environment...the worker is finished.

The wealthy will never look to defend the worker and give increases UNLESS IT IS FORCED!

Most of you on these boards should have learned this by now dealing with this company, BOD, Managment and investors.

Workers must fight for their portion of the pie, otherwise, they are squeezed out.Remember, the squeeky wheel always, always, always, gets the grease. :up:
Trust me on this, without union representation in this environment...the worker is finished.

I'm glad You finally admitted it, WE'RE FINISHED! And to put the icing on the cake we will be paying more to be finished! Oh what a wonderful world we live in where you take paycuts, and then your dues are increased. Would that be considered DOUBLE JEOPARDY?
I'm glad You finally admitted it, WE'RE FINISHED! And to put the icing on the cake we will be paying more to be finished! Oh what a wonderful world we live in where you take paycuts, and then your dues are increased. Would that be considered DOUBLE JEOPARDY?

IAM = no representation. You are non-represented dues payers.

You are so far off base it is unreal.

Lawyers in bankruptcy cost money.

Never seen you lift a finger to help the IAM, all you have done is to insult, bash and attack, tried to start your own union twice and failed.

Guess you hated it that they removed you as grievance committee chairman in ORD due to your dual unionism.

Funny how the IAM helped you keep your job after your big picture web page posting.

Funny how fast you forget.

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