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Iam D141 Informational Meetings

I don't understand why people support the IAM while at the same time constantly frsutrated by them.

At any rate, the contract you voted on is a chapter 7 type contract. Interestingly enough it stays a chapter 7 contract until possibly 2013 even if your company comes out of chapter 11 and starts making millions or perhaps billions.

If your company gets out of chapter 11 and starts being viable then in the interest of the workers an immediate decertification should be warrented. Ironically, workers usually have to vote in a union to improve working conditions but this situation is reversed...the IAM would have to be voted out to have a chance at improvement.

The Allied Ground Workers would love to represent the workers but not under current conditions....no union should take one red cent for this IAM negotiated piece of garbage. Nonetheless the AGW will most likely run an organizing campaign to get an election for FSA should the company become viable. Such an organizing attempt will instruct workers to not vote and decert the current representation, and not vote for the AGW either.

I mean things have got so bad with this piss clam representation that the greatest or strongest union in the world could do NOTHING under this contract so it would be much better to decert the IAM to free yourself from this contract and then 2 things could happen.

1. You would be free to seek out new representation without being held captive under a slavedog contract.
2. your company won't want a union to come back on the property and it may enhance your situation.

But in any case the workers come out better. It would be unthinkable to keep a chapter 7 contract in place all the way to 2013 while working for a company that expects to be viable enough to make millions in 2006.


You know this is not a T/A, why do say otherwise?

How many contracts has the AGW negotiated?

How many members do you have?

Was their elections, or did you and Mike appoint each other?

You and Mike have no experience and this company would have cleaned your clock.

Your claims not to run a decert is bogus. Answer me this, say you get enough A-Cards for an election and less then 50%+1 vote?

Let me answer that, you get decertified!

I understand the weather forecast for your company is 33 degrees and steady rain, blizzard or all of the above. I also understand that the contract that is going to pass mirrors the weather associated with the verge of Chapter 7. But if the company's analyst are correct in saying they project to get out from under bankruptcy protection and make millions next year [and even hundreds of millions are possible] then why should FSA keep a 33 and downpour contract when it becomes sunny and 70? It just doesn't make 'good sense' to keep a chapter 7 contract all the way to 2013. When the company comes out of chapter 11, the contract should be left in chapter 11. And Imight add, the company would much rather you and other IAM loyalist to stay loyal to your IAM and your chapter 7 contract all the way through 2013. It would tickle their fancy.

You are wrong about the IAM not agreeing to this. I know Randy Canale and the other negotiators good enough to know that their names will be on this contract...right below the Accepted and Agreed part. They will be held accountable for that and that will be the caption on the AGW's site and probably the-mechanics.

FWIW. You are right about the 50%+1. The AGW's intention will be to decert, no doubt about it, should your company come out of Chapter 11. We will openly tell workers to decert because that is the only way to lead to better working conditions.

700, you may disagree with me but make no mistake workers will be better off with a decert as opposed to switching unions in this particular case, provided the company's forecast becomes sunny and 70. I mean the best union in the world couldn't help workers under this IAM negotiated piss clam. But the AGW is the only union that has the integrity to spell out what needs to be done.


You of all people should know because of your failed attempt at creating your own union before that caused the one year bar in the past and let the company as they pleased.

If there is no union there is no contract and the you and your fellow fleet service will be employees at will and the company will be free to do as they please.

Remember the PPG?

Remember the loss of the pension, vacation, frieght, express? Remember PDOs and the increase of part-time?

Decertifying will leave your group at the company's whim and will, and you will be the one to blame when things go back to the PPG and letting the company have their way.

Needs to be done?

That thinking seems delusional, being an employee at will, don't you know the ramifications of that action?
To be SHOT or to be HUNG.............





😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r:

And you still did not answer any questions poised to you Tim!
keeping a chapter 7 contract while the company is out of chapter 11 is nonsensical at best.

Even when the company was not in chapter 7 and FSA were employees at will, situations were much better than being under a chapter 7 contract.

YOu know nothing about the history of FSA pension and you speak foolishness.
Back when FSA were dreadful employees at will they had a 401k that the company contributed to up to 10% and the company even willingly gave this % for all hours worked. Unfortunately, the IAM agreed to cut back the company's retirement contributions up to 80% so that now FSA are putting in 'peanuts' in their retirement.

I could go on and on and continue pointing to the scoreboard.

700 please clarify your position. Are you saying that one should continue to pay dues, my life for the IAM, and covet a chapter 7 contract or do you agree that it makes 'good sense' to leave the chapter 7 contract as the company leaves chapter 11.
Unfortunately, in this case it is reversed. Becoming an employee at will offers much better working conditions in a sunny and 70 forecast as opposed to keeping a chapter 7 contract that depresses working conditions like never seen before EVER, UNION OR NOT....just to say you are a union member.

As a side, many workers have already expressed themselves to the AGW and are readying up to ditch this contract provided the company's forecast becomes sunny and 70.

You know not which you speak, the PPG was better than this latest collaberation between the company and IAM. In fact when i first hired on more vac, sick time was available than will be with the IAM's so-called negotiated agreement. This is an insult to real unionist everywhere!

THe FSA contract can't be defended in any case and should be jettisoned once the company gets out of chapter 11.

What contract is worth paying dues that doesn't even allow for paid leave if you call in sick?

If this company gets out of chapter 11 and starts making millions like their own analysy say, then the chapter 7 contract shouldn't come out with the company.

Being an employee at will under sunny and 70 conditions is much better than keeping a chapter 7 contract meant for employees under a 33 degrees and downpour or blizzard. This contract is meant for employees on the verge of chapter 7 but this contract has no coveting attraction once the company is back on its feet and viable.

Here is a list of accomplishments the Company did NOT do when Fleet Service was Non-Union. But with the IAM'S help have been able to acheive.

1. cut pay to at least 1988 levels
2. Increase medical by 500% with increases every year
3. Cut vacations by 50%
4. unpaid sick day then halfpay after.
5. reduce retirement contributions by 80%.
6.Have or will OUTSOURCE at least 30 or more stations.
7.increase of partime percentages.....now up to 40% unheard of!!
8.furloughees will start at bottom of wage scale upon return!!
9.Cut overtime pay to max 1.5
10.put limit on swaps.

I am sure the Company is happy with the IAM cooperation :down: :down:
The saddest part of this deal is the senior employees are being thrown off the property permanently.

Until now, if you were furloughed, you maintain recall for a negotiated period of time - three years, usually.

If you came back within that time, you maintained and accrued seniority during furlough.

Many agents that were expressed from 99 to now took just advantage of this.

Now, if an agent is furloughed, he will come back at the bottom of the payscale.

Just how did this fact help the IAm hit their bogey number?

Better yet, how the hell did the union agree to this s*&t?

And it didn't sneak up on them. I personally told a district rep 6 months ago maintaining seniority rights during furlough was a priority.

Of course, he agreed.

Right now I believe recall rights are 6 years. But in reality they are 0 since IAM members will be part of 'seniority cleansing'. I'm sure this process will be agreed to and accepted by all the IAM negotiators, and once accepted, the seniority cleansing will commence. There are no recall rights because who will accept the recall and be willing to work for probationary employee wages?

Not even ALPA would agree to that. Alas, the Lapdog!

First of all you avoided every question poised to you once again.

How many members does the AGW have?

How many economists and lawyers do you have on staff to aid in negotiations?

How many contracts do you have?

How many contracts have you as director and mike as president negotiated?

When was the election that your members voted on you and mike as officers?

How many successful organizing drives have you held?

And how fast all of you forget what you had and have!

In 1992 the company froze your pension, eliminated sick time, holidays, OJI and vacation time.

They cut 40% of the full time workers and made them part time and you had to pay full price for family medical coverage. Hours were cut from 40 to a max of 25.

Air freight and Express work was eliminated, paycuts were forced upon your group by the company.

You worked under a Personal Policy Guide (PPG) that the company could change at whim.

You had no real grievance procedure, leads were picked by the buddy buddy system.

Shall I continue on?

Your group now has a vacation, sick time, scope language, a cap on part time, company cannot come in and change your pay, part timers involuntary downgraded get full family insurance, a pension and you have a pension and a grievance procedure.

If you all truly think being an employee at will is better, then go decertify and expect only to have jobs in CLT, everything else will be contracted out.

If you did not have a union, the company would have gutted you worse in the past bankruptcy and the current, if you don't believe that, then I have some beach front property for sale in Arizona for the likes of Tim and unit4clt.

Time for a reality check boys.

And the IAM did not agree to it, if they did it would be called a tentative agreement and they NC would have given it a yes recomendation, and YOU are the IAM, not your AGCs or the Negotiating Committee, YOU and your coworkers will decide to accept the company's proposed changes, not anyone else.

Time to grow up and accept responsiblity for your actions and lack of them, four times to get a union while the company kept taking from you. I love how you all blame the IAM and not the company.

Go ahead and decertify, the company would love it and then you can go striaght to the unemployment line.
In 1994 FSA elected the IAM to prevent more breakins from the company. What happened is not only did they not prevent more breakins they held the door for the company while they took what they wanted. In the future you will hear how its the members fault!!!!!
Are you that ignorant?

Look at what is going on around you, two bankruptcies in two years and YOURSELF and YOUR Coworkers voted on what to change.

Every union has given back three times at US Airways, get your head out of the sand.

If you did not have a union the company would have gotten rid of you long time ago.

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