I Signed A Card

My World

Dec 31, 2003
I signed a card to help inflate your card count. I can't wait to vote you out. BTW, I know many people who signed cards for the same reason. :up:
Way to go My World, I take it you are a 'vote' advocate then and I will have to give you some respect for your decision. Thanks!!! :up:
I would have to agree with Rusty signing a card contrary to what twu has told the membership is the right thing to do, here's why..

(1) Most people signed a card because they are tired of the current representation, they see fundamental problems with the organization and structure which are too numerous to list here...

(2) Some signed to exercise their right to vote and or force an election which they hope would be a vote of confidence for twu...

(3) A few signed because they were coerced or to fit into a group after being put on the spot, spur of the moment...

More people if they would take the time to ignore the PR and concentrate on facts would arrive at an informed decision period.. This is why reasoned debate at LAX,MIA,LGA,JFK,ORD,DFW etc, as well as the smaller line stations would give the membership a chance to speak out.. Do you think twu international will talk to the membership in person???

Notice twu proposed to have a debate meeting in TUL on a Wednesday, this does not represent all the membership and is a cowardly jesture at best..
The reasons why an individual signed a card are many and any attempt to list them all would be impossible but ponder these senarios..

AMFA wins and elections to fill the vacated posts begin, hard work for the next few years as the membership charts a new course..

TWU wins and the line stations which are running above 85% in favor of AMFA remain at bitter odds with the overhaul bases.. The entire membership remains divided and weakened, who benifits from this ?? another AMFA drive begins right about the time twu begins to ramp up for contract concessions again..

It should be a crime to supply false information to the NMB, ask yourself why a company and their incumbent union would allow this.. Do you agree with this behavior ?? if so you too have ethics issues... Instead of allowing this decision to be made like a third world banana republic we should be screaming for justice, openess and a free and fair unbiased process to insure the will of the membership

Kinda slanted comments don't you think!

False Information, Amfa will fall in this category. So do they deserve the same?

If you did not have Amfa wannabes representing the members! I believe you would have a group who actually would represent the members! In return stronger support for the TWU!

Get real Jim! Prime example is at AFW! If you draw a map of the areas, you will see who supports Amfa and who does not! When you have a strong shop stewards, you have a strong support for the TWU!

(note: typo happens, thanks for the correction!)
Checking it Out said:
Kinda slanted comments don't you think!

False Information, Amfa will fall in this category. So do they deserve the same?

If you did not have Amfa wannabes representing the members! I believe you would have a group who actually would represent the members! In return stronger support for the TWU!

Get real Jim! Prime example is at AFW! If you draw a map of the areas, you will see who supports Amfa and who does not! When you have a strong shop stewart, you have a strong support for the TWU!
Slanted how cio? Please explain.

AMFA has not submitted false information to the NMB..... the company has. Hopefully they will be held accountable, but I'll believe that when I see it.

Earth to cio, nobody in AMFA is representing anyone...... yet. The reason we have 9000+ cards is because the support for the twu is OVER

What is a prime example of AFW? That we have over 75% of the base signed and ready to vote your twu out? Then yes cio, we are at AFW a PRIME AMFA example.
Stock clerks, the machine shop, Fac. Maint. and some OSM's is about it for the twu at AFW. Almost all the A@P mechanics are AMFA signed, along with most of the OSM's. Even people on the E-board and many shop stewards (not "stewart" dummy) have signed cards.

Listen cio, just because a "shop stewart" is a believer in the worst union (twu) in the U.S of A. Does not mean he is going to convince anybody that can think for themselves the twu is the right choice.

The twu has dig its own hole, now AMFA is going to bury you in it.

Hackman said:
Checking it Out said:
Kinda slanted comments don't you think!

False Information, Amfa will fall in this category. So do they deserve the same?

If you did not have Amfa wannabes representing the members! I believe you would have a group who actually would represent the members! In return stronger support for the TWU!

Get real Jim! Prime example is at AFW! If you draw a map of the areas, you will see who supports Amfa and who does not! When you have a strong shop stewart, you have a strong support for the TWU!
Slanted how cio? Please explain.

AMFA has not submitted false information to the NMB..... the company has. Hopefully they will be held accountable, but I'll believe that when I see it.

Earth to cio, nobody in AMFA is representing anyone...... yet. The reason we have 9000+ cards is because the support for the twu is OVER

What is a prime example of AFW? That we have over 75% of the base signed and ready to vote your twu out? Then yes cio, we are at AFW a PRIME AMFA example.
Stock clerks, the machine shop, Fac. Maint. and some OSM's is about it for the twu at AFW. Almost all the A@P mechanics are AMFA signed, along with most of the OSM's. Even people on the E-board and many shop stewards (not "stewart" dummy) have signed cards.

Listen cio, just because a "shop stewart" is a believer in the worst union (twu) in the U.S of A. Does not mean he is going to convince anybody that can think for themselves the twu is the right choice.

The twu has dig its own hole, now AMFA is going to bury you in it.

Hackman. . .
The twu has dig its own hole

THAT'S DUG YOU "DUMMY"!!!!! :shock:

You haven't held up any signs lately have you Hackman?? Be sure to look at them before you lift them up, will ya"?!!!!
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Rusty said:
Way to go My World, I take it you are a 'vote' advocate then and I will have to give you some respect for your decision. Thanks!!! :up:
You took it wrong Rustoleum, I signed a card to vote you and your amfa crap down and send your butts packing. :blink:
twuer said:
Hackman said:
Checking it Out said:
Kinda slanted comments don't you think!

False Information, Amfa will fall in this category. So do they deserve the same?

If you did not have Amfa wannabes representing the members! I believe you would have a group who actually would represent the members! In return stronger support for the TWU!

Get real Jim! Prime example is at AFW! If you draw a map of the areas, you will see who supports Amfa and who does not! When you have a strong shop stewart, you have a strong support for the TWU!
Slanted how cio? Please explain.

AMFA has not submitted false information to the NMB..... the company has. Hopefully they will be held accountable, but I'll believe that when I see it.

Earth to cio, nobody in AMFA is representing anyone...... yet. The reason we have 9000+ cards is because the support for the twu is OVER

What is a prime example of AFW? That we have over 75% of the base signed and ready to vote your twu out? Then yes cio, we are at AFW a PRIME AMFA example.
Stock clerks, the machine shop, Fac. Maint. and some OSM's is about it for the twu at AFW. Almost all the A@P mechanics are AMFA signed, along with most of the OSM's. Even people on the E-board and many shop stewards (not "stewart" dummy) have signed cards.

Listen cio, just because a "shop stewart" is a believer in the worst union (twu) in the U.S of A. Does not mean he is going to convince anybody that can think for themselves the twu is the right choice.

The twu has dig its own hole, now AMFA is going to bury you in it.

Hackman. . .
The twu has dig its own hole

THAT'S DUG YOU "DUMMY"!!!!! :shock:

You haven't held up any signs lately have you Hackman?? Be sure to look at them before you lift them up, will ya"?!!!!
So I made a typo, but I still don't know what a "stewart" is. I guess that's 514 speak.

The sign, even upside down, reads the SAME.


When you gonna stop hiding behind your alias, COWARD?????

Come out, come out, wherever you are...............
Checking it Out said:
Kinda slanted comments don't you think!

False Information, Amfa will fall in this category. So do they deserve the same?

If you did not have Amfa wannabes representing the members! I believe you would have a group who actually would represent the members! In return stronger support for the TWU!

Get real Jim! Prime example is at AFW! If you draw a map of the areas, you will see who supports Amfa and who does not! When you have a strong shop stewart, you have a strong support for the TWU!
Strong shop stewarts, or a low cost of living and bad schools? Look at that Map again CIO.
I can't speak for AFW, but Fac.@ Auto maint. in the northeast signed cards heavilly. Out of 41 in BOS. last count was 37.
Bagbelt said:
I can't speak for AFW, but Fac.@ Auto maint. in the northeast signed cards heavilly. Out of 41 in BOS. last count was 37.
Good to hear from a Title II in Boston. I always enjoyed going up there! Good union town. Although you do talk funny.
My World said:
You took it wrong Rustoleum, I signed a card to vote you and your amfa crap down and send your butts packing. :blink:
I didn't take it wrong at all My World! I saw what you said and I think you believe in Democracy enough to want this to go to a vote. Therefore you deserve credit for your belief in the Democratic system. What more can we ask for than to let that system work. So again, thanks!!! :up:
Jim Anderson said:
I would have to agree with Rusty signing a card contrary to what twu has told the membership is the right thing to do, here's why..

(1) Most people signed a card because they are tired of the current representation, they see fundamental problems with the organization and structure which are too numerous to list here...

(2) Some signed to exercise their right to vote and or force an election which they hope would be a vote of confidence for twu...

(3) A few signed because they were coerced or to fit into a group after being put on the spot, spur of the moment...

More people if they would take the time to ignore the PR and concentrate on facts would arrive at an informed decision period.. This is why reasoned debate at LAX,MIA,LGA,JFK,ORD,DFW etc, as well as the smaller line stations would give the membership a chance to speak out.. Do you think twu international will talk to the membership in person???

Notice twu proposed to have a debate meeting in TUL on a Wednesday, this does not represent all the membership and is a cowardly jesture at best..
The reasons why an individual signed a card are many and any attempt to list them all would be impossible but ponder these senarios..

AMFA wins and elections to fill the vacated posts begin, hard work for the next few years as the membership charts a new course..

TWU wins and the line stations which are running above 85% in favor of AMFA remain at bitter odds with the overhaul bases.. The entire membership remains divided and weakened, who benifits from this ?? another AMFA drive begins right about the time twu begins to ramp up for contract concessions again..

It should be a crime to supply false information to the NMB, ask yourself why a company and their incumbent union would allow this.. Do you agree with this behavior ?? if so you too have ethics issues... Instead of allowing this decision to be made like a third world banana republic we should be screaming for justice, openess and a free and fair unbiased process to insure the will of the membership

Jim, I would like to ask you one question. Do you believe that everyone that is eligible should be on the company list?
James T. Kirk said:
Jim, I would like to ask you one question. Do you believe that everyone that is eligible should be on the company list?
Kirk, do you believe that only those eligible should be on the list???

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