I have had enough of the Teamsters!

Go ahead. How many permanently lost their jobs as a result?

These people always seem to forget that we work for an Airline, not a neighborhood convenience store. Sometimes unfortunately Stations (And Maintenance Bases) close and when they do close what we rely on is having the Contract language that lets us move to where we can continue to work. It even asked me if I was willing to move on the application I filled out over 27 years ago.

So yes AFW closed but even with the Bankruptcy all were offered work somewhere else or were offered a buyout. Ridiculous to try and compare that story to the NWA AMFA Strike debacle.
“As for labor solidarity, AMFA says it never counted on its union brothers. Steve MacFarlane is an AMFA spokesman.

Mr. STEVE MacFARLANE (Spokesman, AMFA): We've never calculated into our strategy that we have to have the other unions to support us. While we would have welcomed that, we still believe that the replacement worker issue is what this is going to hinge around. And we just simply believe that Northwest cannot run their operation with inexperienced, undertrained mechanics that they have, I think, very recklessly put into the mix”

And at NWA Hundreds and hundreds of their own members were smart enough to cross the line and now finished or are in the process of finishing up a good career with Delta Airlines. The rest held the line to their own ideological idiocy. They believed and many still believe their own hype of how special they are.

Missing AMFA Representation?
Since teamsters took over you guys are now down in the middle of the pack with Alaska and JetBlue moving ahead of you guys as of lately.
Get those cards in folks and regain the better AMFA Representation.

Missing AMFA Representation?
Since teamsters took over you guys are now down in the middle of the pack with Alaska and JetBlue moving ahead of you guys as of lately.
Get those cards in folks and regain the better AMFA Representation.

Alaska employees 5.5 Mechanics per Aircraft.
Southwest employees 2.3 Mechanics per Aircraft.
United employees 5.1 Mechanics per Aircraft
American employees 21.7 Mechanics per Aircraft.

Honestly it is hard to defend the IBT at United any more then how terrible AMFA representation also is.

I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. Those assumptions you rely on mean nothing to me. I am sub continental, meaning we've had IBT for 20+ years after the IAM was given the boot during the lorenzo Eastern/Continental fiasco.

And the funny thing about all of this is the guys that want AMFA back the most are the Mechanics from legacy United. They didn't give that union a fair shake and it was all knee-jerk reactions during a bankruptcy. You can nut-hug IAM/IBT/TWU all you want, I won't play along.

Spare me your crybaby dramatics - AMFA stole nothing! - the iam was decertified by their own members for lack of representation and AMFA was brought onboard.

YOU can't accept it because you're a twu/iam sycophant

The real story? From an twu/iam association website? LMFAO 🤣
Hey guys, just checking in on any further progress on the movement to rid the teamsters from UAL Mechanics. Any updates of how it is going?
Hey guys, just checking in on any further progress on the movement to rid the teamsters from UAL Mechanics. Any updates of how it is going?

Yes they changed over to AMFA 3 weeks ago and already got a TA. Glory glory hallelujah they’re good. 😂
Hey guys, just checking in on any further progress on the movement to rid the teamsters from UAL Mechanics. Any updates of how it is going?
From speaking to those who are legacy UAL and have had experience with AMFA, the drive is moving at nearly warp speed in comparison to anything they've seen before. In a little under three months we've had strong collections at other stations outside of my own including DEN, ORD, IAH, SFO, and some cards collected in EWR. Even GUM has joined in from what I can tell as well as smaller stations in Hawaii, not sure about HNL totally. We're about to do a direct mailer to arrive in mailboxes soon for those addresses we have and just waiting for all of the collected cards to arrive to the National to begin getting actual reference numbers. Some local Business Agents and Local Presidents have been caught having melt downs over the card collections at their stations and have been caught on recordings behaving un a unprofessional manner or simply aknowledging defeat due to the Airline Division behaving with total disregard to the memberships interest. I'm hoping that by February we can be looking at a NMB submission after we tackle some of the smaller stations such as TPA and finally get EWR on board.
From speaking to those who are legacy UAL and have had experience with AMFA, the drive is moving at nearly warp speed in comparison to anything they've seen before. In a little under three months we've had strong collections at other stations outside of my own including DEN, ORD, IAH, SFO, and some cards collected in EWR. Even GUM has joined in from what I can tell as well as smaller stations in Hawaii, not sure about HNL totally. We're about to do a direct mailer to arrive in mailboxes soon for those addresses we have and just waiting for all of the collected cards to arrive to the National to begin getting actual reference numbers. Some local Business Agents and Local Presidents have been caught having melt downs over the card collections at their stations and have been caught on recordings behaving un a unprofessional manner or simply aknowledging defeat due to the Airline Division behaving with total disregard to the memberships interest. I'm hoping that by February we can be looking at a NMB submission after we tackle some of the smaller stations such as TPA and finally get EWR on board.
Great to hear. I look forward to hearing some positive news in early 2023. Does indeed sound like a very strong card drive for the AMFA Class and Craft Representation. Keep those cards rolling in folks...
It'll be interesting to watch what happens.

I'm a bit surprised at how many mechanics UA still has outside of the hubs. Per a friend:

CLE 200
DEN 700
EWR 1100
GUM 125
HNL 150
IAD 450
IAH 1500
LAX 500
MCO 825
ORD 850
PHX 75
SEA 100
SFO 2000
TPA 175

Not sure if that's just technicians, or also includes Stores, GSE, etc.

Historically, AA always had a problem with the needs/will of the overhaul bases outnumbering line mechanics and the same was the case with a few other airlines prior to 2010. If the numbers above are close, it don't show that type of a hurdle to overcome.

AMFA was voted in at UAL back in 2003, and the IBT was voted back in 2008. Both votes were 2:1 spreads as I remember, so there wasn't much of a nail biter watching it. But... CAL had IBT as well, so there's a much larger number of people who've spent 15+ years with the IBT.
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It'll be interesting to watch what happens.

I'm a bit surprised at how many mechanics UA still has outside of the hubs. Per a friend:

Not sure if that's just technicians, or also includes Stores, GSE, etc.

Historically, AA always had a problem with the needs/will of the overhaul bases outnumbering line mechanics and the same was the case with a few other airlines prior to 2010. If the numbers above are close, it don't show that type of a hurdle to overcome.

AMFA was voted in at UAL back in 2003, and the IBT was voted back in 2008. Both votes were 2:1 spreads as I remember, so there wasn't much of a nail biter watching it. But... CAL had IBT as well, so there's a much larger number of people who've spent 15+ years with the IBT.
More than enough time with the reamsters to see how unrepresented they really are. To this day, the teamsters have never produced one iota of the promises from when they took over from AMFA, not one to this day.
It'll be interesting to watch what happens.

I'm a bit surprised at how many mechanics UA still has outside of the hubs. Per a friend:

Not sure if that's just technicians, or also includes Stores, GSE, etc.

Historically, AA always had a problem with the needs/will of the overhaul bases outnumbering line mechanics and the same was the case with a few other airlines prior to 2010. If the numbers above are close, it don't show that type of a hurdle to overcome.

AMFA was voted in at UAL back in 2003, and the IBT was voted back in 2008. Both votes were 2:1 spreads as I remember, so there wasn't much of a nail biter watching it. But... CAL had IBT as well, so there's a much larger number of people who've spent 15+ years with the IBT.
I don’t see PDX on the list. Anyone know when/if it closed?