Take this nugget of wisdom from a Texan with a BS Geology who, since his retirement from playing Army for a living, is back in the thrilling and never-dull oil & gas industry:
Drill. Drill in Alaska. Drill off Florida. Drill off California. Let folks play with the oil shales in the Rockies. Start squeezing as much oil out of the earth as you can.
Folks have gotten much, much better about environmental damage over the years. You could have a dozen rigs in Tampa Bay and the beaches would not look like Jiffy Lube had emptied the pits upon them. The industry is not perfect but it knows the liability of making a mess thus everyone does take environmentally conscious operations seriously.
I don't buy the "the price will only go down (take your pick) a penny....2.6 cents....a dime." Besides....even if the prices didn't go down.....we will eventually need the oil. Better to get at it now while the cost to drill is just outrageous. In ten years the cost to drill will probably be incredibly outrageous.
If the government announced today that they were going to dump about 2MM barrels of oil a day out of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and folks could drill.....I think prices would plunge and speculators who have run the price up like they have would get burned, big time.
And once the price fell WN would get busy buying their hedges for 2010 and 2011 and 2012.
Yes, it would take 4 or 5 or maybe even 6 yrs before we started to see the oil from ANWR or Destin. But the actual source of oil, or even the supply...is not what's been driving the train on price. It has been the speculators and once they became aware that the US has decided to start actively looking for every drop of oil they can, their behaviors would change and the price would fall.
The run-up of oil prices in the late 70s and early 80s was followed by a glut once all the oil finds that higher prices had provided got to market. We're not likely to see a repeat of that...certainly not to the same degree....since in the late 70s/early 80s neither India nor Red China had the oil thirsty economies they do now. But we would see some relief, a lot of it, and we would see it quickly.
It is incredibly hypocritical for folks to act all put-out and in a snit because the Saudis won't crack the pipelines open full bore. I
d like to see higher production rates from them too....but we cannot expect it if we're not willing to drill on our lands.