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Nov 17, 2007
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Charlotte, NC

We all know that this and all airlines are going through hard times. They've been going through hard times for quite a while and we are all seeing how the airlines are trying to figure out ways to squeeze a penny or two more out of the pax.

I don't know about other stations, but it is getting hard core here at the front lines. Not only are we pressed to shut the door ten minutes prior *no matter what* but we are also being told that there is no longer a grey area.

I personally have been on vacation a bit, but I keep hearing that such and such got fired for waiving bag fees, free upgrades, etc, and the management and auditing is really starting to get fierce.

Every free upgrade is going to be scrutinized. Every bag fee, change fee, etc must be accounted for and no waivers accepted unless it is thru a CSS. There aren't always CSS around.

I have to wonder if certain agents have abused the tools we've been given or are they really serious about firing us for giving the occasional free upgrade?

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to give away the farm, I understand the state of the industry and enjoyed my profit sharing check....however, certain circumstances call for special actions and it is then when we use the tools of the upgrade, the waived change fee, etc...

For example, f/c on an international flight is wide open but coach is grossly oversold. We can't sell the seats in the front for the $800 or whatever and we can't get volunteers in the back. We're already boarding.

I would take my highest tier elites who were in business class and bump them to row one and attempt to sell the $500 seats. continue to board. If that didn't work, you move the highest tier elites from the coach cabin into envoy to free up the coach seats for the oversales. I would also explain to the elites that this was a courtesy and that I'm not normally allowed to do this, discretion is appreciated. That way they don't expect it every time like management argues they will.

To me, this is good customer service and saves the company the TFC and the hotel and food accomodations, right?

This is no longer acceptable unless a supervisor does it. I can't tell you, in a hub city, how often the supervisors are spread too thin to do something I'm capable of doing.

You know what else I like to do? Block the bassinet and handicap access seats on the A330 because those planes are always full of infants. IF you don't block them, the first person to walk up to the kiosk will snatch it, they'll walk up and be two teenagers who just wanna put their feet on the bkhd.

NOPE. No longer allowed according to what we're hearing. I heard that one direct from a shift manager. No more seat map blocking.

Now we are supposed to charge $5 per seat that isn't middle?

Let's say the flight oversales, we let the Envoy cabin go empty and took 8 volunteers who can't be rebooked until two days from now. They've lost several days in their itinerary and hotel nights (very $$$ in europe) and they wonder if we can change the return for two days later.

Nope!! Not without a change fee!! (is what we are hearing from management)

How am I supposed to do my job! I am not a RULE ENFORCER I am a CUSTOMER SERVICE agent. Where is the customer service? Now you want me to worry about the aisle and window and $5 crap?
If we take that carry on from them and check it , they better pony up $25? Even though I need the door shut in three minutes and it's not my fault the outstation sent them with too many carryons?

Seriously, how are we supposed to keep up with all this and still please people? Certain situations call for certain courtesies that are now blackballed. Especially for my elites (who treat me like a human and not a slave - - i could care less about the disrespectful counter smacking F bomb dropping "i pay your paycheck" ones)

Anyway, I am just frustrated and wonder if anyone at the front lines feels this way as well. Where has the service gone??????

Why not give us shiny badges at least then if we're going to be policing things? :down:

I am sorry to hear that they are getting like that. We all recognize that revenue is important, but if your management realized like other airlines management do that the employees and the customers should be more important that the shareholders, they would not have to be like this.

The problem with revenue is that the fare structure and yield management systems no longer work efficiently in today's market, and rather than fix the problem, they nickel and dime the customers, then punish YOU for doing the right thing.

We know you don't give away the farm, nor should you. But there are certain situations like what you mention, where you should have the discretion to take care of those who have taken care of you and your company. By taking away the small opportunities to reward the loyalty of a good customer, you eventually stand to lose some if not all of that customer's future business...again, penny wise pound foolish.

They'll nail you to the wall over a $50 fee but let that customer walk to another airline the next week.........

No good deed goes unpunished.

I know it's tough out there, but good management teams are still managing decent customer service.....

My best to you ALL....
I think the "No Waivers, No Favors" is actually a GREAT move on Tempe's part.

WN hasn't done it that way and they've profitable for what 35 year now? Give it your best effort ya dumb bastards, let's ee if Ma & Pa Kettle can carry an airline to Profitability.

I'm glad for your enthusiasm but can you please make sure you don't b!tchslap me with your contract of carriage since I'm well aware of it. Just check the name tag before you go off. :up:
We havent had this take effect yet (although I'm sure its coming). The only time I know of someone getting called into the mgrs office was when they waived something with "managers authorization" as the reason. We also have had quite a few ATA plated Hawaii ticket reissues that were called in, but they were done in error and the agents are now aware that only 037 tickets are good for reissues. No crack down on the other waivers, but for the most part I dont see many agents waiving things left and right either. Every now and then someone gets a break on a case by case basis, but for the most part, if you owe, you pay. Makes it simple.

You'll love this one. Had a family of 4 change the day of their flights and were going to be charged the $100 change fee. He asked if there was something that could be done about it since there was 4 of them. I said I couldnt waive it. He asked for a manager. Sup came to talk to him and sup said sorry, no. If you want to go today its $400. Sup said it wasnt a smart move for someone with a DDS on their credit card to be crying over paying a fee to change their tickets. Yeah, and if I come and see you you'll give me a crown for free right? lol
You'll love this one. Had a family of 4 change the day of their flights and were going to be charged the $100 change fee. He asked if there was something that could be done about it since there was 4 of them. I said I couldnt waive it. He asked for a manager. Sup came to talk to him and sup said sorry, no. If you want to go today its $400. Sup said it wasnt a smart move for someone with a DDS on their credit card to be crying over paying a fee to change their tickets. Yeah, and if I come and see you you'll give me a crown for free right? lol

That's about as good as when I worked for F9, I had a certain politician from a Rocky Mountain state who was traveling with his wife who raised a complete and absolute ever loving mess because her dog kennel couldn't be accomodated due to HR traveling on the same flight. For some reason, she thought her dog was immune to chemicals and that we could bump the HR because of who her husband is..........right........ :up: :up: :lol: :lol:
You'll love this one. Had a family of 4 change the day of their flights and were going to be charged the $100 change fee. He asked if there was something that could be done about it since there was 4 of them. I said I couldnt waive it. He asked for a manager. Sup came to talk to him and sup said sorry, no. If you want to go today its $400. Sup said it wasnt a smart move for someone with a DDS on their credit card to be crying over paying a fee to change their tickets. Yeah, and if I come and see you you'll give me a crown for free right? lol
Many, many, many years ago, when I worked retail, in a camera store, I had a cosmetic dentist that got all his slide film and processing from me. He ALWAYS asked for a discount. This was possible when he was purchasing very large quantitiies at one time and so I gave him one; but his purchases were becoming more like 1 or 2 rolls, at the most. He had the nerve, one evening, to ask me for a disount on 1 role of film... I said, ya know, I don't know if you know it or not, but, I work on comission. So, if you can do something for me in return, like a free cleaning for this part-time employee with no insurance, maybe we can work something out? The jerk just stared at me, expressionless. Funny, but he continued to be a good customer and never, ever asked me for a discount again. 😛 B) 😀

If the Dentist's credit card didn't have DDS on it -- do you think you would have given him and his famly a break? :huh:
Well, all I can say is, Elites, thank you for your continued business, passengers, thank you as well, NonRevs, love ya mean it, but NO FAVORS NO WAIVERS or it's my job.

I can tell you also that there are many agents across the system that don't bother to read a ticket, fare basis and/or a fare ladder, because they are not properly trained on the logistics of a reissue. We should be recalculating the NEW fare and if applicable, ADD COLLECTING the additional fare thru the TIPS mask (ctrl alt R), plus the change fee! And for cripe sakes, use the correct booking code! If it's a HIGHER FARE...COLLECT THE DIFFERENCE. Do not just lazily book it in Y, adjust the tkt and just charge the change fee. I wish the company realized how much revenue we are losing in ADD COLLECTS alone, because people aren't properly trained or some just plain don't care. AND THEN there's the friggin UA code shares.....OY...don't get me started!