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How Soon Till U Is Broke?

I'm sorry PIT, I did not realize you worked at her office. My mistake. My wife is not ignorant and she is quite a savy business women. She is in business with me and we do not depend on anyone else for our meal ticket. How ignorant is that?

Stick to the issue. You said your wife is a nurse and complained about physician and surgeon's compensation. I AM in that field, and when a loved one has a life threatening injury or disease and is in need of surgery that turns out to be successful, or God forbid its you, you and your wife may sing a different tune on compensation of surgeons and physicians, which is a huge contrast to executive worth in my opinion.
cavalier said:
This term implies a total failure, a losing proposition. Like the losing football team the losing baseball team. So you have way less then stellar performance being rewarded, so if they are rewarded even for failure, what incentive do they have to care what happens, plus the fact it is just WRONG. The mid-level management you speak of are not rocket scientists either and have pulled some real boners I could spell out but won't. Same old same old, like bald tires with the threads showing, we all know they are failing us. This is why there are the feelings, the sentiments.

First off, I am a rocket scientist. I have the sheepskin to prove it! So don't try to insult my intelligence. You, PITbull, and 700UW need to understand the following:

Everyone on this property GAVE! I myself gave over 6% in salary alone.

Now you say that I'm not worth a 4% raise? 700UW, how might I ask does that differ from your precious snap-backs?

Here's a little math for you to digest... hypothetically say I grossed $50,000 per year before the pay-cuts and that I took a 6% cut. After the cut I would now make $47,000 per year. Even if I were to get a 6% raise (which the max is capped at 4%) I would not recover my full $50,000 but rather only $49,820.

As I stated the MSP raises are capped at 4%, and here is the most ignored point. They are performance driven! Only MSP employees who received an Outstanding (highest rating on the review) can expect to get the full 4%. Most of us will likely end up with a 2% or at best 3% increase. So you see NO MSP employee is going to get a RAISE. We all gave more than 4%!

I could go on, but what’s the point. I sometimes think that the second coming of Christ couldn’t open the eyes of some of you….

I understand one thing....

Everyone deserves a raise, but none should get one, as the company endeavors to lower costs. Quite contridictory to the "business plan" to be giving raises even to certain groups.

you took less of pay cut than some of the lowest paid employees on this property. Before you incude me in your scenerio, read my previous post on exactly what f/as gave, which far exceeds your "give back", and we on the other hand, are not even being considered, other than to GIVE MUCH MORE THAN AT ANYTIME IN OUR HISTORY. I personally don't care what the BOD decides to give and who they decide to compensate...just as long as it is not "on my dime".

PS: And where do you get off implying that you somehow have an entitlement to be receiving the entire "give back" in 1 year? Where did you ever get such a notion that you would cite it above?

If all goes according to management's "Going Forward Plan", all raises should be returned by everyone...isn't that correct?

Or is just mangement planning no further concessions? Hmmm, let me guess...


So in your eyes I am and always will be a heathen capitalist?

Just because when I was asked to give-up X amount of money and I did not say well "There are others who work here, who are paid less, that will surely be giving-up more than me, so I implore you to make me sacrifice more to ease their burden."

Now you have made reference to "your dime" as if your avarice is somehow above mine just because you are a member of a union, forsooth..

My exact reply when told of reduction was, "Well that should not put me out the door, but I am afraid I will not and cannot be pushed further." I believe that a great number of MSP people replied exactly as I did. We, unlike the union employees on the property are not held fast by the benefits of seniority. And unlike many of you our job functions translate well into other industries. If some carrot is not dangled before us, many have and will continue to leave. You can say good riddance if you choose, but this company will not survive without talented MSP employees. I am not exaggerating with this statement. There are a great number of non-union employees who work very hard behind the lines of the day to day operation. While their exodus would/does not cease operations, it makes it increasingly difficult to narrow our losses and operate profitably.

P.S. Please re-read my post. I never implied that in a single year I was due the return of my previous rate. My point was and continues to be that I do not conceive this to be a “raiseâ€￾. I only suggested that what everyone on this board considers a “raiseâ€￾ would not elevate me to my previous level of compensation and thus could only be considered as a “raiseâ€￾ if it compares favorably to the increase in our nation’s rate of inflation …

It all moot.

If The buisness plan calls for concessions across the board for all, than all snaps or raises or whatever you choose to call it, will be taken away. That's what I am thinking.

But, another side of me is perceiving that U mangement is only going after labor cost reductions. These questions will be posed to the new leader of the pack.

If he can't answer, doesn't care to answer, or makes excuses to the why or why not of needed retention raises for certain folks, it will be out so fast in the media and employees will make your heads all spin.

This is not to say that these folks or all don't deserve to have increases after all the sacrificing and hard work we all have put in. But if truly the company is in trouble, and its not all just some facade to capture more from organized labor, than no one should be receiving any thing especially at this time.

Otherwise, the BOD and the new CEO are less then genueous once again.

This will not bode well with labor.

If management believes there are jobs better than what they have with the compensation they receive is out there in the business community, and mangement wants us to believe this for them, than those jobs are out there for all of us.....so if we should vote no, because what is going to be asked is unattainable for labor, than we should be able to capture those jobs, you guys feel is out there for you without receiving retention bonuses.

This is the point.

We are in agreement at last. I believe the worst thing Seigal could have said in his webcast was "If you don't like it here, leave. Remember, it's always easier to find another job while you still have one." This did nothing to boost moral from the standpoint of rebuilding this airline into profitable company. It did nothing to solidify the employees to the future of their company. It is my hope that this is why he was removed. If the new CEO continues along this line, there will be no future for anyone at US Airways. If our future is to be more concession, each of us must make our own decisions but I myself am inclined to say enough is enough. If UAIR believes I am to work for less money, then they are mistaken because I like many of you believe that UAIR has begun to treat me as a liability rather than an asset.


PineyBob said:
"Everyone deserves a raise"?

Everyone does not deserve a raise. There is that sense of entitlement again, that just because you show up to work(About 88% of the time in the F/A community) that somehow by virtue of occupying space you "deserve" a raise.

WHY? enlighten us who actually have to EARN one?

Those who do their jobs, dedicated and have sacrificed much of their earnings and benefits to make this company sucessful within our own reach. And those who all ontinue to do so, so that YOU Bob, can have the experience on our flights that you so brag about.

All performance with the DOT still remains at the top of the charts.
UsPerfEngr said:

We are in agreement at last. I believe the worst thing Seigal could have said in his webcast was "If you don't like it here, leave. Remember, it's always easier to find another job while you still have one." This did nothing to boost moral from the standpoint of rebuilding this airline into profitable company. It did nothing to solidify the employees to the future of their company. It is my hope that this is why he was removed. If the new CEO continues along this line, there will be no future for anyone at US Airways. If our future is to be more concession, each of us must make our own decisions but I myself am inclined to say enough is enough. If UAIR believes I am to work for less money, then they are mistaken because I like many of you believe that UAIR has begun to treat me as a liability rather than an asset.



I agree with you as well. If our group decides they will lower their bar again and take more of these concessions that bring us to LCC wages and benefits, I will most likely resign.
Bob, what do YOU deserve?

What do YOU think you are worth?

Why do YOU think you have all the answers?

Given your posts on here (MANY) and all the wisdom YOU believe that is in them, funny you're not in the Bill Gates league.

At one time you were for the F/A group now all you do is pound them for sick time.

At one time you stated the IAM should take the airbus work to the public and now you backpedaled on that as well.

I wonder why that is Bob. Did this management team wave their magic wand over your head and make it even bigger?

I told you a long time ago Bobby, after you made that very public post explaining how you back stabbed your fellow co-workers and then went on to give yourself praises over it, that nullifies anything further you post as reasonable, sane, or even moral, including your convoluted statements on this thread.


As for the rocket scientist on here: Good for you! It’s obvious your have you head in the clouds with your very big and prideful attitude.

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And I’m gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It’s lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight

And I think it’s gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I’m not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I’m a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone

Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it’s cold as hell
And there’s no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don’t understand
It’s just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man

And I think it’s gonna be a long long time...
PineyBob said:
Great! So they do there jobs. What do you want? a cookie?

Doing what you are supposed to do is the MINIMUM! You EARN a raise by doing MORE than the minimum. It's really a simple concept.

In order to EARN a raise you also have to actually SHOW UP for work.

It means:

Not shopping in the SkyMall in uniform, your radio frantically paging you whilst you stroll for 15 minutes buying a gift. (PHL)

Not calling out sick because there is a one day sale at Macy's! (overheard on a flight)

It means actually cleaning the planes?

Even with the cuts, a typical two wage earner family working at US makes well above what most earn. Did you know that $60,000 in gross family income puts you in the top 20% of gross family imcomes nationwide?

That's roughly what 2 US workers earning Poverty, Slave labor, Express rates earn. if they combine their 2 incomes. Which you have said happens often.

You still haven't told me why given the financial condition of US exactly WHY raises are warranted?

Excuse me, but you have me mistaken for some other poster. You sure make some assinine assumptions.

Raises are not warranted; however they are deserving. You asked me the question in your post....but you ended up dismissing my response and answering it yourself. Our role and our training is "meeting the customer's expectation. We don't get raises unles they are negotiated, which has not ocurred in 15 years. Just so we are clear.

Next time I let you answer your own damn question. Your so good at it. :angry:

And yea, I'll take the cookie now and whatever else you want to throw in.
PITbull said:
There are many educated employees on the street that are very very capable of doing the jobs of this present management who also vould bring years of a historical perspective and know what works. They would do it for less pay than those who are in place. There are also many well educated graduates coming out of the schools that would love to have the jobs of these managment types.

I really think you are deluding yourself if you think working at U is the career goal of any well-educated and qualified professionals right now. The really competent people are NOT considering employment and career options with a company on the brink of goind out of business!

I know it is a tough pill for labor to swallow, but management looks at the employees and decides what little they can get away with while still retaining good people. With union employees, especially with the more unskilled trades (which, unfortunately, includes the F/A category), management realizes they can get away with more concessions. The workers in that category are tied to the seniority system and are unwilling to give up their seniority to the extent that they will take more cuts in the hopes of keeping it; similar or job opportunities are between slim and none for most (though not all) considering their education and professional training; and management knows these things.

However, within certain professions (lumped into the evil category of-- blechh-- "management" [said dripping with bitterness and derisiveness]), the employees can jump ship with little or no "seniority" penalty, and earn more money elsewhere-- or may even be willing to sacrifice some pay in exchange for job security at a more stable company with better options for future advance. Management realizes they have to provide some sort of incentive for these people to stay or choose U over other, saner employment options.

As bad as you like to think the current crop of mid-level management is now, look at it like this: if there were no incentives for them to stay, things at U would be EVEN WORSE, because even worse / less qualified people would be in those positions.

That's the brutal reality of the labor market.
Bear 96,

I don't share your insight on the matter. There are many unemployed educated, business minded folks out there in this industry. If managment wants to step out, there's the door. No one has the market on a position. From CEO on down. It took only moments for Seigel to be replaced.

That can happen to anyone and everyone knows it. You have accepted what mangement has told you about your role and worth and how expendable you are, and you have accepted what reality they have convinced you to be true... being... they're valuable; you are not. They are not replaceable; you are.

You took that "hook, line, and sinker". But, you won't effect me with that bullshit.

Everyone is expendable.
Bear96 said:
As bad as you like to think the current crop of mid-level management is now, look at it like this: if there were no incentives for them to stay, things at U would be EVEN WORSE, because even worse / less qualified people would be in those positions.

That's the brutal reality of the labor market.
You are DREAMING!!!

The young people coming out of college are brighter, not set in their ways hence flexible, have new ideas without all the past baggage and biases of the old school that this outfit is riddled with. YES, they would come to a company regardless of the current situation, ASK THEM.

Do you work here and work with these people? If so how can still make those statements? If you can then you are part of the problem and just as blind. It has nothing to do with seniority; in fact the old boy school is far worse than seniority could ever be!
The type of management here at U, are bad for business. They don't no how to relate to employees, nor how to manage. The management i'm talking about is the management that Siegel brought in, who are still here.

If Lakefield follows through with any bonuses, its because he knows less than they.