[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/24/2002 11:09:16 PM chipmunn wrote:
[P]I am not going to enter into this tit-for-tat message board or locker room jive posting, but I find it interesting that I am the only person with the courage to identify them self on this message board. Why is that and why does nobody else have the guts to identify them self?[BR][BR]I do not like the economic situation facing US, it’s fine employees, and the airline industry any more than anybody else. Furthermore, it's clear to me much of this thread is lashing at in anger over the current economic realities and the suggestion the more possible labor expense cuts may be necessary to save the airline. [BR][/P]
[P][STRONG]identity theft comes to mind,as do other things.[/STRONG][/P]
[P][BR]However, airline industry fundamentals have never been this bad and just this past quarter airlines lost at least $2.2 billion. That's $2.2 billion in 92 days and reports indicate the fourth quarter could be even worse![BR][BR]Why? Current revenues will not support the current cost structures. However, some of us want to live in denial and not recognize the economic realities facing this company and its industry, but it’s a simple mathematical equation.[/P]
[P][STRONG]you habe made it your personal goal to educate the rabble/[/STRONG][BR][BR]Today Newsweek wrote airlines lost at least $2.2 billion between July and September, making it the worst quarter in history, according to David Swierenga, chief economist for the Air Transport Association, the trade group for major airlines. “It has never been this bad,†he says. And it’s likely to get worse. Swierenga predicts the airlines could lose $3 billion or more in the fourth quarter-and $9 billion or more for the year. “Obviously, the industry is in precarious health,†he says.[BR][BR]It is easy to feel like the big man when sitting behind a computer screen and shoot the messenger and be in denial regarding the industry.[/P]
[P][STRONG]the messenger gets shot due to repetive hammering the same point over and over and over and over[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]again,are you the only one that can read?[/STRONG][BR][BR]US is in a fight for its survival. Fares are at 20-year lows, the economy is sluggish, fuel prices continue to climb, security and war-risk costs are sky rocketing, and we are entering the slowest travel period of the year.[/P]
[P][STRONG]every damn airline is [/STRONG][BR][BR]Moreover, US and its employees faces two additional problems: Projected revenues may not qualify for a loan guarantee and if the DL, NW, & CO alliance is approved, the projected UA alliance revenue may not materialize, which would further reduce the chances of obtaining the loan guarantee.[BR][BR]Thus without the loan guarantee, US may not be able to survive.[BR][BR]So what should management do?[BR][BR]Fold in the tent or look for ways to cut additional costs as discussed at this week 341 Creditors Meeting?[/P]
[P][STRONG]the term diminishing returns mean anything to you?[/STRONG][BR][BR]People have asked my opinion and I published differences in labor expense between low cost carriers and US. I do not like this situation any better than anybody else, but it is reality.[BR][BR]Simply put, the company must make further cuts or not survive and I do not subscribe to the socialized approach. If people want to professionally debate the issues and have the courage to identify them self, I believe a debate is positive because two minds can create a third mind and then people can achieve a better result.[/P]
[P][STRONG]we have a solution, pay every employee that MDA scale.[/STRONG][BR][BR]But I have no time for those who do not want to look at reality and simply shoot the messenger. [/P]
[P][STRONG]look at reality or look at chips slatn on reality/[/STRONG][BR][BR]For the record, AOG-N-IT your comments are inaccurate, B.N I have not begged others to take cuts and instead have pointed out potential consequences, and I seldom enter into debate on the UA board. I have posted News Articles or Moderators have moved News Reports I posted to other boards using my User Name.[/P]
[P][STRONG]you sure did point things out...every single F'ing post when the m+r was being voted on again.[/STRONG][BR][BR]Meanwhile, the good news is that Law Enforcement Officers caught the D.C. Sniper. My best wishes go out to the victim’s, their families, and for those who have had their lives forever altered. Sometimes it is important to put things in reality.[/P]
[P][STRONG]on that we agree.[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]another reality is that life does go on atfer the airlines.[/STRONG][BR][BR]Chip[BR][BR][BR][BR] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]