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How low in wages would a pilot go?

Damned Double Posts!!-------AOG-N-IT
UAL777Flyer, Watch whom you are lashing out at...I have posted nothing that Chip hasn't posted openly about himself on this very board. Even Chip would tell you that!! I assure you that I do not have the good Captain under watch , in any attempt to expose anything beyond what he freely exposes about himself. So before you attempt to slam someone else for wrong doings here...at least know your history and facts on the subject matter. I'm discouraged that you felt the need to try to attack someone who tries to operate within the realm of truth and honesty. Un-like the person I'm speaking out about..I'm a team player that asks or expects no different of a level of treatment from my company or fellow employee's. ......least of all at the expense of anyone else. I unlike some, I do not think I have any special neck to save ....I'll take my lumps right along with the next U Employee.....but I will not be reduced to nothing in a financial manner , while others are living like Kings...and telling me how I should be thankful for the little bit I have. I also will not be silenced by those that are nothing but Robots and off the clock messengers for the company..I have enough Integrity to speak from the heart about what's wrong about U....I will not Toe the Party Line....unless that line happens to become more honest about things...and show some tangible signs of seeking progressive changes for the betterment of us all. Note the difference between Us All...instead of what's going to benefit Me
Bob Owens,

Chip may have challenged a few folks to identify themselves, but he has not disclosed someone's personal information in this forum. I'm sorry, but that is extremely immature and shameful. Even though we may disagree with a person's viewpoint as posted on this board, that is no excuse to bring in personal issues that are private. Why can't folks simply refute someone's viewpoint with their own, in a professional and respectful way, instead of firing off flaming posts with personal attacks?


What difference does it make if Chip talked about those things in the past? It's still related to someone's personal affairs. I read your posts and look forward to reading your maintenance viewpoint on many topics. But I just think that you gain more respect and credibility when you disagree with someone in a polite, professional manner. It is quite obvious that many on this board don't care for Chip. That's fine. But why can't you do it with a compelling argument in your favor, and not resort to insulting remarks?
UAL777Flyer, Since when is repeating a self-Admission of someone being insulting? I'm stating things in exactly the manner as I them. I'm not abut to sell my soul for the continued benefits of the priveleged few. I made my concessions willingly to try to save this company..and I pledged that I would not retreat another inch beyond that! MY contributions are made on a nightly basis ..now it's time for those making the big money to start making the positive impacts that those lofty salaries should merit. Chip is an advocate of give give give to allow him to continue to pilot our planes. That's fine..but not while stepping all over top of those that keep his plane in the air...or cleaned and the alike. I like 36,000 others can honestly say that I gave at the office....now they can start doing something pro-active with those contributions. The Employee Bank is closed!!!!!
I am not going to enter into this tit-for-tat message board or locker room jive posting, but I find it interesting that I am the only person with the courage to identify them self on this message board. Why is that and why does nobody else have the guts to identify them self?

I do not like the economic situation facing US, it’s fine employees, and the airline industry any more than anybody else. Furthermore, it's clear to me much of this thread is lashing at in anger over the current economic realities and the suggestion the more possible labor expense cuts may be necessary to save the airline.

However, airline industry fundamentals have never been this bad and just this past quarter airlines lost at least $2.2 billion. That's $2.2 billion in 92 days and reports indicate the fourth quarter could be even worse!

Why? Current revenues will not support the current cost structures. However, some of us want to live in denial and not recognize the economic realities facing this company and its industry, but it’s a simple mathematical equation.

Today Newsweek wrote airlines lost at least $2.2 billion between July and September, making it the worst quarter in history, according to David Swierenga, chief economist for the Air Transport Association, the trade group for major airlines. “It has never been this bad,â€￾ he says. And it’s likely to get worse. Swierenga predicts the airlines could lose $3 billion or more in the fourth quarter-and $9 billion or more for the year. “Obviously, the industry is in precarious health,â€￾ he says.

It is easy to feel like the big man when sitting behind a computer screen and shoot the messenger and be in denial regarding the industry.

US is in a fight for its survival. Fares are at 20-year lows, the economy is sluggish, fuel prices continue to climb, security and war-risk costs are sky rocketing, and we are entering the slowest travel period of the year.

Moreover, US and its employees faces two additional problems: Projected revenues may not qualify for a loan guarantee and if the DL, NW, & CO alliance is approved, the projected UA alliance revenue may not materialize, which would further reduce the chances of obtaining the loan guarantee.

Thus without the loan guarantee, US may not be able to survive.

So what should management do?

Fold in the tent or look for ways to cut additional costs as discussed at this week 341 Creditors Meeting?

People have asked my opinion and I published differences in labor expense between low cost carriers and US. I do not like this situation any better than anybody else, but it is reality.

Simply put, the company must make further cuts or not survive and I do not subscribe to the socialized approach. If people want to professionally debate the issues and have the courage to identify them self, I believe a debate is positive because two minds can create a third mind and then people can achieve a better result.

But I have no time for those who do not want to look at reality and simply shoot the messenger.

For the record, AOG-N-IT your comments are inaccurate, B.N I have not begged others to take cuts and instead have pointed out potential consequences, and I seldom enter into debate on the UA board. I have posted News Articles or Moderators have moved News Reports I posted to other boards using my User Name.

Meanwhile, the good news is that Law Enforcement Officers caught the D.C. Sniper. My best wishes go out to the victim’s, their families, and for those who have had their lives forever altered. Sometimes it is important to put things in reality.

CHIP, Name one thing that is innacurate about my post? Last month during another exchange , I told you that you needed to be concerned about you and Your ALPA-esque issues....and We of the IAM would take care of ourselves without your continued attempts at influencing things. You replied with something along the lines of this. Don't worry about me. I have my Air Force retirement....my home is paid for....and my wife makes extremely sound money as do I. I think you even delved into your wifes education background for further clarity of your lofty position in life. You also responded with comments about other options that are being offered up to you. OK, now that it's out in the open again. None of us in the working class care to give up anything else....while the likes of those like yourself can continue to prosper...even though it might not be at the same level you have been accustomed too in the past. Your level of living is wonderful....and I don't begrudge you for it. I do take exception to it when you drum the beat of others of far lessor means giving to the point that it makes life impossible. Your standards are afforded luxury.....our standards mearly allow a scratching out of a living wage and lifestyle....Yet you cannot do this without us. Unless you were to make a career change yourself. Many are tired of your constant diatribe....and company flag waving , when many again are getting nothing but the flags staff shoved up the exhaust pipe. Everyone at USAirways is making a contribution of some kind....and by doing so? They have earned the right to a Living Wage We do not need the Elitest of ther company telling we nobodies what they think is fair...or that we should be contributing more in wage concessions and work rule changes. USAirways has had a tradition of Leadership Problems over a number of years. Many of our problems could be solved by just playing a smarter game. The failure of those issues have lead us to where we are. We are all aware of this.....and we stepped up to the plate to try to help. This doesn't seem to be enough for you...or the company by the tone of your constant postings. Well my friend....U is going to have to pry more from my hands this time around....I gave with my vote in good faith....and that's where I draw the line. I can do other things too....so I will not go gently while the likes of you continue to live the good life...and looking down your nose at us while doing so. Basically..The company had better get it's needs from the Lessors and Creditors...50% of our troubles are related to un-realistic financing issues and poor posturing of some really sound assets. Those issues are being addressed..and I actually feel good about the direction things are taking.....I do not feel good about the continued messages of doom from an Elitest like you!! Your un-solicited garbage is killing more motivation , than it can ever hope to stimulate.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/24/2002 11:09:16 PM chipmunn wrote:
[P]I am not going to enter into this tit-for-tat message board or locker room jive posting, but I find it interesting that I am the only person with the courage to identify them self on this message board. Why is that and why does nobody else have the guts to identify them self?[BR][BR]I do not like the economic situation facing US, it’s fine employees, and the airline industry any more than anybody else.  Furthermore, it's clear to me much of this thread is lashing at in anger over the current economic realities and the suggestion the more possible labor expense cuts may be necessary to save the airline. [BR][/P]
[P][STRONG]identity theft comes to mind,as do other things.[/STRONG][/P]
[P][BR]However, airline industry fundamentals have never been this bad and just this past quarter airlines lost at least $2.2 billion. That's $2.2 billion in 92 days and reports indicate the fourth quarter could be even worse![BR][BR]Why? Current revenues will not support the current cost structures. However, some of us want to live in denial and not recognize the economic realities facing this company and its industry, but it’s a simple mathematical equation.[/P]
[P][STRONG]you habe made it your personal goal to educate the rabble/[/STRONG][BR][BR]Today Newsweek wrote airlines lost at least $2.2 billion between July and September, making it the worst quarter in history, according to David Swierenga, chief economist for the Air Transport Association, the trade group for major airlines. “It has never been this bad,â€￾ he says. And it’s likely to get worse. Swierenga predicts the airlines could lose $3 billion or more in the fourth quarter-and $9 billion or more for the year. “Obviously, the industry is in precarious health,â€￾ he says.[BR][BR]It is easy to feel like the big man when sitting behind a computer screen and shoot the messenger and be in denial regarding the industry.[/P]
[P][STRONG]the messenger gets shot due to repetive hammering the same point over and over and over and over[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]again,are you the only one that can read?[/STRONG][BR][BR]US is in a fight for its survival. Fares are at 20-year lows, the economy is sluggish, fuel prices continue to climb, security and war-risk costs are sky rocketing, and we are entering the slowest travel period of the year.[/P]
[P][STRONG]every damn airline is [/STRONG][BR][BR]Moreover, US and its employees faces two additional problems: Projected revenues may not qualify for a loan guarantee and if the DL, NW, & CO alliance is approved, the projected UA alliance revenue may not materialize, which would further reduce the chances of obtaining the loan guarantee.[BR][BR]Thus without the loan guarantee, US may not be able to survive.[BR][BR]So what should management do?[BR][BR]Fold in the tent or look for ways to cut additional costs as discussed at this week 341 Creditors Meeting?[/P]
[P][STRONG]the term diminishing returns mean anything to you?[/STRONG][BR][BR]People have asked my opinion and I published differences in labor expense between low cost carriers and US. I do not like this situation any better than anybody else, but it is reality.[BR][BR]Simply put, the company must make further cuts or not survive and I do not subscribe to the socialized approach. If people want to professionally debate the issues and have the courage to identify them self, I believe a debate is positive because two minds can create a third mind and then people can achieve a better result.[/P]
[P][STRONG]we have a solution, pay every employee that MDA scale.[/STRONG][BR][BR]But I have no time for those who do not want to look at reality and simply shoot the messenger. [/P]
[P][STRONG]look at reality or look at chips slatn on reality/[/STRONG][BR][BR]For the record, AOG-N-IT your comments are inaccurate, B.N I have not begged others to take cuts and instead have pointed out potential consequences, and I seldom enter into debate on the UA board. I have posted News Articles or Moderators have moved News Reports I posted to other boards using my User Name.[/P]
[P][STRONG]you sure did point things out...every single F'ing post when the m+r was being voted on again.[/STRONG][BR][BR]Meanwhile, the good news is that Law Enforcement Officers caught the D.C. Sniper. My best wishes go out to the victim’s, their families, and for those who have had their lives forever altered. Sometimes it is important to put things in reality.[/P]
[P][STRONG]on that we agree.[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]another reality is that life does go on atfer the airlines.[/STRONG][BR][BR]Chip[BR][BR][BR][BR]    [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]

AOG-N-IT asked: Chip, name one thing that is innacurate about my post?

Chip answers: I'm not going to play tit-for-tat with you, but for one my wife is not currently employed. In addition, the economics facing this company and industry are real. Unfortunately, right now there is nothing we can do about the fundamentals except look for ways to cut costs to weather the storm.

On 10/25/2002 12:48:12 AM chipmunn wrote:


AOG-N-IT asked: Chip, name one thing that is innacurate about my post?

Chip answers: I'm not going to play tit-for-tat with you, but for one my wife is not currently employed. In addition, the economics facing this company and industry are real. Unfortunately, right now there is nothing we can do about the fundamentals except look for ways to cut costs to weather the storm.

Well Chip we finally agree on some things. (1) I have no interest in Tit for Tat exchange with you either....but for you to say that I was being inaccurate was either a stretch of the truth....or a lie of convienience to suit your need at the time. (2) The facts facing this industry and our company are most dire..on that we agree too. (3) The fundementals of how we do business are going to have to change...That is a By-God Given However...the company has said that it will not be approaching the employee's again. Cost savings will have to be achieved by changes in finance agreements...or by parking a few more planes or furloughs. I happen to believe that all of those are going to take place soon enough. This alone should silence your daily badgering of the working class about give-backs and the alike. That ship has sailed Chip.......try like I do at work to come up with ideas..and expose areas where money can be saved. Ideas that fly....if taken to the proper level? , could have saved tons of money..and possibly countless jobs too. Beating the crap out of your co-workers on the internet about giving away more is not going to generate or save a thin red dime!! In summation...re-direct your energies to fixing the problems as we find them. Give-backs and the alike are only de-moralizing the employee group further...and will only continue to hinder productivity ....and the ability to achieve a profit making position. I have spent a great deal of time trying to find effective methods to save the company money...I'm real quick to point out my findings out to those in Management and Directors positions too....I have gone as far as writing Dave when I saw a chance to promote a good idea too. The results have been remarkably positive in response too. Basically , If you were doing the same thing from a Pilots perspective...we just might achieve some much needed savings?...and help keep this company aloft by doing so. In summation...get off the employee's backs.....and do something positive. Dave can air his own views of our condition....I have witnessed it myself!!!!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/25/2002 12:48:12 AM chipmunn wrote:
[P]AOG-N-IT:[BR][BR]AOG-N-IT asked: Chip, name one thing that is innacurate about my post?    [BR][BR]Chip answers: I'm not going to play tit-for-tat with you, but for one my wife is not currently employed. In addition, the economics facing this company and industry are real. Unfortunately, right now there is nothing we can do about the fundamentals except look for ways to cut costs to weather the storm. [BR][BR]Chip[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]I know I go on about this ad nauseum at times, but there is nothing you do except look for ways to cut costs? What about trying something to increase revenues...make flying U attractive for businesses...lower your walkup fares...shoot, eliminate about 20 of the different fare levels and eliminate advance purchase restrictions. Nobody wants to try this until they can get costs under control. Why?? If you currently charge a fare that translates into 90 cents a mile, would it kill the company to lower that to soimething in the range of 50 cents a mile? Your costs are just over a dime a mile, right? Imagine how many businesses just MIGHT reconsider sending an employee on a trip if the price were just about half what the current walk up fare is? Imagine reducing the number of fares to 7,14,21 day advance and walk up. Imagine how pleased many corporate travel departments would be if they could try to plan in advance, but not be nailed to the wall if their plans change...they just pay a reasonable cost to the next fare level. But no...COSTS must be contained first. While at the same time, U led the pack in introducing the most customer unfriendly restrictions in any business. It's no wonder the airlines are hurting....they appear to be DARING their customers to buy a ticket. They should be INVITING them to fly. When will managment start leading and not throw up their hands and cry we're in a recession and times are bad and focus solely on costs? [/P]
[P]Chip, get off your soap box, we are tired of hearing you play the company line. Be a man and have some independant thought, you seem to have a knack of sticking your nose where it does not belong. If you want to be Siegel's lackey then apply for the position and stop letting the company pimp you out. Did you not learn from when you bashed the IAM and CWA before?[/P]
[P]If you are such a great airline analyst, why are you flying planes instead of working on wall street? Your self-preservation scared self is showing again.[/P]
AOG-N-IT, I applaud your level of enthusiasm and seeking cost control solutions, but you may not have much longer to complain about me or the company.


With all due respect, I think we're all entitled to our anonymity and privacy. Just because you post with your name, doesn't mean everyone else should. You're a union member. You are therefore protected by your representation. Non-union folks who reveal their identity on this forum could be inviting trouble in terms of Big Brother watching. So, while I applaud you for using your name and continuing to post useful information despite repeated attacks on your character and agenda, I don't think it's fair to expect others to use their real names. Just my opinion.

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