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How low in wages would a pilot go?

On 10/24/2002 9:56:50 AM chipmunn wrote:

[FONT face='Times' size=3 Roman" New]For those who make such claims, I would like to see you have the courage to identify yourself by name, but I doubt you would do that.[/FONT]


[STRONG]so you could do what? file harassment charges and get them fired?[/STRONG][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]

Blackwind...This is nothing more than Chip The Sock-Puppet trying to intimidate you for having a differing opinion. He posts with his full name , rank and serial number because he represents his views in unison with the companies views. He might as well call is views and opinions USDaily. Notice the number of his fellow pilots that do not fall into line with him...or his way of thinking for example. Remember how ALPA had to distance themselves from Chip's views when he assaulted the CWA in the Charlotte Observer a couple of months ago? That should be an indication of how he rates and views his fellow employee's too. This guy is a complete sell-out. He's doesn't care if every job at U becomes subcontracted out ..as long as he himself can remain safe and snuggled up with whatever works for him? Keep in mind...He's secure in life...He's got his USAF retirement...a job that pays beyond belief at present..and a wife that's making great money too. The average person at U can't even begin to halucinate about how good this guy has it. He intends to protect that at any cost to those around him. So never ever expect anything from him that would remotely sound like he was rocking the boat. That is no matter how much this boat needs some serious rocking to become righted again. You and I do not have the luxury of just sitting back and taking additional poundings..while others continue prosper at our expense. These UBB's allow us a chance to speak out..without fears of being singled out for abuse by upper management. Use it without fear.....least of all fear of Captain Munn BTW...Never act like you are deserving of a living wage..you will be quickly singled out as a Socialist by the Elitest of the working class.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/24/2002 9:56:50 AM chipmunn wrote:
[P][BR][FONT face='Times' size=3 Roman" New]For those who make such claims, I would like to see you have the courage to identify yourself by name, but I doubt you would do that.[/FONT][BR][/P]
[P][STRONG]so you could do what? file harassment charges and get them fired?[/STRONG][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
On 10/24/2002 11:11:24 AM chipmunn wrote:

I rarely view the UA board, infrequently post,

Seven times in the past 5 days. How dare you!
[P]Who gets a million dollar lump sum when they retire? [/P]
[P]Not a mechanic, stock clerk, utility, fa , csa or ramper.[/P]
[P]Hmm, who does that leave?[/P]
When fleet and customer service were taking pension hits, furloughs, loss of vacation, etc. in the 90's to save the company, did ALPA step in and say, let us contribute our fair share to save the company? No, their smart-assed answer was, you're worth what you negotiate. So we organized and negotiated, and the Chips of the world have been busy telling us what we're worth. Well, I guess it's what we negotiate - not what anyone outside the work group thinks it should be.

Chip now says the problem is productivity. I asked, on a different post, to point out where fleet service's contract was less productive than WN's. He asked me to provide him with the documents, and he'll do an 'analysis' on them. Shouldn't you analyze BEFORE you define the problem? My physics prof thought so.

Now, Dave and Wall Street say the big problem on the cost side of U's equation is pension liabilities. As U has zero liability to fleet or customer service, where does the solution lie? And as my pension cut in the 90's was not subsidized by ANY other work group on the property, why is it now 'socialism' to not want to subsidize ALPA's haircut?
On 10/24/2002 12:23:41 AM chipmunn wrote:

[FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]Pitguy, do you believe in socialism and by the way, would you care to identify yourself? [/FONT]

[FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]Chip[/FONT]

Chip how come when someone agrees with you you just revel in what they have to say (i.e., UAL777flyer), but when someone dares to disagree with you you have a problem with people posting anonymously on this board? I don't recall you ever saying, UAL777flyer, identify yourself!

The people who own and operate this board have decided that people may choose to post anonymously. If you have a problem with that, you are welcome to start a board where everyone has to register and have their indentities verified before posting.

Besides, we don't really know who YOU are. Is there really a Chip Munn who is a U pilot? If so, are you him? Who knows? Who cares?

Very Truly Yours,

Duane Woerth
After many posts on the UA board, claiming inside information, conspiracies, unique corporate transactions, and UA ALPA bashing, it sounds like Chip is now falling out of favor with his own fellow employees.

His credibility is sinking fast. Could it be that people are just tired of his one sided, never changing mantras?

Maybe someone should start a 'Chip Bashing' thread!

Am I mistaken, or did I stumble upon the Romper Room message board by mistake?

There are times when I disagree with Chip. Especially in regards to his various UA/US deeper transaction theories. However, there are also times when I agree with what he has to say. That said, I don't think it is fair to take such hostile shots at him. If you disagree with what the guy has to say, then why can't you do it professionally and respectfully? Why must you post his personal information, like AOG-N-IT did a few posts up? That is very unprofessional and in very poor taste. I'm quite sure that none of us would want our personal information spread across a public forum. Regardless of how you feel about his posts, he is entitled to privacy with his personal affairs, just like the rest of us. Some of you folks really need to grow up.
I do not want to upset any one. I am just honestly trying to help. But when looking at our active business model. It is not working and neither is anyone's at this point. So no need to compare us to any one else unless you want to learn how to lose more money. All this means if you can not get enough of your customers to fly at $400 you must drop your price to a lower amount. Now to do this lower amount and not lose money means you have to drop your costs further. It does not matter what any other airline pays their employees since they are all losing money too. When you drop your price from $400 to $250 you will add a large portion of customers that would fly to your active flying customer base. Some where along the lines the pilot salary got way out of whack possible from union leverages and factoring in the old days it was a dangerous job which does not hold true today as it is one of the safest. They are the only ones that make a very high salary except some senior level management. The pilot salary is one of the areas where there is allot of money
to work with. So one should find the solution there. What we are doing now is not working. To continue on as we do now would not be prudent. Don't look for others as an example to follow because they are not good working examples. We need to lead into a new 'unique' direction for our futures. I can tell you honestly that $65,000 to $100,000 is a nice living and one will find themselves very comfortable at that. Some say less is more meaning there is more to life than the one who has the most toys.
For those who make such claims, I would like to see you have the courage to identify yourself by name, but I doubt you would do that.

Hey Chip Why dont you lead by example?
UAL777flyer says;
Why must you post his personal information, like AOG-N-IT did a few posts up? I'm quite sure that none of us would want our personal information spread across a public forum. Regardless of how you feel about his posts, he is entitled to privacy with his personal affairs, just like the rest of us. Some of you folks really need to grow up.

Oh, but its OK when he does it? Chip likes to ask people to identify themselves but he wont. He complains when people who work at other airlines post on HIS site but he posts on others. Maybe he needs to grow up. Maybe then he wouldnt need to have a Hero like Dave S to laud about.
Dont feel bad about Chip. He complains when workers from other airlines step up to HIS podium. I can step on yours but dont step on mine.Waaah, Waaah!

Hey CHIP share an apples to apples comparison of your compensation to that of other airlines, rather than the inaccurate chart you posted.

On 10/24/2002 12:23:41 AM chipmunn wrote:

Pitguy, do you believe in socialism and by the way, would you care to identify yourself?


Chip do you beleive in Fascism and would like to identify yourself? Who are you Sen McCarthy? What are you going to do report PITGUY to the Committee?

Chip! Whoop Whoopp, Pull Up! Whoop, Whoop Pull Up!
Maybe this will help:

Human nature is to resist change, but it appears there will be less members in the millionaires club. Please realize less is more and you are getting a new lease on life. You will be a better person through this.

Would you be better off if we went CH-7?
Chip says;
This is not socialism and people are paid according to market rates and what an employer can afford to pay.

What is your definition of Market rate?
If Market Rate is the lowest price the Market will bear then your headed down to about 50K or less. There are plenty of Commuter pilots out there that make less than that. Hooray for Capitalism!?
As a long time lurker, I have followed much of what has been written on these boards, and I think you cross the line when you beg others to take cuts. I am also a pilot at a major airline. I think you are wrong, and many pilots are and have been wrong in the past (Eastern etc.) to blame others for not making the proper concessions. It is none of our business what concessions the other groups make, just as it is none of their business what we earn or what concessions we make. Everyone has made the choice of what their occupation is, for which company they work for, and most importantly to this discussion how low they will go. Each group must make their own decisions, and if the company says it is not enough, each group must decide if they are willing to give more. Now if you say the pilots gave 25% and that is all we are giving, and the mechanics say they are giving 5% and that is all, and the company says still not enough then someone has to give more (or call the company's bluff). If the company goes out of business, it is not one groups fault for not matching another. The fault is management's first and foremost, then the fault is spread equally among all. I would quit my major airline job and go back in the military if my new top pay was going to be $100,000 (as an example, I have not actually come up with a price). If I had to work nights and weekends as a mechanic, with little job security, maybe I would quit at $30 an hour, or whatever the individual decides. The point is it is not my place to tell that mechanic he should work for $29 an hour, just like he shouldn't tell me to work for $95,000. If I was above my rock bottom, no matter how much I gave in the past, and the mechanic was at his rock bottom, again no matter how much he gave, and neither of us budged and the company went chap 7, I would feel like I played a game of chicken and lost, not that the selfish mechanic who wouldn't give just a little more screwed me. Just one pilots view.


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