how do you feel about ....?


Feb 23, 2009
I am working on a documentary film about the TSA and would like to include the voices and views of people who work in commercial aviation.

The film is currently in production and will offer dialogue about many issues regarding security, the US Congress, government agencies and their roles, how the TSA came to be, the effectiveness of its policies, and more. We have interviewed writers, security specialists, pilots, passengers, agency personnel and others.

It is important to the story that people who work and have worked in commercial aviation, experiencing the day-to-day activities within he airport, airplane, and airport security environments get to explain how security affects their jobs and their lives.

I am inviting any and all of you to write to me here or on our website about how you feel about aviation security, its pros, its cons – your honest opinions and experiences. If you are interested in being interviewed on camera, please let me know.

Do you feel you get enough training? Are rules too stringent or lenient? Are policies consistent? Have you ever witnessed a probe or other troubling incident? How do you feel about the FFDO program, or the FAMS?

I am not looking for secure information, but rather how you feel about these issues and any others you would like to mention.

We have come a long way since the creation of our website and the short video you can watch on it – our topic has broadened and our visual style evolved, but it still works as a page to reference before our new one goes live this spring/summer. Our website is:

I can be emailed through the general mail address on the site, or here on this forum.

Thanks and Regards,

Not that I'd post anything or say anything about GSC or the AOSSP -- even though I'm no longer an airline employee - I was curious to see what this was about.

I smell a rat.

Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm too much of a cynic, but I went to this "remove your shoes" site to see what it was about, who's funding it, etc., and all of the links return error messages or bring the user nowhere. To me, that's fishy.

Caveat emptor.
<SNIP> Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm too much of a cynic, but I went to this "remove your shoes" site to see what it was about, who's funding it, etc., and all of the links return error messages or bring the user nowhere. To me, that's fishy.
I’ve not had any issues browsing their website using Opera. I Googled the producer's name and found a number of eloquent posts on various security articles.

Full disclosure here; Lorraine contacted me through another chatboard, and I suggested she post here at USAv.
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Hello N965VJ,

No rat here.

I am co-producing this documentary film and we are an honest group looking to find out how people from all walks of life feel about these issues. Thank you for trying to look at our site - I look forward to hearing what you think of it, and you can also email us directly through the site.

Please let me know what 'error' messages you received - our site has been up for months with no problems, but it could be that your web browser is having a hard time with Flash - are you using Safari, Firefox, Explorer?

In case you had the address wrong, the site is

Please let me know if you try again and what happens - I will then forward your comments to our webdesigner.



Not that I'd post anything or say anything about GSC or the AOSSP -- even though I'm no longer an airline employee - I was curious to see what this was about.

I smell a rat.

Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm too much of a cynic, but I went to this "remove your shoes" site to see what it was about, who's funding it, etc., and all of the links return error messages or bring the user nowhere. To me, that's fishy.

Caveat emptor.
  • Thread Starter
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  • #6
Hello N965VJ,

No rat here.

I am co-producing this documentary film and we are an honest group looking to find out how people from all walks of life feel about these issues. Thank you for trying to look at our site - I look forward to hearing what you think of it, and you can also email us directly through the site.

Please let me know what 'error' messages you received - our site has been up for months with no problems, but it could be that your web browser is having a hard time with Flash - are you using Safari, Firefox, Explorer?

In case you had the address wrong, the site is

Please let me know if you try again and what happens - I will then forward your comments to our webdesigner.



Not that I'd post anything or say anything about GSC or the AOSSP -- even though I'm no longer an airline employee - I was curious to see what this was about.

I smell a rat.

Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm too much of a cynic, but I went to this "remove your shoes" site to see what it was about, who's funding it, etc., and all of the links return error messages or bring the user nowhere. To me, that's fishy.

Caveat emptor.
I am working on a documentary film about the TSA and would like to include the voices and views of people who work in commercial aviation.

The film is currently in production and will offer dialogue about many issues regarding security, the US Congress, government agencies and their roles, how the TSA came to be, the effectiveness of its policies, and more. We have interviewed writers, security specialists, pilots, passengers, agency personnel and others.

It is important to the story that people who work and have worked in commercial aviation, experiencing the day-to-day activities within he airport, airplane, and airport security environments get to explain how security affects their jobs and their lives.

I am inviting any and all of you to write to me here or on our website about how you feel about aviation security, its pros, its cons – your honest opinions and experiences. If you are interested in being interviewed on camera, please let me know.

Do you feel you get enough training? Are rules too stringent or lenient? Are policies consistent? Have you ever witnessed a probe or other troubling incident? How do you feel about the FFDO program, or the FAMS?

I am not looking for secure information, but rather how you feel about these issues and any others you would like to mention.

We have come a long way since the creation of our website and the short video you can watch on it – our topic has broadened and our visual style evolved, but it still works as a page to reference before our new one goes live this spring/summer. Our website is:

I can be emailed through the general mail address on the site, or here on this forum.

Thanks and Regards,


The TSA is a bureaucracy without accountability. Thus it is out of control. Since it can't really 'profile' terrorists as being Muslim or middle eastern, it tends to 'profile' innocent airport employees. Rules are stringent with some and lenient with others. Policies change day-by-day just like TSA agents who get fired because they think they are above the law! The TSA also tends to be lenient with those it 'sleeps' with and therefore there is no consistency. They tend to profile whoever they deem is a threat to their Nazi society.

They have made it impossible for 1 million people to travel because of their 'no-fly' list. Most are innocent bystanders that feed the over-zealous! Terrorism tends to restrict movement and the TSA is a tool to their advantage!

9/11 has made us a society of fear and fear feeds the TSA that continues to take away our civil liberties.

TSA is a waste of taxpayer money and the salaries are outrageous for what they do. Their downtime is over 3/4 of their shift and their theatrics are nothing more than laughable. Security? The TSA couldn't secure a paper bag, and are a waste of taxpayer money.

Interviewed on camera? Do I look like a need a blue glove prostate exam? The TSA lives to blue glove your @$$!
:rolleyes: buk buk buk buk buk...
That's a chicken talking.

How many pilots had to give up expensive colognes, shampoos and other amenities? :lol: Naw this doesn't really happen! :ph34r:

A rumor going around that I heard from a dozen people, which 8 are very reliable, is that TSA are required to snitch on each other. That's pretty low and without morals.

A documentary should review ACLU files on the TSA. Their track record isn't exactly humanitarian. Thank God that these disgruntled nazis don't have guns!